Health Fitness

Diabetes mellitus (high blood sugar): highlights of types and symptoms

Diabetes mellitus occurs when you have a problem with your pancreas, which is the organ that controls blood glucose. Either you stop making insulin or you don’t make enough insulin to meet your body’s needs. This insulin deficiency results in poor absorption of glucose by your body’s cells, which use it for energy production, as well as by your liver, which stores it. The end result of this malabsorption is high blood sugar or glucose.

There are two main forms of diabetes mellitus. They are type I diabetes (also called juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent diabetes) and type II diabetes (also known as maturity-onset or insulin-independent diabetes).

In type I diabetes (insulin dependent); which usually affects young people, the pancreas produces little or no insulin. The defect is caused by damage to insulin-producing cells. Your body, unable to use glucose due to a lack of insulin, is forced to obtain energy from fat. This can lead to a dangerous condition called a diabetic coma.

In type II diabetes (independent of insulin); Which commonly strikes people in their forties, the cells that produce insulin are still working, but the amount of insulin is insufficient for your body’s needs. Patients with this type of disorder tend to eat too much and are overweight. Its excessive intake causes excess glucose in the blood and the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to cope with it. Genetics and hereditary factors are key players in this type. In one third of the cases, there is always a family member or members who suffer from the disorder. Another factor is your age, because the function of your pancreas is reduced as part of the normal aging process.

All forms of diabetes cause the same main symptoms. You urinate much more than usual, sometimes as often as about an hour, during the day and at night. You may notice white spots, consisting of dry splashes of glucose-filled urine, on your underwear or shoes. Microorganisms are attracted to sugary urine and these can cause various complications, such as bladder infections. Excessive fluid loss can make you thirsty, and drinking sweetened beverages increases the amount of urine and worsens thirst. Your cells don’t get enough glucose, so you feel extremely tired, weak, and listless; so much so that you may not be able to get up in the morning.

If you are diabetic or the parent of a diabetic child, you may notice excessive weight loss. This is explained by the inability of the body to use glucose as an energy source and instead, your body begins to burn fat and muscle. Other symptoms you may experience include tingling in the hands and feet, decreased immunity (small abscesses and burning when urinating due to an infection may be the first symptoms of diabetes), blurred vision due to excess glucose in the fluid in the blood. eye and loss of erection in men or absence of menstruation in women.

Symptoms of type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes usually develop quickly, within weeks or months. Those of the Type II (insulin-independent) form often do not appear until many years after the actual onset of the disease. Sometimes the disorder is caught by chance in a routine medical exam, before symptoms appear.

Health Fitness

Expert Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40

My clients who are over 40 are constantly believing by telling me that they just can’t do everything that is happening to their bodies that no one bothered to warn them about. The number one complaint is the weight gain experienced when nothing has changed much in their diet or exercise routine over the years, but all of a sudden, they are gaining weight and it seems like more is showing in the midsection.

There are two main culprits behind this 40+ weight gain among women:

1. Slow metabolism.

2. Hormones.

As any of us age, our metabolism slows down. When this happens, what we used to get away with in terms of diet and lack of exercise suddenly catches up with us. This may not come as a huge surprise to many, but what may surprise you is that the usual answer to this dilemma is probably one of the worst things you can do. Many women simply skip meals and avoid eating when they are hungry to try to reverse the weight gain caused by decreased metabolism. This is terrible for your metabolism and will not help you achieve lasting weight loss.

Spending all day on small amounts of healthy foods like vegetables and lean protein allows your body to function at an optimal metabolic rate. When you starve, your body’s metabolism slows down even more because what you’ve done is put it into survival mode. You store everything you get because you are not sure when you will get another bite of energy. When you feed him frequently throughout the day, he does the opposite. It burns everything because it is supplied with energy frequently.

The other culprit for female weight gain after 40 is hormonal balance.

There are many important stages in a woman’s life that we all seem to talk about a lot. Adolescence, the childbearing years, and then, of course, the hot flash-laden menopausal stage. But what about having children and menopause? This hellish time called perimenopause is only now being recognized by the medical community as the pre-menopausal stage where there may be severe and noticeable symptoms that warrant attention. Weight gain, hair loss, extreme mood swings, irritability, anxiety and an inability to concentrate are some of the beautiful symptoms associated with this time in a woman’s life that can last from a few months to many years before the actual menopause.

