Health Fitness

Shocking Reveal: One Of The Worst Fattening Foods To Avoid To Build Six Pack Abs Fast

The group of fattening foods that I will talk about in this article may surprise you. Many people mistakenly believe that this popular food is “healthy.” Read on to find out the truth.

Avoiding this food group will help you achieve the fat loss you want. Later, this will help you develop your ripped abs faster by reducing the fat in your diet.

The food group is wheat and whole wheat products (especially white flour). Although wheat is relatively low in fat, the largest source of fat comes from the oils and shortening ingredients used during processing.

The list of items to avoid includes breads, crackers, muffins, pasta, cereals, bagels, crackers, and many other wheat-based foods. Depending on the processing method, you can identify wheat content when the label specifies any of the following ingredients… bran, bulgur, couscous, flour, gluten, pasta, and/or semolina.

Wheat, along with barley, rye, and similar cereals, are in a classification called Triticeae. Gluten (storage proteins) in the Triticeae grain tribe has been linked to gluten-sensitive diseases. This is especially remarkable considering that a large percentage of the population has a gluten intolerance.

People with celiac disease (also known as celiac disease) are especially sensitive to the gluten in wheat and similar grains. It may also be surprising to note that the human digestive system is not specially designed for large quantities of wheat grains.

In the last 80 to 100 years, the dietary intake of wheat and similar grains has increased greatly. This is mainly due to the fact that wheat and wheat-based products have become relatively cheap and are therefore in higher demand.

Prove it to yourself. Try to avoid wheat products for the next two to three weeks. Incorporate healthier alternatives into your diet and see if you don’t lose weight during that time period. You’ll also get better tone if you’re currently following an abdominal regimen.

Some alternatives to flour and wheat products include… buckwheat (not related to wheat), amaranth, and quinoa. These are three grain-like seeds that are not related to cereal grains.

Because they are gluten free, these alternative grains are not suitable for making and baking leavened bread. However, they can be used to make great-tasting quick breads and cookies.

Another excellent substitute for wheat flour is walnut flour. Due to its richness, it is perfect for making cakes and cookies. Chestnut flour in particular has a longer shelf life than many other nuts.