Health Fitness

Shocking Reveal: One Of The Worst Fattening Foods To Avoid To Build Six Pack Abs Fast

The group of fattening foods that I will talk about in this article may surprise you. Many people mistakenly believe that this popular food is “healthy.” Read on to find out the truth.

Avoiding this food group will help you achieve the fat loss you want. Later, this will help you develop your ripped abs faster by reducing the fat in your diet.

The food group is wheat and whole wheat products (especially white flour). Although wheat is relatively low in fat, the largest source of fat comes from the oils and shortening ingredients used during processing.

The list of items to avoid includes breads, crackers, muffins, pasta, cereals, bagels, crackers, and many other wheat-based foods. Depending on the processing method, you can identify wheat content when the label specifies any of the following ingredients… bran, bulgur, couscous, flour, gluten, pasta, and/or semolina.

Wheat, along with barley, rye, and similar cereals, are in a classification called Triticeae. Gluten (storage proteins) in the Triticeae grain tribe has been linked to gluten-sensitive diseases. This is especially remarkable considering that a large percentage of the population has a gluten intolerance.

People with celiac disease (also known as celiac disease) are especially sensitive to the gluten in wheat and similar grains. It may also be surprising to note that the human digestive system is not specially designed for large quantities of wheat grains.

In the last 80 to 100 years, the dietary intake of wheat and similar grains has increased greatly. This is mainly due to the fact that wheat and wheat-based products have become relatively cheap and are therefore in higher demand.

Prove it to yourself. Try to avoid wheat products for the next two to three weeks. Incorporate healthier alternatives into your diet and see if you don’t lose weight during that time period. You’ll also get better tone if you’re currently following an abdominal regimen.

Some alternatives to flour and wheat products include… buckwheat (not related to wheat), amaranth, and quinoa. These are three grain-like seeds that are not related to cereal grains.

Because they are gluten free, these alternative grains are not suitable for making and baking leavened bread. However, they can be used to make great-tasting quick breads and cookies.

Another excellent substitute for wheat flour is walnut flour. Due to its richness, it is perfect for making cakes and cookies. Chestnut flour in particular has a longer shelf life than many other nuts.

Health Fitness

Stripping your wooden deck

If you want to lighten or add a different stain to your deck’s hardwood floor, stripping might be the solution. Instead of replacing your entire deck floor with a light-colored hardwood, you have this inexpensive alternative. The good news is that you can easily pickle it yourself by following these five easy steps.

Before you begin, prepare plenty of sandpaper and absorbent (lint-free) rags, a wide brush, a bristle brush, a wool wax applicator, and enough stain and paint for the entire deck floor. For toluene or alcohol based varnishes, protect yourself from toxic fumes with a mask. Oil-based paint is easier to use on your deck because it takes longer to dry. If you want latex for the deck, dilute it in paint thinner at a 25/75 ratio. Stick to flat finishes, as the gloss tends to overshadow textured deck wood. For larger decks, use a power sanding device. Otherwise it would take forever to finish the whole deck.

1. Remove the existing finish from your deck flooring. Be careful when using the power sanding device as it could chip or damage the deck floor. Sand the deck in hard-to-reach spaces. Once the finish is completely removed, the deck surface may be too rough for you. Use fine sandpaper to make it smoother. Clean thoroughly afterwards. Be sure to vacuum the entire deck, especially the corners, to ensure a clean paint job.

2. Paint the terrace. Evenly spreads the paint on the wood. Don’t worry about the address, as that won’t matter later. Let the cover dry for 20 to 60 minutes.

3. Using the rags, wipe off the paint in circular motions. The amount of paint you rub in will determine how light the deck stain will be. Smooth out any clumps of paint with the bristle brush.

4. Smooth deck floor with power sanding device and sandpaper. Remember to get rid of all the sawdust before moving on to the next step.

5. Apply a couple of coats of varnish to finish. Don’t forget to use the non-yellowing varnish mask. Use the wax applicator to achieve a polished veneer.

Remember that the colors you choose will blend with the original color of the deck floor, acting like a sheet of colored cellophane. White paint on cedar will give it a pink hue. If blue paint was used, it would look purple. Different varnishes also affect outdoor flooring in different ways. Oil or polyurethane varnishes can darken wood and make it yellow over time.

