Digital Marketing

Are the corporations trying to kill us all?

Seventy percent of the food you buy at the supermarket is processed. Processed foods have been linked to cancer in several studies. Of course, correlation does not mean causation. Which means eating processed foods may be because people are too lazy to cook and are getting cancer for another reason.

How about this. In insurance, there is something called “Moral Hazard”. This means that when we think we are going to be protected from some bad outcome, we actually behave in ways that will increase the probability of that outcome.

In cities where laws have changed to force people to wear seat belts, for example, people drive a little more dangerously. There are more accidents. Scientists believe that because people are buckled up, they feel more secure and don’t feel like they need to be extra careful.

How about this. They have shown studies indicating that in cities where access to doctors increases, people live less healthily. Which means that they subconsciously know that since they have access to a doctor, they don’t need to be as careful about how they live their lives.

What about this? We have politicians on TV all the time convincing us that we have a “right” to health care. That may be true, but if we believe that health care is our right, we will be less likely to take care of ourselves.

Wait, it gets worse. Every night we watch television. Lulled into an open state of hypnosis. And guess what we see? Lots of ads, you guessed it. And guess who pays for 70 percent of the advertising on television? Pharmaceutical companies. Big billion dollar pharmaceutical companies that convince us that every problem we have can be solved by taking some kind of pill.

Let’s put it all together. We eat mostly processed foods that have been linked to cancer. We are being mesmerized by our televisions and our politicians that it is not our job to stay healthy. Which means that big corporations are brainwashing us into being as unhealthy as possible. Why is this? Are they trying to kill us, or just squeeze every dollar they can get out of us before we die an untimely death?

Either way, things are not good if you expect other people, like the government, to take care of you.

Nobody really cares about you like you do, so start taking better care of yourself!


Make your virtual assistant business stand out

Every business must create a unique selling proposition to challenge the competition and increase virtual sales, and help their website stand out from all the rest. This includes a virtual assistant business, especially with all the new competition on the web.

Market analysts call this a company’s unique selling proposition (USP). A USP makes a virtual assistant business stand out and drives potential customers away from competitors. Your USP should be your secret weapon that sets you apart from everyone else. It has to be unique and identifiable only to your virtual assistant business, and it has to grab people’s attention as soon as they read it. Try to make it something that can’t be easily copied and offers your clients a specific, marketable benefit that you can capitalize on when preparing to market your VA business online and offline.

Most USPs are hard to come by and take a long time to formulate and develop. To make your job easier, here are some suggestions to help you create a unique selling proposition for your virtual assistant business. The most successful online VA businesses have made their mark by putting their business capabilities into words. Take a look at how your competitors market themselves before you start promoting yourself, and pick the skills that you think make you stand out. Slogans that showcase capabilities are crucial to building brand buy-in, so find a way to express your specialties as a virtual assistant and build a website with that focus.

  • What is the strength and weakness of your business? How about the competition? This makes it better for you to identify the necessary action areas from which you can proceed to develop your unique selling point.
  • What makes it unique? If there aren’t any, then make one up! In the long run, when your USP becomes word of mouth, your company will be recognized as a market leader and expert.
  • What problems does your VA business solve for your clientele? All clients always ask the question ‘How can you really help me?’ which is what your service should be able to provide. Offer a guarantee on your service or a solution to customer problems.
  • Be explicit and specific when articulating the unique selling point of your virtual assistant business. However, make sure you never make a statement that you can’t keep. Your USP or tagline may sound good and be very attractive, but if you can’t deliver what it promises, your unique selling point becomes dead weight and useless.

Once the unique selling point of your virtual assistant business is identified and established, the next step is to shorten or summarize it in a few words. Communicate it to the public where and when you can: in the phone book, on your stationery, promotional and marketing announcements, email signatures, anywhere your customers are available to read it and hear your message loud and clear.

Health Fitness

How to lose weight at home: 7 tips you should know!

Are you trying to reach your weight loss goals? Did you know that you can make small changes to your diet and still lose weight? Let me show you how to lose weight at home.

The following 7 steps will help you reach your goals:


Do not skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast could cause your body to store fat, increasing your cravings for junk food. Doing this will also kill your mid-morning cravings.