Why? Well honestly, it’s the body’s way of telling you to stop for a moment and pay attention to taking care of YOU! There aren’t many great medical options for treating perimenopause symptoms and that’s only if you really get someone to listen and help you in the first place. What you can do, what you can do on your own, is take care of yourself. Proper nutrition and exercise are your greatest defense against perimenopausal symptoms. Vitamins, minerals and proteins are the building blocks of hormones in the body and when your body is not getting proper nutrition, there is likely to be an even bigger imbalance. You need a wide variety, a rainbow so to speak, of vegetables in your diet.

Exercise not only helps you lose weight and overall good health, but trust me, it’s a great way to eliminate and improve your bad mood. More and more people over 40 are hitting the gym and hiring personal trainers like me to help them with their weight loss goals and stress levels.

It won’t solve everything, but eating a wide variety of vegetables and lean proteins and exercising regularly is sure to affect your overall health, hormonal balance, and weight loss.

Here are some other cool facts to keep in mind:

  • As we age, the maximum heart rate decreases by 1 beat per year.
  • Cardiac output decreases by approximately 20-30% as we age
  • 40% of muscle fibers are lost between adulthood and 80 years.
  • Strength and the inability to move quickly decrease with age.
  • There is a reduction in bone density with aging.
  • Women in particular are prone to osteoporosis due to decreased estrogen levels in the postmenopausal stages.
  • Joint degeneration commonly occurs in the 55+ age group due to poor posture and inactivity. Osteoarthritis appears and can affect range of motion.

Simon’s Fitness Tips for Over 40s

  • As we age, there are more reasons to start a fitness program, from maintaining your heart to maintaining bone density, muscle strength, and self-esteem, the list goes on. Start tomorrow!
  • Begin a structured weight training program with a personal trainer to help reduce sagging skin and improve your cardiovascular health.
  • Join a local exercise class that will provide you with a great social scene as well as the benefits of structured sessions, they are really a lot of fun!
  • Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
  • Check out mini challenges and try to build on their results over time. Walk farther, be faster, lift a little heavier weights, etc. This way, you will see results faster and get a great sense of accomplishment.
  • If you feel pain or discomfort, slow down. Let your body tell you when it’s time to reduce intensity or stop.
  • Stay hydrated at all times – this will not only prevent dehydration but will also flush toxins from your body.
Health Fitness

How many calories burned while SUP? (Stand Up Paddle-Boarding)

One of the most common questions people ask me about Stand Up Paddling is “How many calories can I burn”?

I’ve spent some time online searching for the correct answer, but figured I’d do a little “unscientific” research myself. So I paddled yesterday using a heart rate monitor and my Polar computer to give me a pretty accurate picture of a typical SUP workout.

Now a couple of considerations and disclosures. First, the heart rate monitor I used is made for cycling. I just took the computer off my bike and put it in my pocket while I paddled. Certainly there may be some adjustments that need to be made for the “type of training”, but since large muscle groups are being worked in both cycling and rowing, I don’t think the calorie calculation will change much.

The other consideration is the size and weight of the rowers. I am 6’2 “and I weigh around 225-228. Also, rowing around 5 days a week which, I hope, means my fitness level should be a bit higher than that of an average bear. As a result, the average heart rate would be a little lower.

I did my unscientific test on a clear morning with low tide and little to no wind. Conditions were near perfect and had little to no effect on my training (unlike a strong head / tail wind, etc.). I paddled a standard 12 ‘board (SupWorks Alpha) that weighs 28 pounds and was using a QuickBlade Kahana carbon fiber paddle.

Here are the results …

  1. Exercise time: 53:43
  2. In the area: 51:32
  3. Average heart rate: 147 bpm
  4. Calories Burned: 822kcal

A couple of comments:

  1. The “Exercise time” is the total time from when I started rowing until I stopped.
  2. “In zone” refers to how many minutes my heart rate was in my “anaerobic zone”. My “Zone” is between 118 bpm and 170 bpm.
  3. My average heart rate for the entire training cycle was 147 bpm.
  4. I burned 822 calories during the entire workout. Using the same data, if you had continued the same pace for an additional 6:17, making your total workout time 60 minutes, you would have burned a total of 923 calories per hour. (Sorry I didn’t make it even 60 minutes, I only do one tour every day and I don’t pay much attention to the time)

So the network is this. I burn 923 calories per hour in a normal Stand-Up Paddle workout.