Get creative with colors and have them complement or contrast with the rest of your deck. That’s pretty much the 5-step process to stripping your wood deck.

Health Fitness

Top 5 Yoga DVDs for Men

Obesity has become an international concern. The results of being obese are critical and cause various unhealthy foods. Yoga poses can help you lose some of the excess weight and help you lead a healthy life. Frankly speaking, yoga poses are ideal for men, women, and even children. Your whole family can practice them.

Here is a list of some of the top 5 yoga DVDs for men of 2016.

Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga for Beginners

The Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga for Beginners is designed to reduce stress and increase your inner strength. If you feel like your health and lifestyle aren’t right, this DVD can help. It has a 30 minute training session where you can quickly learn how to start doing yoga exercises. The instructions are easy to understand and the guidance helpful.

AM Yoga for your week

The AM Yoga for Your Week is ideal for both men and women. It provides you with yoga exercises that you can practice all week. It’s a great workout tutorial and has five 20-minute sessions that give you the perfect workout. Each session covers something different and allows you to learn something new.

In yoga, you must know how to breathe properly. They also help you release tension and stress to stabilize your body.

Jillian Michaels: Yoga Fusion

Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown is one of the best yoga DVDs of all time. She has received awards from various people throughout her life. Several people have benefited from it. The DVD comes with basic and basic training. The DVD is ideal for both experts and beginners.

Yoga for Beginners by Rodney Yee

Yoga for Beginners by Rodney Yee is the perfect yoga DVD for beginners who don’t know where to start. Many people have not been able to lose weight or achieve what they wanted because they do not follow the correct exercise methods. Using the correct postures, breathing techniques, and doing it the right way can only help you lose weight.

The Biggest Loser: The Workout – Yoga for Weight Loss

The Biggest Loser: The Workout – Weight Loss Yoga, considered as the best yoga DVD of 2016. The DVD comes with simple solutions for your yoga training. Ideal for beginners and professionals, learn to do natural poses. It helps you stay relaxed and calm while doing the exercises.

words of caution

Yoga DVDs for men can help you immensely in achieving what you can. If you are someone who has recently had an operation, has health problems and is on medication, you will first want to consult with your doctor about practicing yoga postures. Certain poses require you to bend and tense your muscles.

By doing them, you can put stress on your heart and other regions of the body. As soon as you feel any pain or discomfort, stop doing yoga poses immediately and take some rest. The idea of ​​using yoga DVDs is to have fun and achieve what you want, which is to lose weight and lose weight.

Yoga poses can be great weight loss exercises, as long as you feel comfortable doing them. Gather your whole family with you in the morning or evening and put on the DVD to start a new healthy family.

Health Fitness

3 easy steps to lose weight fast

If you don’t have strong willpower, starvation will cause you to give up on these plans altogether.

The 3-step plan I’m going to outline for you…

• Reduce your appetite quite significantly
• Allows you to lose weight quickly without leaving you hungry
• Improve your metabolic health at the same time

All of these methods are backed by scientific studies.

Step 1 will be to reduce the consumption of sugars and starches.

The most important thing is to reduce the consumption of sugars and starches, which are found in foods that most stimulate insulin secretion. If you didn’t already know, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.

When insulin is lowered, it is much easier for fat to move out of fat stores, and then the body begins to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Another great benefit of lowering insulin is that your kidneys will remove excess sodium and excess water from your body, reducing bloating and unnecessary water weight.

It’s not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds, sometimes more, in the first week of eating this way; both body fat and water weight. Reduce your carb intake, lower your insulin, and you’ll start eating fewer calories automatically and without feeling hungry.

Bottom line: By removing sugars and starches from your diet, you’ll lower your insulin levels, kill your appetite, and make you lose weight without starving yourself.

Step 2 is to eat protein, fat, and vegetables.

Each of your meals should contain a protein source, a low-carb source, and a healthy fat source. If you plan your meals this way, you will automatically bring your carbohydrate intake into the recommended range of 20 to 50 grams per day.

Here are some protein sources:

Meat – Beef, chicken, lamb pork, bacon
Fish and seafood – Salmon, trout, shrimp, lobster
Eggs – Omega 3 or grass fed eggs are best

It is very important to eat enough protein to lose weight. Eating sufficient amounts of protein has been shown to increase metabolism by between 80 and 100 calories per day.