A great day starts with a great breakfast. Make it great by adding protein and vegetables, this will also help you kill your cravings.

2. Drink more water

Experts talk a lot about drinking water. The problem is when you are not drinking enough water, because it causes hunger and not thirst.

Drink a large glass of water 30 minutes before each meal, it will reduce your hunger.

On the other hand, it will also help you burn fat. When you burn fat, you are sending all the toxins into your system; the water you drink will help you eliminate those toxins

3. The 20 minute rule

If you chew slower, you will be eating less food. It takes about 20 minutes for her brain to receive the signal.

Take your time and really enjoy your food.

4.Add Vegetables

Would you like to know how to instantly prepare a healthier meal?

Add vegetables to every meal, it doesn’t matter if it’s a pizza; you can create a healthier meal simply by adding vegetables.

Do this and your body will better process what you eat, which in turn will help you lose the extra pounds.

3 more things to lose weight at home:

5. Avoid sweeteners

Experts say that some artificial sweeteners could increase your cravings. Instead, you can try using other types of surrogates, such as xylitol gold Seville.

6. Fatty acids.

Increase your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids. You will burn fat by helping your body become more sensitive to insulin. Increasing your insulin sensitivity is vital if you want to be successful.

You can find it in chia seeds and flax seeds.

7. Multivitamins

If you don’t take in enough nutrients every day, your body will starve.

If your body goes into starvation mode, you will have a hard time losing weight.

Losing weight at home is easier than you think. Just start including these step by step tips and you will see amazing results.

Legal Law

Positives and Negatives of Working at a Big 4 Accounting Firm

If you major in accounting, you probably talk a lot with your friends about getting a job at a Big 4 accounting firm. How is your aspiration to secure a job at PwC, KPMG, Deloitte or EY. However, you may be wondering which path is best for your needs. Is it better to intern at a small public accounting firm or work as an auditor/tax consultant for an organization? Sometimes it can be difficult to choose. Having worked for a large accounting firm for several years, I thought I would give you the positives and negatives regarding working at these companies. I hope it helps you decide which route is right for you.


Work with the best accountants in audit and tax. These companies will only employ the best talent, which means you will be collaborating with the best. As a result, you are put under pressure every day and dominate a lot.

Most of your coworkers will be close in age. This helps build group chemistry considering that you and your team have a lot in common. You like the team members you see in the workplace on a regular basis. If you work in a corporate company, you may not have a significant number of people your age as co-workers.

PTO time is significant. Depending on which parent company you are with, you can have up to 25 PTO days per year by the time you start. This is very unusual in other companies.

Lead a team early. Once you’ve spent two years working on staff, you’ll begin leading audit and tax teams as a senior. This is a great opportunity that cannot be found outside of the Big 4.

Annual Training. If you want to become a great auditor/tax advisor, you need to attend training regularly. Big 4 organizations have annual employee training and online classes to help keep employees current in today’s accounting profession.

Savings. Because the Big 4 accounting firms are multinational organizations, they typically have numerous agreements with various other organizations. This leads to many discount prices on things like cell phones, flower arrangements, clothing, and event tickets.

Points. Working as a consultant or in a team that must travel, it is possible to accumulate a large number of airline and hotel rewards. Use the company credit card and then use the rewards during your personal PTO.

Celebrations. The top accounting firms know how to organize various meetings for office workers. The Christmas party and after April 15 is always a good time.


Many hours of work. From the first day of the year to April 15, you will likely spend many hours in the office each week. 55 hours minimum to 80-90 hours maximum. The rest of the months, the work schedule changes depending on the commitment you are in. For those in audit, your hours will increase each quarter. Tax time also increases again after August. It is often rare to get a consecutive period of forty hours a week for more than a number of weeks during the year. In small companies, your working hours will be much less during the year.

No PTO period. From 1/1 to 4/15, you are not allowed to use your vacation time. This can be very irritating when your family and friends go on vacation.

specials. When you are elevated it is essentially connected to your experience level. It is only possible to become a senior only after two years as a staff member, five years as a manager, etc. High performers who may be able to get promoted sooner based on value will find this frustrating. However, this will never happen.