It’s interesting to me that my heart rate was so high. On a typical long-distance bike ride (on a Cervelo S1), my heart rate averages a medium 130. When paddling, I really don’t feel like I’m working as hard as my heart rate would indicate (147). I also don’t feel as “throbbing” when I finish rowing as when I drive.

So that’s my little studio. I guess the simple conclusion is that while my findings aren’t “scientific”, they do show that rowing is a great low-impact core workout. If I burned all 822 calories during a typical workout and did it 5 days a week, I would lose more than 1 pound a week (assuming my calorie intake stayed constant).

Health Fitness

Your guide to getting started on the alkaline diet

Unless you’ve been oblivious to the world around you, you may have heard a lot about the benefits of alkaline diet and water. With so many claims, how good is this diet? Well, unlike many of the diet charts and ideas we are familiar with, the alkaline way of life has influenced many people, including some of the more well-known celebrities. To get started, let’s first try to understand what the concept is about, along with the few facts that are essential to get started.

What is the diet about?

Often called the acidic ash diet, the diet primarily propagates that eating foods that are alkaline in nature will help neutralize acids in the body. This simply means that the pH value of urine and blood will improve and thus one can witness many benefits and keep certain diseases at bay. Under this type of program, you will eat more fresh food and vegetables, while avoiding meat, dairy, and poultry. Frankly speaking, diet research is limited, so the amount of credible evidence is also minimal. However, for people who have followed the diet, they agree to have witnessed better changes in their health.


If this diet chart has inspired you, there are a few items to understand before getting started. First of all, you need to consider the things that you can follow. Since food families are eliminated from the regular diet, you will need to understand whether your body has all the nutrients that are essential. Also, many people have trouble giving up meat and dairy altogether, so the idea is to understand how far you can stick with the concept. One of the best ideas is to replace normal water with alkaline water of pH 9.5. Alkaline water is chemically processed, but has a high pH balance and can offer the same benefits as diet. Keep in mind that you should choose a brand that offers at least a pH value of 9.

What are the benefits?

Both alkaline water and diet are known to have similar benefits, but many people prefer consuming high pH water rather than cutting out their favorite foods. Not forgetting that drinking water is not really demanding and there are no side effects of any kind, something that experts are concerned about with diet because it may be lacking in certain nutrients. Some of the common benefits seen include an increase in natural energy, a better hydration rate, and an increase in metabolism. It is also claimed that drinking water with a high pH can help improve the body’s metabolism, which in turn can help people who are dealing with weight loss. Other claims include the improvement of all bodily functions and an easy detox.

With these few ideas in mind, you can safely begin to focus on foods and beverages that have a better pH. Be sure to do your research or consult your dietitian for a more detailed understanding.

Health Fitness

5 ways to incorporate exercise into your busy schedule

Finding time to exercise when you have a full schedule can be difficult. When you change your mind from thinking that exercise is just one more thing that clutters your to-do list every day to thinking of it as a getaway from your daily routine, you will find yourself eager for your “free time” to exercise. Even if you only fit in for 20 to 30 minutes a handful of times a week, you’re putting it on the path of making it a regular part of your schedule. You will really start to enjoy it when you start to feel the benefits of your exercise! Finding time is not easy, so we must make time.

Here are some tips on how to fit in a good workout with your busy schedule …

1. Schedule it. Write down when you plan to exercise on your calendar or on your mobile calendar. Schedule the training as if it were an important meeting that cannot be missed. You can also set reminder alarms on your mobile phone to prompt you to exercise.

2. Do it at home. Whether you buy some home workout equipment like a treadmill or stationary bike, use online workouts or exercise subscription services, it’s so much easier to exercise when you don’t have to leave your home to go to the gym. gym during gym hours.

3. Start the day with him. As the day progresses and your energy decreases, you are less likely to exercise. Waking up 30 minutes earlier than normal to walk on the treadmill or a yoga DVD can start the day off on the right foot.

4. Do the little things. Small things like parking further away from your workplace or the grocery store, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or using the bathroom in your office on a different floor. Even standing up during TV commercials or marching in the venue is an idea. Doing these little things every day will soon add up and get you used to thinking of ways to improve your health on a daily basis.