A high-protein diet can also reduce obsessive thoughts about food by up to 60%, and also reduce the desire to snack late at night by half, and make you feel full, so that you automatically eat about 441 fewer calories per day. this is simply adding protein to your diet.

When it comes to weight loss, protein is the king of nutrients.

Here are some examples of low carb vegetables…

• Broccoli
• Spinach
• Cauliflower
• Kale
• Wiring
• Spouts of Brussels
• chard
• Lettuce
• Cucumber
• Celery

Make sure to fill your plate with these low carb veggies. You can eat massive amounts without going over 20-50 net carbs per day. A diet consisting of meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.

Some examples of fat sources include…

• Olive oil
• Coconut oil
• Avocado oil
• Butter
• tallow

Try to eat 5 small balanced meals per day, if you feel hungry you can add a sixth.

Don’t avoid eating fat. I would advise against trying to eat low carb and low fat at the same time, this is a recipe for disaster. It will make you feel miserable.

For us, the best cooking fat is coconut oil, it is rich in healthy fats that can help boost your metabolism. There is no reason to avoid natural fats at all, many new studies have shown that these fats do not increase the risk of heart disease at all.

Bottom Line: Have a source of protein, low-carb vegetables, and healthy fats with every meal. It will put you in the 2-50 gram carb range and lower your insulin levels and allow you to burn more fat easily.

Step 3, start lifting weights 3 times a week

Exercise is not necessary to lose weight, but it is recommended because of the many benefits of exercise. For best results, hit the gym ¾ times a week, warm up, do some strength work, and include some cardio as well.

By lifting weights you will build muscle, which will allow you to naturally burn more calories. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn. Lifting weights will also help keep your metabolism from slowing down.

If lifting weights is not an option for you, or if you don’t want to do it, then you can look at some cardio exercises like running, swimming, jumping and these will help you burn calories and reduce your body weight.

Health Fitness

How to bulk up and gain weight even if you work full time and have a family!

If you work full time and/or have family obligations, chances are you don’t have the time or energy to put on muscle mass. You may have the muscle mass routines that tell you how to bulk up or gain weight, but they are written by (and probably for) those who can make lifting weights the number one priority in their lives. Many bodybuilders simply eat, exercise, sleep and relax most days; And that doesn’t even take into account all the supplements they take!

So how can you bulk up and gain weight if you have work and family commitments?

First, decide your goals. If you are skinny or frail, then your first goal is to get bigger and stronger. You will do this by lifting weights, eating properly, and learning how to recover properly. Working 40 hours a week (or more), going to work, going to family events, and taking care of your family will add about 80 hours a week of “stress” that most bodybuilders can’t stand.

Second, find out where you’re already exercising. Do you walk or bike to work? Do you work several hours in the garden every weekend? Do you shovel your driveway and those of elderly neighbors during the winter? Do you play sports with your children? Count the hours you spend exercising and remember that you are exercising your muscles during those times.

Third, assuming you’re doing any type of exercise during the week, keep in mind that in order to bulk up and gain weight, you need to add the right type and amount of weight training. This means that you should choose muscle mass routines that stimulate growth, but allow you enough time to recover and eventually build new muscle.

Fourth, you must eat properly. Assuming you have your doctor’s permission to bulk up, add healthy foods that are “calorie dense.” High-calorie foods include nuts, seeds, healthy fats like fish oil and olive oil, meat, and other similar foods. Of course, drink plenty of clean water and stay away from sweets and treats for a while. Yes, you can bulk up with candy… but that’s not how you want to get fat!

A good place to start your bulking nutrition plan is to eat at least 15-16 times your body weight in calories. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, 15 times your body weight would be 2,250 calories. Talk to your doctor about this estimate, and be sure to make any necessary nutritional adjustments for allergies, diabetes, or any other medical issues.

Once you have everything in place, you’ll want to focus on one thing: consistency. It’s easy to get excited once you know how to turn up the volume; but after the tenth day your enthusiasm may wane. Get supportive friends, join online forums, get a coach or personal trainer, or find some other way to keep your motivation high and keep you on track. Do what you can to turn these steps into clothes.