Self appraisal. For every project you do for more than 40 hours, you are required to complete a personal assessment. These are not fun to produce.

Politics in the Office. This is hard to avoid at any company, and of course the Big 4 accounting firms are not immune to this.

Time on a computer. It’s probably not healthy to stare at a laptop screen for more than 10 hours a day, but this is exactly what happens from 1/1 to 4/15.

Changing the Client. Daily commutes are rarely less than 35 to 50 minutes per direction. This is likely to affect you if you find yourself working after 11 pm every night during peak season. Those people who have a commission near their home are the lucky ones.

In the end, the benefit of working with a Big 4 accounting firm significantly outweighs the negatives. Having EY, Deloitte, KPMG or PwC on your resume is a great start to your accounting career. however, being employed by these companies is not for everyone. You should review this list and consider what you want for your own personal future. See if you can fit another element into it. Being an accountant no matter what happens is a very good option.

Lifestyle Fashion

Body Modification – Body Piercing

Body piercing has become a major trend in Western culture. Ear piercing began in the early 1980s, when modern piercing techniques were invented and became hygienic. Western culture has no known history or tradition of body piercing, but many view it as a teenage rebellion and adolescents as significant, ritualistic body modification with a cult following, contributing to a sense of belonging. The body art scene began on the West Coast and many children and adults can now be seen around the world wearing nose rings, eyebrow and lip piercings, and stretched ear muffs. Another facet of body piercing called game piercing is done purely for the feeling of being pierced, the holes that are made in the body are not permanent and are done purely for adornment and aesthetics.

The piercing has its origins 4,000 years ago in the Middle East and mentions of ‘Shanf’ (nose ring) are recorded on the body. Traditionally, this practice is seen in the nomadic African Beja and Berber tribes and among the Bedouin of the Middle East, denoting wealth and status for a woman at the time of marriage. In 16th century India, nose piercing came into vogue as a trend from the Middle East and Mughal emperors. A woman’s nose is most commonly pierced in the left nostril in association with Ayurvedic medicinal principles relating to the female reproductive organs, allowing for easier childbirth and relieving menstrual pain. Western nose piercing came from hippies who traveled to India during the 1960s fascination with Indian culture and saw further popularity in the late 1970s punk movement as a counter-cultural and anti-conservative statement.

The ancient Aztecs, Mayans, and Native American tribes of the Northwestern United States used tongue piercings to offer blood and appease the gods, often producing an altered state in the pierced priest or shaman to more effectively communicate with the gods. Pierced ears and earlobes are the earliest recorded examples of body piercing. Pierced ears on the body of a mummified man found in an Austrian glacier in 1991 were found to be more than 5,000 years old. Ear piercing has a protective symbology in primitive cultures to prevent evil spirits from entering the body through the ears. Ear piercings were not restricted to women’s adornment, “As the Roman Republic became more effeminate with wealth and luxury, earrings were more popular with men than women; no less than a macho man like Julius Caesar brought back the wearing of rings in men’s ears to the reputation and fashion”. “Jewelry and Women; Romance, Magic, and the Art of Feminine Adornment” Marianne Ostier, Horizon Press, New York, 1958

The Dogon tribe of Mali and the Nuba of Ethiopia pierce their lips for religious implications. In the native tribes of Central Africa and South America, lip or lip piercing is done with wooden or clay plates, stretching the upper and lower lips to great proportions. The ancient Aztecs and Mayans wore labret piercings to indicate wealth and higher caste with golden serpent-shaped discs, often decorated with brilliant stones, jade or obsidian. Walrus ivy, bone, wood, or abalone shell were used for labrets by the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest, as well as the Inuit of northern Canada and Alaska. Some of the most extreme examples of ritual lip piercing and stretching can be seen among Djinja women in the Chari River area of ​​the Central African Republic and Chad. Members of the tribe stretch the lips of their future wives as part of a marriage ritual in which the young woman’s lip is stretched up to 24 cm in adulthood.

The warrior cultures of Iranian Jaya, New Gunea, and the Solomon Islands pierce the septum with pig tusks, feathers, wood, and bone.

