
Do you really like me? 21 Really Good Ways to Know for Sure

Isn’t it really frustrating when you just can’t tell if a guy likes you or not? Many women are clueless when it comes to whether or not a certain guy likes them, but I would argue that it’s not really his fault.

Everyone knows that when it comes to expressing themselves, men in general could use a few lessons. But men will be men and nothing will change overnight.

So, here are some great ways you can use to finally find out if he really likes you or not…

Situation 1- When you still don’t know the guy…

1. Gives you the star…

Some men go a little too far when looking for a woman. If you catch a guy looking at you, then she is looking at you. Not a very flattering way to look at someone, but that’s what this guy knows and if you catch him doing this, he definitely likes you.

2. He has the ‘wow’ look on his face…

Some men have a ‘wow’ expression on their face when they look at a woman. The fact is that they are so shocked by what they see that they cannot control the amazement that hits them. If you see a guy looking at you with a shocked expression on his face, then he is looking at you.

3. Looks away when caught…

Some men look away when caught looking at a woman. If you catch a guy looking at you, but the moment your eyes meet his, he looks away, then this is because he was consciously looking at you and now he feels embarrassed that he got caught.

4. He gives you a coy smile…

Sometimes you catch a guy looking at you and when your eyes meet his he gives you a sheepish smile. If a guy does this, then he’s looking at you. He doesn’t really expect you to smile back, but this is his indirect way of letting you know that he likes you.

5. He becomes flirty…

He’ll try to see if he can impress you with all the flirting techniques he knows. He will try to impress you with what he thinks are his likable traits. If you see something like this happen, you know that this guy is completely in love with you.

6. Seek to hear from you…

If you find out that he is trying to find out things about you from your friends, about your personal life, things you are interested in, etc. You know there’s more than meets the eye. The fact that he does all of this just means that he is getting ready to meet you.

7. He is here, there everywhere, wherever you are that is…

He tries all the tricks he knows to be close to you. He’s doing all of this because if he gets an opportunity to start a conversation with you, he doesn’t want to miss it. Signs of romance, no doubt!

Situation 2 – When you already know him…

8. He spends most of his time with you…

If he wants to spend all his time with you, since he’s happiest when he’s with you, it shows that he really likes you. This means that he enjoys your company and no matter how busy he is, he finds time to be with you; This shows his deep affection for you.

9. He listens to you very carefully…

He doesn’t pretend to listen, but he really does and gives you his full attention, he likes you and respects your opinion, and most importantly, he respects your feelings. His action says that he places great value on everything you have to say and will come only when he likes you.

10. You are not disappointed…

If he has made a promise, he makes sure to keep it and will never let you down. He is not one of those who make plans and then forget or do not call in case he cannot be there; this shows his concern as he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way.

11. He wants to know everything about you…

He really likes you and his interest is genuine if he shows great interest in your life and wants to know everything about you. He is interested in knowing about your interests and hobbies, your dreams and desires, small details because his feelings are real, he may actually be falling in love with you and he wants to know everything that makes you the person you are.

12. He accepts you…

He likes you with your flaws and imperfections and does not want to change you according to his expectations. He admires your qualities and realizes that no one is perfect and happily ignores any flaws you may have.

13. He cares about your well-being…

Only when a man has true feelings for his woman will he care about her well-being and wish her happiness and joy. If he really likes you, he will want to see that you are always happy.

14. He will give you clever compliments…

You will notice a lot of compliments when a man likes you. If you find these compliments to be getting innovative and clever in nature, then he definitely likes you and is trying to make a good impression on you.

15. Will initiate some kind of physical contact…

One of the best ways to really know that he likes you is to study his actions around you. You will see that this guy will try to initiate some kind of physical contact when he is near you. Whether it’s helping you cross the street or gently brushing your hair out of your face, he’ll find ways to touch you.

16. Get more information about you… Personal information…

If he really likes you, he will definitely want to know a lot more about your personal life. Especially, things like whether or not you are single, what kind of men you like, etc.

17. He will try to sell himself…

When he really likes you, he’ll naturally want to like you back, and in the process, he’ll try really hard to impress you. And this will become very evident if she finds that he always pushes himself a little when she is in her company.

18. He can’t hide his happiness when he sees you…

If her eyes light up the very moment she sees you and she finds it hard to hide her joy, even if she tries, it means that she has romantic thoughts about you going through her mind. The glow on his face, the stars in his eyes will point to it.

19. Is he extremely happy every time you come…?

Does he seem extremely happy when you are around and has a big smile plastered on his face that is almost impossible to miss? If you are the source of this happiness, then it is extremely obvious that he likes you a lot.

20. He can’t hear anything negative about you…

If you find that he is the first to jump to your defense if someone has made a rude or harsh comment about you at a party or anywhere else, it is because he has romantic feelings for you and cannot bear to listen to anyone. talking bad about you

21. Try to shoot the other guys…

If you notice that when other guys start to get close to you, this guy will try to do something to get you away from them or to get them away from you. This is simply because he doesn’t want any kind of competition around him.