5. Responsibility. Find a training partner or someone like a coach who will hold you accountable. Despite your best efforts, it is sometimes difficult to stay motivated. Having someone hold you accountable maximizes your chances of sticking to your exercise program. If your training partner has the same mission as you, they are less likely to depress you with negative comments that we sometimes get from other people. Friendly challenges are a great way to push others to work harder, too.

Here are some tips to help you fit exercise into your busy schedule. However, at the end of the day, it is important that you exercise and leave excuses behind. The only person who can stop you is you.

Health Fitness

Comersa is the ideal display refrigerator for sushi

Many people enjoy oriental cuisine, although it is an acquired taste. Once that flavor is acquired, it is a flavor and a gastronomic experience that people savor and enjoy. For restaurant owners serving sushi, this is good news. However, it also comes with a lot of responsibility in terms of the quality of the fish and how it is stored. If not stored properly, it can have damaging consequences for the restaurant owner and the customer.

Modern technology has allowed restaurant owners to have better control over the storage of sushi products. First of all, sushi is essentially made from raw fish (the type of fish used will depend on the individual chef’s recipe). Any type of raw fish must be handled correctly to avoid any type of contamination. Raw fish should be stored in a refrigeration unit immediately upon arrival at the restaurant and should be served the same day. It is essential that sushi is served fresh as this enhances its flavor and is much healthier. Keeping sushi for too long can affect the quality of the fish, which can lead to health problems. Proper catering equipment is essential for proper storage of raw fish. Once the sushi rolls have been prepared by the chef and ready to serve, the best thing to do is to lay it out for a quick sell. People eat with their eyes. When they see the well presented sushi rolls and the beautiful colors of the variety on display, it will entice them to buy some sushi rolls.

The ideal catering equipment for this purpose is a Comersa cold food bar. This is a unique display refrigerator that is designed to accommodate a variety of dishes in one unit. The Comersa Cold Bar has a modern steel design with a convex display glass and keeps contents adequately cold. It measures 1880 x 417 x 246 millimeters, which is long enough to add a variety of sushi rolls and other foods, but narrow enough to fit comfortably on a restaurant kitchen countertop. The best place to install Comersa Cold Food Bar to display sushi is near your customers, that is, in the restaurant near the bar and the cash register. In this position, you will get the customer’s attention. In addition, the Comersa cold food bar is supplied with specially sized inserts that are specifically designed to fit the food bars. There are 6 to 8 inserts (depending on which model you choose) to display a variety of sushi.

This catering equipment is the ideal display refrigerator for sushi bars who want their customers to have a pleasant and delicious experience in their restaurant.

Health Fitness

The dimensions of a bottle of wine

If you are thinking of transforming your basement into a home cellar, you are not alone. Home cellar setup is a booming business, especially in the luxury home market. When mapping your winery, you may want to know the size of a standard bottle of wine. Ninety percent of your home’s wine collection will likely consist of standard-size bottles.

The first dimension to consider is the height of a standard wine bottle. Some shelving companies make shelves only ten inches deep, which does not protect the full 11½-inch height of a standard bottle. Be sure to accommodate the full height from a standard wine bottle, because you don’t want your precious wine bottles to fall off your neck.

The other dimensions of a wine bottle

A standard wine bottle contains 750 milliliters of wine and is approximately 11.5 inches tall. At the base, its diameter is 27/8 to 3 inches. From bottom to top, its sides are straight, but near the top, about three-quarters of the way up, it has a rounded shoulder. Bordeaux bottle because it is the usual size and shape of a bottle of red wine from that region of France.

The contents of a standard bottle equals approximately 25 ounces, so if you are serving five-ounce servings, one bottle will produce approximately five glasses of wine. The size of a serving is arbitrary, but according to the American Medical Association, “… A standard drink is any drink that contains approximately half an ounce (13.7 grams or 1.2 tablespoons) of pure alcohol. amount of pure alcohol is found in five ounces of wine. “

Non-standard wine bottle sizes

Divisions and halves: Some bottlers and vineyards offer smaller sizes equivalent to half a bottle or even a quarter bottle. A “split” is a standard quarter bottle, containing about six ounces of wine, a little more than one serving. Divisions are 7 inches tall and 2 inches in diameter. Half, as you can imagine, is half the volume of a standard bottle, which contains 13 ounces of wine. It is 9½ inches tall with a 2¼ “diameter at the base.

