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Do customers really want companies to use artificial intelligence?

The number of news reports highlighting the potential risks and pitfalls of artificial intelligence would lead companies to believe that the average person distrusts AI, but it turns out the answer is more nuanced than that. As Artificial Intelligence advances, customers are learning more about the role it will play in their personal and professional lives. Many of the above assumptions are being proven wrong, and some are still under debate.

Most people have an apprehension when it comes to AI: They fear that humans will lose their jobs to RPA and intelligent machines en masse. It turns out that for most people, this is not a major concern. There are countless tasks that computers can do with greater precision and efficiency than a human being. Most of these elements, such as large-scale data entry, are not tasks that humans particularly engage in in the first place.

According to a 2016 Harvard Business Review report, most customers have a favorable opinion of using AI in business. However, HBR states that the positive outlook largely depends on its previous encounters with artificial intelligence and the ability of companies to implement AI in a way that brings real benefits to the consumer.

Quality Control: Most customers have fallen victim to the margin of human error. People get tired, make mistakes, and miss important details. Once customers understand that AI removes a large percentage of the margin for error, they tend to be in favor of adopting machine learning technology and software. Many companies already use machine learning software that improves the customer experience and provides greater peace of mind.

Repetition, not competition: Customers view intelligent automation favorably when they know it’s the ideal tool for performing repetitive tasks that most people don’t do or physically can’t do efficiently. This clears up any misconceptions of AI as a replacement for all roles. The HBR states that while there will be some replacement of human roles, it is not enough to scare customers off, especially when they understand the nature of machine learning and its place in the workflow.

Improving human life: According to another Harvard Business Review report, artificial intelligence is now being used to improve cancer treatment and scientific research. Companies are harnessing the power of cognitive technology and machine learning software to fight disease and solve global problems. While the fields are still in their infancy, customers and people everywhere welcome initiatives that seek to combat these problems and eradicate them from the land.

While the headlines make it seem like AI is not a welcome concept for customers, it turns out that opinions can’t be oversimplified. They are weighing the pros and cons of AI in their lives and seem to be leaning towards the use of AI. As long as companies efficiently communicate the benefits and apply the technology where it can have an impact, consumers will continue to see artificial intelligence as a positive development.