The Asmat tribe of Jaya pierces the septum up to 25mm using leg bones from a pig or a tibia bone from a slain enemy for ornamentation and prestige. The Aztecs, Mayans and Incas pierced the septum with gold and jade and this custom can be seen in the Panamanian tribe of Cuna Indians wearing thick gold rings. Septum piercing is also practiced by the native tribes of India and Nepal. Nose and septum piercings in the nomadic North Indian tribes of Himichal Pradesh and Rajasthan called ‘bulak’ are the largest known nose rings. Bulak are sometimes decorated with stones and are large enough to cover most of the mouth and cheek and must be raised while eating. Pendants are added to the septum piercing in Tibet.

In more civilized and traditionally sophisticated cultures, the nipple piercing was created to accentuate the breasts. In the mid-14th century, Queen Elizabeth of Bavaria wore dresses with a neckline that extended to the navel, exposing the breasts. This style of clothing led to the adornment of the nipples with diamond-studded rings and the piercing of both nipples, extending a chain through both. This style of piercing appeared again in the 1890s in Paris where “breast rings” were sold and became fashionable in upper-class social circles.

Real Estate

How to Maximize Cash Flow with a Tax 1031 – Deferred Exchange

A possible scenario for the 1031 exchange.

Let’s say you bought a residential property in the San Francisco Bay Area for $250K twenty years ago. Since the property is located in a good area, its value has appreciated to $1M. Over the years, he refinanced the original loan to consolidate his other debts and currently has a $300,000 mortgage on the property. Each month, he collects $3,000 in rent. After paying $1,800/month for the loan, $400/month for property taxes, and $60/month for insurance, you get $500 net cash flow/month after paying for property management and maintenance expenses.

As you get older, you realize that you need a reliable second source of income so you are not completely dependent on your salary. You’re also not satisfied with just $500 of cash flow a month on top of the $750K equity in your rental investment. So, when you see an attractive multi-tenant strip mall in a middle-class suburb of Dallas, lease 100% of NNN with $195,000/yr of net operating income (income after all expenses, excluding rent payment). mortgage) on the market for $2.6 million offering 7.5% cap, get excited!

Since the residential real estate market in the Bay Area has been very seller friendly, consider selling your rental property to buy this commercial strip. He estimates that he would have to pay about $250,000 in federal and state income taxes on $800,000 of capital gains ($1 million minus $250,000 in purchase price and sales fees, plus $50,000 in depreciation recovery). He just hates having to pay $250K to the government, money that can go towards his down payment on the commercial strip. There is a better way – a way to defer income tax.

What is a 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange?

Internal Revenue Code section 1031 generally provides that neither gain nor loss is recognized if the qualifying property is exchanged for another qualifying property of the same class. In the scenario above, you can defer paying $250K in federal and state taxes if you purchase another investment property with equal or greater debt and equal or greater equity. In other words, if you buy another investment property for $1 million or more, using all of the net proceeds as a down payment, then you can defer the $250,000 of taxes. Essentially, the government would loan you $250K, interest free. And you can repeat this deferral and never pay income taxes.

How do you qualify for a 1031 exchange?

You must adhere to several strict rules. Failure to follow any of the rules will disqualify your transaction from a tax-deferred 1031 exchange.

  1. You must change. The property you buy (replacement property) must have equal or greater debt AND equity equal to or greater than the property you sell (transfer property). This means that you must put all of the net proceeds from the relinquished property toward the replacement property. The FMV of the replacement property must also be greater than the FMV of the relinquished property.
  2. The qualifying property must be of the same type. The transferred and replaced property must be held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment, before and after the exchange. And a property class cannot be exchanged for another property class. For example, you cannot exchange a residential rental property for one you intend to occupy as your primary residence, which does not qualify as property. And you can’t trade a factory for equipment, not like the guy. On the other hand, residential and commercial real estate are of the same class. So, you can trade a residential rental property for a shopping center.
  3. In a delayed exchange, you must identify the replacement property within 45 days and receive it within 180 days from the closing date of the relinquished property or before your tax return due date (with extension). , The thing that happens first.
  4. You can identify up to 3 replacement properties and you must close the trust with at least 1 of the 3. Alternatively, you can identify as many properties as you like as long as the total value of these properties does not exceed 200% of the value of the property. relinquished property.
  5. You must acquire the property for investment purposes and not primarily to resell it for a profit. While the IRS does not say how long you have the property before you can qualify for the 1031 exchange. Most tax advisors believe that two years is an adequate holding period for investment purposes. You should check with your tax accountant if the investment period is shorter to make sure your 1031 can withstand an IRS audit.
  6. You must have an exchange broker hold the proceeds from the sale of the relinquished property. Most investors use an exchange company as a qualified intermediary for a delayed 1031 exchange.
  7. If you exchange a property with a related person (your children, parents), both parties cannot dispose of the property within 2 years.
  8. If the proceeds of the sale are deposited into an interest-bearing account during the exchange, you must receive the interest AFTER the closing of the replacement property escrow.