Finally, have an “exit strategy.” For example, if you’re 5′ 6″ and weigh 150 pounds, you probably want your realistic muscle goal to be no more than 10% of your current body weight. If you gain too much weight, it’s probably not muscle. Your metabolism can change dramatically and can introduce new health problems. Always talk to your doctor about your ultimate goals for staying healthy, which should be your number one priority.

Have fun and remember to lift smart now that you’ve learned how to bulk up and gain weight.

Health Fitness

Simple lifestyle changes that help you lose weight

There are a number of reasons why many people in our society are overweight. A lot of this has to do with lifestyle. Your lifestyle will affect your health and often your weight. So if your lifestyle is negatively affecting your health and weight, you probably want to make some changes.

Some changes you could make are actually very simple, but will require some willpower. These changes include proper exercise and a balanced diet. Exercise is very important and it could mean simply getting out and walking your dog. Having a balanced diet might mean including more vegetables and fruits in your diet and reducing your sugar intake.

Exercise means including more physical activities in your daily routine. Many people think about their diet when trying to lose weight. This is appropriate, but physical activity is an essential component to losing weight and improving your health. Exercise will help you burn calories, the calories you get from the food you eat. Go for a walk in the morning before work. Include your dog in this activity as your furious friend needs the activity too. You can also develop a routine consisting of moves that will burn significant calories. These movements can include sit-ups, push-ups, leg lifts, and running in place. Of course these must be done correctly and at least three or four times a week. This could be done after work, before dinner and would be a great way to cool down after a long day at work. Another thing to consider is walking or cycling to work during the warmer months. Walking or biking to work will also save you money when it comes to the cost of running your car. This will also make getting to work less frustrating. Also consider stretching before work, especially if your job is considered physical. Even if you sit at a desk all day, consider stretching before work and during breaks.

Exercise is important, but you’ll still need a balanced diet that involves eating foods with the right nutrients. This might mean reducing the amount of fast food in your diet and increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you include in your diet. Include items like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, apples, oranges, peaches, bananas, strawberries, and blueberries in your daily lunch. Fiber-rich foods should be included at breakfast and lunch. Use high-fiber bread for your morning toast and your lunchtime sandwich. You can add kidney beans and green beans to your soup. Reduce the amount of red meat you eat and replace it with seafood such as sole or salmon,

There are a number of changes you can make to your daily routine to lose weight. This means coming up with a plan and implementing it. So pick a day to start and go for it. With this in mind, there are many excellent resources on the Internet that can help you with a weight loss program. But remember you have to stick to the plan.

Best regards

Health Fitness

Weight loss success stories before and after

Gaining weight is very easy while losing weight is very difficult and complicated. To inspire you, my dear readers, I will share with you before and after weight loss success stories of some of my friends. Their stories will help motivate you to lose weight and stay fit and healthy.


Emma has shown me that having a fat body can really change. She made a remarkable transformation from fat to fit. She just has to bring the right ingredients and she will get the remarkable result. So what are the ingredients by the way? She will find the ingredients for one of my friends who experienced a before and after weight loss success story.


During her college days, she was pretty and sexy. After graduating, she immediately got married. When she got pregnant, she ate a lot of food. I want to say a lot. After the pregnancy, she gained weight. From 143 pounds, she gained 44 pounds. She never noticed her weight gain because she was busy taking care of her daughter. She was happy at that moment. One day, her family decided to go to the beach and have fun. They took pictures, swam and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. When they finally got home, Emma looked at the photos of her. She was surprised to see her once sexy body turned into a not so sexy body. She deleted the photos. Not only that, her husband suddenly became a bit cold towards her. Later, she found out that her husband was cheating on her. Emma felt very sad and insecure. She wanted her husband back and she wanted so much to get her body back.


Feeling so hurt and motivated to lose weight, Emma started watching her diet. She began by eating small meals frequently, increasing her dietary fiber and protein intake, as well as reducing her fat intake. Later, she also began exercising by walking briskly every morning for about 40 minutes a day. She also included aerobic exercises in her routine as well as cardiovascular exercise. Every week, Emma checks her weight to see if she lost a pound or so. She became so self-aware and wanted to be fit, healthy and sexy once again. Her motivation was so strong that she made it all the way. Her very heavy weight of 187 pounds she became 143 pounds now.


After vigorous exercise and strict diet, Emma achieved her target body. Her strong will to change, as well as her great discipline, made her body more and more sexy. Not only that, her husband noticed her beauty once again and they met once again and much sweeter than ever.