Magnum: One magnum of wine equals two bottles, or about 50 ounces. The magnum is 13½ inches tall and requires a special shelf in its wine cellar. The base of the magnum is 4 inches in diameter.

Big bottle: If you are entertaining a lot of friends, you may want to open a Jeroboam. This is the older brother of the magnum. One bottle of Jeroboam holds three liters of wine, which is equivalent to four standard bottles or 20 glasses.

The shapes of wine bottles

The steep “shoulder” of the Bordeaux bottle may have evolved to help trap sediment in aged wines. While this may be true, the shapes of wine bottles have more to do with their region of origin than a functional characteristic. Different wine regions gradually developed their own bottle shapes, and it is not necessary for a certain type of wine to occupy a certain bottle shape. To avoid consumer confusion, most bottlers adhere to the conventions.

Besides the Bordeaux bottle, another commonly used form for red wine is the Bordeaux bottle. It has more sloping shoulders and a slightly wider base. It is also 11½ inches tall, but has a diameter of 3½ inches at the base. Since Chardonnay is also made in Burgundy, you will find this varietal in a Burgundy-shaped bottle. The same is true for Pinot Noir.

German winemakers use a taller and slimmer bottle. These long-necked bottles can hold the sweet dessert wines of that region, including Riesling and Gewürztraminer. The fourth type of bottle is used in the Champagne region and is a heavier bottle with a wider base that must be able to withstand the pressure of the bubbles inside.

Additional question: What is a Punt?

There is an indentation in the bottom of some wine and champagne bottles, and it is not designed to mislead the consumer as to the amount of liquid in the bottle. This hollow area is called bat, and there are various theories as to why it is there. Some say it aided in shipping bottles in boxes because they could line up with the top of one bottle placed on the tray of another. A more likely theory is that when bottles are blown by hand, imperfections in the bottom can make the bottle unstable. To minimize the chances of a rocky bottle, the glass maker would bleed the bottom. The word probably comes from punty gold pontil, a glass blowing tool.

Health Fitness

Isometrics: serious muscle training without weights

Isometrics – A super fast way to increase muscle size and strength without using weights.

Isometry is perhaps the least used and least valued exercise method. It is perhaps the best strength training method to be used in rehabilitation and can produce increases in strength and size where traditional weight-bearing exercise regimens have failed. The isometric contraction, usually called ISOMETRIC, is one in which the muscle is activated, but instead of allowing it to lengthen or shorten, it is kept at a constant length. This isometric muscle contraction is not done through a variety of movements, but in a static position. Isometry is based on the principles of creating muscle tension while opposing the force of an immovable object or gravity. Isometrics are performed with high levels of intensity (70-100%) rather than repetitive movements typically for a period of 7 to 12 seconds. Once the muscle relaxes after contraction, there is increased blood flow to the muscles, which equates to increased absorption of nutrition and energy which in turn increases muscle mass (size). Isometric exercise is a form of resistance training in which the participant uses the muscles of the body to exert force against an immovable object or to hold the muscle in a fixed position for a specified period of time. In this type of exercise, the muscle contracts but does not change in length during resistance exercise. In addition, the joint most closely associated with exertion remains static throughout the exercise.

Isometric training has been around for centuries in things like yoga and Chinese martial arts. Even Pilates uses isometric exercise as part of its training protocol. Isometry is probably one of the few exercise techniques that has been scientifically validated.

At the Max Plank Institute in the 1950s, Dr. Hettinger and Dr. Mueller conducted scientific research in the field of isometry. Their study conclusively demonstrated that isometrics can increase strength by up to 300% in less than 30 days!

Isometric workouts were originally made famous by Charles Atlas, although he called them “dynamic tension” and in recent years isometric workouts have made a big comeback, especially in the field of rehabilitation therapy. Gert F Koebel has developed several devices that use isometrics as the basis of the exercise protocol, including the Bullworker.

Isometric contraction refers to the case of strength training, in which the muscles contract, but do not change their length. The isometric name comes from the words ‘iso’ which means equal and ‘metric’ which means distance. Unlike other dynamic muscle contractions that involve a change in position, the isometric contraction is performed in a static position. Physical activities based on isometric muscle contraction are known as isometric exercises. Sometimes professional weightlifters and bodybuilders will incorporate some isometrics into their workouts, often to break down barriers and reach new levels of muscle strength, which in turn leads to new and increased muscle mass.