What expenses are allowed?

You can use the 1031 proceeds to pay certain costs of selling the relinquished property and costs of buying the replacement property: homeowner’s title insurance premiums, escrow agent or closing attorney fees, real estate broker commissions estate, 1031 exchange broker fees, document transfer taxes, filing fees, and tax advisor fees. You cannot use the 1031 procedure to pay these expenses: loan fees/points, appraisal fees, mortgage insurance premiums, lender’s title insurance policy premiums, homeowners insurance premium, repair and/or maintenance costs.

Strategies for a Successful 1031 Exchange

The following strategies are intended for investors seeking commercial property as a replacement property.

  1. Have 3 plans for your 1031 exchange: A, B, and C, with plan A being the best case and plan C being the worst. Have at least one different property for each plan.
  2. Start looking for a replacement property early. Since you only have 45 days to identify replacement properties, you should make an offer as soon as the relinquished property is in escrow. By the time you close on escrow on the relinquished property, you should have an accepted offer on a replacement property. This first property does not have to be the most desirable property at the best price. Mentally, you need to think of it as a worst-case plan C property. That way, you don’t wait until the last few minutes to make an offer. It’s also meant to take away worries so you sleep well, like “Oh my gosh, what if I can’t find a replacement property?”
  3. Identify more than 1 replacement property. If something unexpected comes up with your first pick, say the soil is contaminated, you have plan B and plan C properties to fall back on.
  4. Specify a 30-day due diligence and cancellation period in the contract. This will give you more time to specify more than 1 property.
  5. Think twice before choosing a loan assumption replacement property. It is much more difficult to get lender approval for a loan assumption than it is for a new loan. Also, you only have one chance to get approved for a loan assumption versus many chances to get approved for a new loan. You do not want the lender to decline to assume your loan after the 45-day identification period.

Questions for a 1031 Exchange Broker

Technically, you don’t need a 1031 exchange company to handle the exchange. However, it is recommended that an expert help you. This company will make sure that you abide by the strict rules of the IRS. To decide which company to serve you, you should consider:

  1. The fee is around $500-$750 per transaction. The company that charges less tends to limit you to 3 replacement properties and the company that charges more may not have that limit.
  2. Whether your earnings will be deposited into a separate trust account where your money is FDIC insured or commingled with the company’s main account. In the event that the company goes bankrupt, as some of them did during the recession, it is easier to show that the money in the separate trust account is your money and not the exchange company’s money.
  3. Whether your earnings will earn interest and whether the money is insured.

What if you want to buy the replacement property first?

For some investors, the strict 45-day identification period and 180-day exchange period may be too short. Also, some investors would only consider doing a 1031 exchange only if they want to find suitable replacement properties. The alternative is to consider a reverse exchange in which the replacement property is purchased first before the relinquished property is sold. However, the replacement property must be owned by an intermediary party during the pendency of the exchange of the same type until the taxpayer can sell the relinquished property. The replacement property is then exchanged to the taxpayer. A reverse delayed trade is an advanced strategy with a different set of challenging issues that are not intended for average investors. You should consult a tax advisor for guidance.

What are some of the possible problems?

Due to time limits on the 1031 exchange, some people may want to take advantage of their situation. Therefore, you need to mentally realize and accept the fact that as a 1031 buyer, you may not be in the best position to negotiate.

