Health Fitness

Pregnancy: Exercise During Morning Sickness

Finding out that you are pregnant, for an active and fit woman, can be a very confusing time. Everyone around you congratulates you and wishes you all the best. Although you are happy about your imminent arrival, you may be nervous about the subsequent weight gain and the fear of not knowing what the future holds for your changing body. Yes, you can exercise with some modifications. In fact, many very fit women continue to exercise until delivery. First, get your OB / GYN or midwife’s permission to exercise and check in with him / her often. Plus, hiring a personal trainer with a prenatal certification is a great person to add to your fitness arsenal so you know which exercises are appropriate for each trimester.

Sometimes those plans to be a super fitness mom can go astray. Morning sickness can cause you to be unable to hold your head up, let alone a free weight! Some lucky women have no problem with food and drink and are able to support their growing babies and fuel their workouts. Unfortunately, there are other women who can barely hold down anything but crackers, ginger ale, or herbal teas. This can be you. How can you keep your growing baby and your training going at the same time?

Be honest and modify your workouts to fit your energy levels for that day. You may have been a superwoman at the gym. You can still be a superwoman, but you may need to put the cape down for now. It will be there after the birth. Lower the tone of your workouts. If you can only do a ten minute workout, don’t feel guilty. Just do it! Moving around for a few minutes a day is beneficial. Much better than not moving at all. In fact, you may find that your morning sickness is less than if you stayed in bed. If you used to lift 15 pounds but have to drop it to 10 pounds, don’t feel like it’s a sign of weakness. It is a normal feeling. You are creating a new life! Your body wants that energy for the baby. If running makes you dizzy, just walk.

Morning sickness usually goes away in the second trimester. Many women report new energy episodes. Take advantage of this window. You may be able to walk more or exercise for longer now than you did in the first trimester. You may also find that your dislikes have subsided or completely disappeared. Pile up the fruits and vegetables that you may have missed during your morning sickness phase.

Remember, morning sickness is temporary, just like pregnancy. Take pictures each quarter to document this wonderful change. This is a time to enjoy the fact that during this stage of your life, a growing belly is beautiful and miraculous.