The ingredients in Emma’s weight loss story were proper diet plus exercise. But don’t forget that the most important ingredient is dedication. It really takes a lot of dedication and perseverance to achieve your goals. That is the most important factor in weight loss. No matter what happens, you must be strict in following it and never give up. By following those ingredients, you might just be the next to share your before and after weight loss success stories.

Health Fitness

Lose weight without exercise: is it possible?

Losing weight without exercise doesn’t sound too good to be true? You may also think that it is not possible at all. If you want to lose weight you have to work hard, otherwise you won’t lose weight.

This is, of course, partly true. However, the vast majority comes down to your diet. Due to the nutrition you receive every day, you take good care of your body or you will be overweight. The right diet in combination with sports is the best way to maintain weight.

lose weight without exercise

Losing weight consists of two things. 80% consists of healthy eating and 20% sports. It is possible to lose weight by eating healthy and without exercising. You can’t lose weight by eating unhealthily and exercising too much.

Sports like kettlebell training, running, jogging, or strength training are great for training your body. Even without exercise it is possible to lose weight. It’s probably a relief if you really don’t have time to hit the gym. To stay healthy you need to exercise at least 30 minutes every day.

You do it by walking, cycling or swimming every day. Most people can easily complete them in 30 minutes. But it’s good to know that healthy food is the most important part of staying healthy.

What do you eat then?

Now that you know how important healthy food is, you naturally want to know what you are going to eat. Food provides energy, you need this energy to survive. You get energy through carbohydrates, fats and proteins. All food sources are digested in a different way.

Different nutrients have a different effect on fat burning and weight loss. Carbohydrates reduce fat burning and ensure that you gain more. Protein and healthy fats actually increase fat burning, so you only burn more fat.

Different types of food

There are different types of carbohydrates that you should avoid as much as possible. Carbohydrates include grains like bread, starch, sugars, and alcohol. The carbohydrates you eat are converted to sugars in your body. These sugars cause a spike in insulin in the blood.

This high insulin spike disrupts the enzyme that controls fat burning. So carbs ensure that your fat burns poorly. No matter how much exercise you do, it doesn’t matter. To burn body fat it is advisable to eat low carbohydrate recipes.

Easy to lose weight without exercising.

By choosing the right foods you increase fat burning. Protein and healthy fats don’t cause a high insulin spike, so your body can burn body fat. So eat more meat, fatty fish, nuts, eggs, seeds, natural and vegetable oils.

If you eat this way, you burn more energy than you consume. This makes it very easy to lose weight. Of course, your digestion also influences the processing of your food.

To facilitate the entire elimination process, it is good to remember that carbohydrates are fattening and recipes rich in protein and healthy fats are good for losing weight without exercising.

What do you have to change now?

Therefore, it is necessary to change your diet. If you don’t have time to exercise, start in the kitchen. A first piece of advice is to prepare your own meals yourself. In this way, you determine what you eat and what ingredients are used in your food.

Make your own breakfast, like a smoothie, bring a healthy lunch to work, and always cook your dinners yourself. Avoid as many sauces as possible or prepare your own from now on.

No more eating grains and sugars

This is probably one of the biggest challenges you face. We have all become accustomed to eating a lot of grains. You have to eat differently.

Don’t bring more sugars into your house and avoid your favorite candy. Take other snacks with you and make sure you are no longer tempted to buy this one.

Replace your evening cookie with a piece of veggies or have a handful of nuts with your coffee. Of course, you no longer add sugar to your coffee or tea either.

healthy snack

You may have eaten healthy all day, but every day at four in the morning you are tempted to eat something sweet. These types of sugars are not good for losing weight and, therefore, you should avoid them.

If you know you’re always snacking, take a healthy snack with you. A handful of carrots or other fruits are delicious to munch on. So eat enough protein, fewer carbohydrates, and plenty of healthy fats. That will help you lose fat and keep the weight off.

Health Fitness

How to lose weight in the next 24 hours

I am writing this article because of the question stated in the title. This question has to be answered clearly, so that the public can understand it. Let me ask you a question.

“Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in 24 hours?”

If you are wondering, let me tell you the answer clearly.

“No, it is impossible to lose 10 pounds in one day.”