  1. There are sellers or listing brokers who feel very positive about 1031 buyers. They reason that these buyers will either have to buy out and close the trust or send a big check to Uncle Sam. On the other hand, some sellers or listing brokers feel negative about 1031 buyers. They reason that 1031 buyers will offer to buy 3 properties and close the trust on one. And so there’s a 33% chance that 1031 buyers will close on escrow. And so these sellers may not be receptive to your offers.
  2. Sellers know 1031 buyers have to close escrow. And therefore they may become less flexible in negotiating with 1031 buyers once the purchase contract is executed. For example, you request a repair credit that they may accept in a normal transaction, but may be denied in a 1031 transaction. So it’s important to have back-up property, just in case.
  3. Some lenders may reduce the loan amount and/or require 1031 buyers to put all of the proceeds of the sale into the replacement property.

a successful exchange

His offer of $2.6 million for the mall is accepted. The bank lends you $1.82M (70% LTV) at 4.5% interest amortized over 25 years. After paying $10,116/mo on the mortgage, you still have a positive cash flow of over $6,000 a month! This is a substantial increase from $500 per month before the 1031 exchange.

Shopping Product Reviews

5 Surprising Causes of Heart Disease

Heart disease is known as a silent killer. Most of the time it attacks unexpectedly or is detected in deadly stages. However, early discovery is the key. In addition to the obvious causes of heart disease, there are additional factors that you need to be aware of. Here are 5 surprising causes of heart disease and how to prevent it.

Loneliness. While this sounds like a cliché, there is a real truth to it. According to studies, the risk of heart disease can increase by at least 30 percent due to depression and loneliness. Unwanted isolation and loneliness can cause undue stress, high blood pressure, and depression. When this happens, certain brain chemicals also change, causing more damage to your body. It is important to have good social support and in the face of anguish. Also, if you feel the onset of depression, it is best to seek professional help immediately.

Drink regularly. Regular alcohol consumption can not only result in addiction and liver disease, but also hardening of the arteries. The cholesterol level can also increase. A contributing factor to heart disease. It’s okay to drink once in a while and drink in moderation.

recurring flu. If you get the flu regularly, that’s definitely a cause for concern, and it’s not just the flu itself. Being a viral condition, a person suffering from the flu may have a severely diminished immune system. That’s why the flu often comes with a cough, cold, and other illnesses. Unfortunately, a weakened immune system can be prone to heart disease because the virus can enter the valves and canals of the heart, which in turn will weaken the tissues.

Lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D is an important nutrient needed by the body. Lack of this vitamin is known to cause heart disease in some people. The good news is that vitamin D can be easily obtained from foods like oily fish, leafy green vegetables, egg yolks, orange juice, and soy milk. You can get yourself checked if your vitamin D deficiency is severe. Your doctor will likely give you vitamin D supplements or injections.

Diet pills. Although maintaining a healthy weight is important, the way you do it is also important. Diet pills, for example, can do more harm than good. Some diet pills have chemicals in them that can weaken heart muscles and block arteries, leading to heart disease. Take the safest route: exercise and a good diet. It’s the longest way to lose weight, but it’s still the best. If you really want to take diet pills, consult a doctor. At least one doctor can provide you with an informed choice and good medical advice.


Mr Irrelevant is the title (name) awarded to the last player taken each year in the NFL Draft

Mr. Irrelevant is a title that is discussed every April around the annual NFL Draft because it is the dubious title given to the last player taken in the draft. The title of Mr. Irrelevant is given half jokingly due to the lack of faith that exists regarding the final player drafted worth mentioning again because his chances of succeeding in the NFL are seemingly so slim.

For several years now, the NFL Draft has had seven rounds with 32 teams. Although seven rounds with 32 teams gives a total of 224 picks, the actual number of total picks is usually around 255. The reason there are additional picks beyond the one allotted per round per team over seven rounds is due to something called “compensatory”. picks.” While a full explanation of compensatory picks is beyond the scope of this article, the gist of it is that there are additional picks designated for teams that lost more players to free agency than they gained. Therefore, picks Compensatory picks help short-player teams amass a more complete roster.It’s not unusual for Mr. Irrelevant to be selected with the 255th overall pick at the end of a writing process that literally lasts days.

