Lifestyle Fashion

Natural mood boosters to help you relax and unwind

Life is busy all the time and it can get overwhelming at times. If you suffer from tension, anxiety and depression, you are not alone. Millions of people around the world feel this way every day. However, there is a better cure for sadness than prescription drugs with their damaging side effects. Use these natural mood-enhancing remedies to help you relax and calm your jittery nerves. You may find it easier to cope with everyday life and some of them may even increase your energy levels.

stress release activities

Worry Jar: Write all your worries on a piece of paper and put it in a designated jar. This should help you “let go” of them, at least overnight.

Tense and relax: Tense your leg muscles and hold as long as you can, then relax. Repeat this with all muscle groups to help release built-up tension, helping your body to fully relax.

Take a bath: Fill your bathtub with warm water and magnesium flakes, Dead Sea salts, or lavender essential oil and let it soak for 30 minutes.

Touch it with EFT: Touching the energy points under the eye, under the arm (at bra level), and the side of the upper chest with your whole hand and breathing deeply until you feel calm will have a calming effect.

To meditate: You can meditate anytime and anywhere. Just find something small to focus on and then increase your focus to find smaller details about it. The Dalai Lama said that if you can’t find fifteen minutes a day to meditate, you need to meditate an hour a day.

Anxiety Calming Teas

These natural remedies can help you change your mood with supplements and teas that calm your mind and body.

jasmine and lemongrass the tea will help relieve anxiety and help relax the mind.

skullcap and orange flower the tea will help relieve tension while lifting your spirits.

mint and calendula the tea will release tension and help calm the mind. It can even ease the symptoms of PMS.

Supplements to improve mood

Magnesium deficiency is one of the main causes of insomnia, anxiety and depression. The body requires magnesium to produce serotonin, the happy chemical.

Chrome helps stabilize blood sugar levels, which eases mood swings, increases energy levels, and relieves tension. Psychology Today published a study from Duke University that found that chromium has significant effects on people with depression. (It can also help you lose weight!)

I hope these mood boosting remedies have been as helpful to you as they have been to me!