Advantages of isometric contraction exercises

Isometric exercises can be done practically anywhere! You can do it while sitting watching TV, while sunbathing, while waiting in a traffic jam and well, the list goes on and on. Every day, we could if we want to enjoy performing isometric contractions as part of our daily activities, such as carrying a suitcase or a travel bag full of groceries. Isometrics are particularly beneficial for people with back pain, as muscles can be developed without further damaging the back and the resulting gains in (let’s say) abdominal strength help relieve tension in the back, which in turn helps your back heal like your abs stronger. Take the stress off your injured back.

Often the main benefits are perceived as maximum muscle contraction in a short space of time. I use isometric training with many of my corporate clients who just don’t have time to hit the gym. When resistance or weight gradually increases, your muscle will become stronger. However, if you are looking to build big muscles rather than just “tone up” then you need to use some more extreme methods of isometric training which, while very intense, can deliver results that can rival those obtained by people taking chemical steroids. , especially if performed while undergoing a planned supplementation regimen using products like Aminotaur, which have been shown to naturally enhance muscle growth while you sleep.

The key advantage of isometry is that it can be done without any specialized equipment. However, if you want faster results and you also want to seriously increase your lean muscle mass, you can incorporate the foundation of this with any strength training device, from chest expanders to dumbbells to barbells.

However, this type of training is intense in nature if done correctly, so if you have high blood pressure or any type of heart condition, consult your doctor before training. If your doctor has any questions, as this type of training, when done correctly, can have numerous additional benefits, please let him or her contact us and we will be happy to pass on any information that may help.

Benefits of isometric exercises.

Isometric exercises can be performed without any type of machine or equipment anytime, anywhere. If you have 10 seconds, you can work a muscle group without anyone noticing that you are using isometric training. Convenience and time savings is one of the reasons why isometrics are so popular and become even more popular as people’s lives get busier and busier. Doing isometric exercises for 7 to 10 seconds at a time throughout the day can replace your training, if done correctly. A bold claim? Yes it is, but I feel safe saying this.

The easiest way to demonstrate this is to press the palms of your hands as hard as you can and, maintaining the tension, you will work your arms, shoulders and chest. To work your neck and upper back muscles, cross your fingers behind your head, push your head back with your hands using your neck muscles while trying to push your head forward with your hands.

Find a wall to push yourself against or something you can pull against that won’t move like a door jam. The only thing you need to remember is to use as much force as possible for 10 seconds. Using maximum strength will give you all the benefits that an isometric workout offers. Some advocates say use 80% of your maximum, but how do you measure 80%? And with my own studies, I have never seen anyone get hurt using isometrics.

If you have high blood pressure, you should not do this type of activity because isometric exercises cause an increase in blood pressure. Although blood pressure normally returns to normal fairly quickly once the muscle relaxes, increased blood pressure can be dangerous for those already suffering from high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure but really want to participate in isometric exercises, check with your doctor for advice on how to lower your blood pressure first.

Isometrics build muscle mass. In a recent experiment, an average size improvement of 12.4% was found for heavy isometric training and 5.3% with isometric training using weights equivalent to 60% of 1 rm of weight after a training period of 10 weeks.

Using isometrics for strength

To strengthen your bench press, you can either stand on a power stand and press the bar against an immovable pin for a certain period of time, or hold a supra-maximal weight in a ¼ rep range for 6-20 seconds.

The first type of isometric movement, pushing against an immovable object, is used for strength only, while the second type, holding a weight and keeping it from moving, is better for strength and muscle growth. Personally, I prefer the second type where you just keep a weight in place for both strength and muscle growth.

Some say that doing isometrics will only strengthen the part of the movement that you are training. For example, if you do isometrics in a ¼ range bench press position, you will only strengthen that part of the movement. The truth is that you will strengthen the part of the movement that you are training, but you will also get 15-30 degree drag and if you train at the most disadvantageous joint angle (such as the bottom of a bench press or the point in the squat where your thighs are parallel) you actually get 100% strength in the rest of the movement.

Strengthen your weak links and everything else becomes stronger too. In other words, if you perform an isometric contraction a few inches from your chest on the bench press, you will tend to increase the strength of your entire bench press and the size of your entire chest. But if you only do isometrics in the easier ¼ or 1/3 range in one move, you only get a 15-30 degree drag.