Although the NFL Draft began in 1936, it was not until forty years later in 1976 that the endearing phrase Mr. Irrelevant became popular. The concept was actually the brainchild of a former NFL wide receiver and University of Southern California standout named Paul Salata. At the age of 49, long after his playing days were behind him, Salata founded what would become known as Irrelevant Week near his home in Newport Beach, California.

Mr. Irrelevant Week takes place in Orange County, California during the summer and, among other events, includes a parade, golf tournament, and barbecue for the player who is lucky enough to be selected with the final selection in the NFL Draft held the previous spring. The week-long extravaganza concludes with the presentation of the Lowsman Trophy. The Lowsman Trophy mimics the Heisman Trophy (the most coveted individual award in college football), but instead of depicting a player jabbing a stiff arm, a football player fumbling for the ball adorns this piece of hardware.

Although it can be argued that the first Mr. Gone was Phil Flanagan because he was taken with the last pick in the first NFL Draft in 1936, Kelvin Kirk is more widely recognized as the first official Mr. Gone. Kirk was selected with the 487th and final pick in the 1976 NFL Draft and thus received an invitation for himself and his family to participate in the Newport Beach festivities that summer.

One of the most interesting career paths for a man selected with the last overall pick in the NFL Draft is probably Jimmy Walker, who was taken by the New Orleans Saints with the final 17th round pick (445 overall) in the 1967 draft. That same year, Walker was taken with the first overall pick in the NBA Draft by the Detroit Pistons. Walker would go on to play nine years in the NBA and make a couple of all-star teams before finally fathering a son named Jalen Rose. Rose would play in the NBA and, famously, with the Michigan Fab Squad in 1992 and 1993. Unfortunately, an estranged relationship meant that Walker and Rose never met in person before Walker passed away in 2007.

On a lighter note, casual sports fans may find it interesting that numerous players who have been named Mr. Irrelevant played for top-tier college football programs like the University of Nebraska, LSU, Ohio State, and the University of Texas. , just to name a few.

Tours Travel

Christian Marriages – Continuous Courtship and Honeymoon

Every year we look for something interesting to add to our leisure list. We have many interesting activities to feel freshness, joy and happiness. We wish to have something new and interesting. It’s very boring if we always keep the status quo. Some cool things long-married couples can do include:

A. Go out on dates at least once a month. We should go without the children or the grandchildren. We can go to the beach and spend the night in the chalet. We can enjoy various activities with the two of us, for example, having a barbecue, drinking a few glasses of beer or wine.

b. Going on a honeymoon to new places if we have enough money. This needs early planning where we can save enough money.

During our courtship or honeymoon there are many things we can do to renew our marriage relationship:

A. Discuss our future goals. We can discuss where to stay and what to do in old age. Who will take care of us when we are old enough?

b. Renew our marriage relationship. We discuss our past achievements or failures. We can discuss how to improve our relationship.

However, in all our discussions:

A. We must pray first;

b. We must agree not to fight or have misunderstandings;

against In any situation, we promise to stay calm and love each other.

After our discussion, we must agree:

A. Improve and make action plans (what, when, where, who and how?);

b. Implement the action plan together;

against Evaluate the action plan and carry out corrective actions together.

Following the above activities, our married life will always be very creative. It is because we have something interesting to look forward to and for continuous improvement. Therefore, as married couples, we must do something now. We should date more together and go on our honeymoon often. It is a good thing to do and go out and explore more about our married life relationship. The creative marriage relationship needs creative thinking to bring lasting joy and happiness together.

We can make a plan now where to go next. Maybe we can ask our children to help financially. Our children are very happy if they know that we are going on new dates or we are going on our honeymoon. Our children like their parents to be happy and have a good relationship at all times. Both money and time are worth a lot to do healthy activities to bring up a happy family.

God bless your Christian marriages.


Specialized conference applications for associations

The soul of an association is its membership. Without your membership, the associations would cease to exist. One of the most important functions of an association is communication, both up and down the organizational structure. The national headquarters has a need to communicate with its state and local chapters and their members, and members must communicate with the chapters and national headquarters. One of the best ways to communicate is through conference calls, including audio, web, and video conferencing. Over the past decade, various specialized applications have been developed using conferencing services to achieve association goals, improve the quality of communication with members, generate new revenue, and reduce costs. Here are six specialized conferencing apps that associations can implement now.