I have seen many ads claiming that they will help you lose 30 pounds in 24 hours. It is impossible and harmful. It will do you no good to think that you can lose weight just by taking a supplement, a pill or some magic drink.


“Is it possible to lose some weight in the next 24 hours?”

If possible. Losing 1 or 2 pounds in a day is possible and I’m going to tell you the way. If you have health problems, I do not suggest you try these quick plans. Please consult your doctor for this purpose.

When people want to lose weight in such a short time, it is usually a question of style and fashion. They want to look elegant before the party that is tomorrow. In that case, I can help you. You can easily lose 2 pounds in the next 24 hours.

Here comes a list of suggestions:

  • Drinking water
  • steam room
  • 3 day diet plan
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • cardiovascular exersise
  • Walking

When you want to lose weight overnight, you’re obviously going to lose water weight. 70% of our body weight is water.

Drinking water

Drink plenty of water to stay full and hydrated. Subsequently, this water will be used in the vaporization process. This water will help you remove toxins and waste from your body. When your body is dehydrated, it only wants to store water so it’s not easy to lose water weight. You can use diuretics for this purpose, but you will need to consult your doctor.

Steam room

If you are a member of a slimming center, the steam room is a good option. In the steam room, someone must be present to carefully supervise you.

3 day diet plan outline

Do you know the 3 day diet plan? Try to use this diet plan as the basis for your one day diet plan. I mean you have to use the diet on the first day of this diet plan for 24 hours. It is useful.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Don’t even think about alcohol. Avoid caffeine as it promotes dehydration. These items are not useful. You must use the 3-day diet plan, which includes black coffee.

cardiovascular exersise

For me, cardio exercises are the best. They have always worked for me. In addition, they will help you lose weight in a very short time. 30 to 60 minutes of cardio a day is more than enough and will help you lose 2 pounds.


Walking is also beneficial. Because we want to lose weight in 24 hours, then we have to take advantage of every opportunity. Walk for 20 minutes along with cardiovascular exercises.

That is all.

Now here’s a warning for you. It is a short-term plan and does not guarantee long-term benefits.

Thank you for reading.

Health Fitness

Bodyweight Exercises: Bear Crawl Vs Tiger Walk

Bodyweight exercises are another way to exercise without using external weights like dumbbells, barbells, or other fitness equipment. In this article I’m going to talk about two bodyweight exercises that are exceptional for building strength and endurance.

And at the same time, you’ll burn a significant amount of calories, which makes these two exercises ideal for weight loss.

I will explain these two exercises and then tell you the main difference between the two. However, I would recommend that you try both on a regular basis so that your body gets the best of both worlds, so to speak. But if you feel more comfortable using one over the other, then go for it.

The Bear Crawl Bodyweight Exercise


Step 1

-Like a baby with a crawling posture, get on your hands and knees preparing for the exercise

Step 2

-Lift your knees off the ground and let your toes do the work.

Step 3

-Put your butt higher than your head to create a sloped or sloping surface

Step 4

-Start crawling by moving an opposite hand (eg, left hand) and opposite leg (eg, right leg) at the same time; then continue crawling using the other hand and leg

step 5

-You can repeat 10 crawls on each side for a total of 20 crawls/reps, or use a timer for 30-60 seconds

The Tiger Walk Bodyweight Exercise


Step 1

-Like a baby with a crawling posture, get on your hands and knees preparing for the exercise

Step 2

-Lift your knees off the ground and let your toes do the work.

Step 3 (the main difference between Bear Crawl and Tiger Walk)

-Don’t put your butt higher than your head, but keep them in line or level so you can create a level surface

Step 4

-Start crawling by moving an opposite hand (eg, left hand) and opposite leg (eg, right leg) at the same time; then continue crawling using the other hand and leg

step 5

-You can repeat 10 crawls on each side for a total of 20 crawls/reps, or use a timer for 30-60 seconds

Both moves are great, but they are slightly different. The Bear Crawl puts more emphasis on the shoulders; Tiger Walk engages your midsection or core muscles as you are trying to keep your body in line. Therefore, the core muscles are working harder to maintain that position.

Again, it’s a great idea to practice both by alternating between them using the following example:

-Exercise One: Bear Crawl

-Workout Two: Bear Crawl

-Workout three: Tiger Walk

-Workout Four: Bear Crawl

-Workout Five: Tiger Walk