If you really want to increase strength in one movement, using the bench press as an example, simply use 3 different positions (lower, middle, and upper) and perform an isometric in each position. You would perform isometrics in the contracted position close to your chest, the mid-range position, and then the extended up position. A sample workout would be 2 sets of 10 seconds in each position with the bottom position done first. For strength, each isometric contraction should last 20 seconds or less and ideally less than 10 seconds.

The benefits of isometric exercise are many and varied, but simple and inexpensive to implement. Give them a try, you will notice improvements very quickly, and then you can make isometrics a key part of your exercise regimen.

Health Fitness

Easy exercises for paraplegics that you can do regularly

Paraplegia is a condition that is related to spinal cord injuries and causes lower body paralysis. Although a person with the condition may have full or partial mobility of the upper body, the muscles can atrophy and there may be a deterioration in cardiovascular health due to inactivity. An inactive lifestyle makes a person more prone to coronary artery disease, obesity, and diabetes. The benefits of doing paraplegic exercises They include improved mood and strength, a wider range of motion, and the accumulation of muscle mass.

Breathing exercises

The degree of paralysis varies between individuals, but many have difficulty breathing. Paraplegic breathing exercises increase lung capacity and strengthen cardiovascular endurance. It has been recommended by the University of Alabama Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury Network Information Center that breathing exercises for paraplegics should begin with a deep breath, holding it for five seconds before exhaling. Then you need to take a deep breath as fast as you can and exhale all the air from your lungs immediately. The pattern is as follows: inhale deeply, hold, inhale, and hold. Repeat one more time before exhaling. Finally, take a deep breath and exhale as you count out loud.

Bicep curls

Doing paraplegic upper-body exercises, such as bicep curls, strengthens the arm, promotes better weight, and reduces muscle wasting or breakdown. Paraplegics can have muscle weakness and it is vital that they start the program slowly, building initial strength by using light weights and then moving on to a more intense regimen. Using weights provides resistance and helps build stronger muscles. Bicep curls for paraplegics strengthen the upper and front of the arms. To do the exercise, hang your arms outside the wheelchair with a light weight on both hands. Your palms should turn to the front. Bend your arms slightly, lifting the weights toward your shoulders. Stop before they touch your body. Return to the straight arm position and repeat until you achieve the desired repetitions.

Side lift and shrug

These paraplegic exercises strengthen the shoulders and increase their mobility and range of motion. With a light weight in each hand, place your arms straight at your sides. Bend your arms until the weights are parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position and then repeat until you complete the desired number of repetitions.

These are just a few of the paraplegic exercises you can do. There are more exercises that are tailored to a particular disability. You can search for them online or ask your physical therapist about them.

Health Fitness

What are the best BowFlex exercises to train for soccer?

A soccer player must have a strong core and strong legs. To achieve this, there are several exercises available with Bow Flex.


Most athletes need a solid core to develop. As with any construction, if the core is weak, no amount of work on the outside can overcome that weakness.

The core of your body consists of your abdomen and some back muscles. As you probably already know, the best exercises to strengthen the abdomen are the abdominals.

The Bow Flex Ultimate 2 home gym has the widest range of exercises, including sit-ups. Strengthening your core is simple with these exercises:

Reverse crunch

Weathered reverse crunch

Sitting abdominal

Sitting oblique crunch

Ab crunch with accessory

Trunk rotation

Standing oblique crunch


The most important tool a footballer has are his legs. After building a solid core, it’s time to start working on your legs. With Bow Flex, you can do these exercises to strengthen your legs:

Leg extension

Lying leg extension

Squat (with accessory)


Ankle eversion

Ankle inversion

Standing hip abduction

Standing hip extension

Seated hip abduction

Calf press

Leg press

Leg curls and more

These will increase the strength and power to kick and maneuver the ball around the field.

Another exercise:

If you have ever seen a soccer game, you know that there are many things and that is running from one side of the field to the other. This requires a lot of stamina and endurance. While building and strengthening muscles is important, perhaps endurance is too.

A great way to achieve this is with the Bow Flex Tread Climber. This machine combines the work of a treadmill with the movement of a stairclimber. All of this is wrapped in a smooth elliptical motion that is gentle on the joints. Increasing your heart rate and building long-distance endurance is very easy.

Bow Flex has the complete package for any athlete and that includes soccer players. If you’re an aspiring gamer, do yourself a favor and train using one or both of these great Bow Flex machines.