Administrative Meetings. Associations can use plain old audio conferencing to hold administrative meetings up and down the association hierarchy. The national headquarters can hold conference calls with state and local chapters and all organizational levels can hold conference calls with members. These calls can be recorded and saved for later playback by conferees, who missed the call, or by participants who just want to replay the call for specific references. A new feature with saved recordings is that a link to the recording can be sent to the moderator of each call in the post-conference report email. When the link is clicked, the audio recording plays automatically, whether on desktop or mobile. The moderator can share the email with the link to all call participants so anyone can listen to an instant replay of the meeting at any time. Conferencing service operators can also be used in these administrative conference calls to implement question and answer sessions and polling.

Individual billing. Conference service providers generally send a monthly bill for all conference calls to the moderator or accountant who pays the association’s bills. However, some of these conference calls, such as lobby calls, may be made up of conferees who are from other associations, which can cause a problem for the moderator, who set up the conference call. This moderator would receive the single bill for the call and would then have to bear the cost of the entire call or split the costs of each of the other participating associations and charge each of them. This is time consuming and a real pain in the shorts. A new application for associations and other non-profit organizations is called individual billing. With this new application, the service provider can split the bill based on the total minutes each organization spent on the conference call. The service provider can then send the specific individual invoices and collect them from each organization. This completely eliminates the need for association staff to waste time splitting bills, invoicing and collecting.

Subconference. Subconference is an operator-assisted feature that allows you to split the main call into subgroups that can be split into separate conference calls. After the subgroups have finished their specific business, they can call the operator, who can then put everyone back on the main conference call. An example would be a national association starting the big conference call with all the participants from all over the United States. When the moderator of the call was ready, the operator would be summoned and the call would then be divided into four subgroups, one subgroup for each section of the country. Once the subgroups have finished conducting their regional business, the operator will rejoin the subgroups in one big call again. Subconferencing is a feature or application that must be scheduled in advance with your service provider so that an operator is available and trained to handle the call.

continuing education. Many professional associations have a requirement to provide continuing education in the profession they represent. Additionally, many of these professionals must take as many continuing education classes each year to fulfill their continuing certification in the industries in which they work. Initially, these classes were taught in person, which required time and travel. These classifieds then began receiving help via conference calls. As conferencing technology has developed, these classes have now moved online and are using web and video conferencing. Associations usually have to develop the curriculum content, do all the marketing and promotion, take all the registrations, run the webinar, send out the invoices, collect the money for the courses, and then send out the certificates that Verify course completion. . One of the new conferencing applications, developed by conferencing service providers, allows the association to focus entirely on the content of the course and who will be teaching the class, and allows the service provider to do all the registration, marketing, submission of collateral materials, conduct the webinar with professional operators supervising the class, collect all the money, and submit the course certificates. At the conclusion of the webinar, the service provider would provide a billing statement to the association along with a check for the difference between the class’s total revenue minus the service provider’s costs. Each webinar should be an income generator for the association.

Market research. Another application developed by service providers over the past decade is focus group interviews conducted via audio or video conferencing. In the past, focus groups were conducted in person and involved the rental of a facility and the necessary travel expenses to get to and from the event, both for the moderators and possibly for the research subjects. With the advent of conferencing technology, these focus groups can now be accomplished through the use of audio or video conferencing services, greatly reducing facility rental and eliminating travel expenses. These sessions can be recorded and recorded for future playback by researchers.

Affinity programs. Affinity programs are designed to give certain associations an additional source of income. Many associations generate additional income by providing and selling products and services to their members. Some conferencing providers have established affinity programs that allow the service provider to market conferencing services to members of the association. Basically, the association gives the service provider permission to market its services to members and helps promote the services through the association’s publications and communications to members. The service provider then develops the program materials, markets its services to members at a discount, and then remits a monthly royalty to the association headquarters based on the income generated by the program. An affinity program can provide a large influx of new income to an association, provided the membership is a suitable user of conference services.

There you have it, six apps that have been developed for associations to help them achieve their goals, generate new revenue and reduce their costs.