Lifestyle Fashion

Angular Cheilitis Cures: Natural Remedies

Have you ever suffered from angular cheilitis? If you have, you would not be alone, as many people suffer from this painful and unsightly condition that appears on the sides of the mouth. It is often caused by a buildup of saliva on the sides of the mouth. This warm humidity is the ideal place for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi. Fortunately, this condition can be cured in many different ways and also very quickly if the correct treatment is applied. You can treat it medicinally or herbally. Most people these days treat these conditions with some type of medication that they get from the pharmacy.

If cheilitis is treated right away, symptoms may go away in a couple of days. But if left untreated, the skin can crack and bleed and a nasty scab will start to form. This is very painful and also very embarrassing. Many people do not know that there are many home remedies that are very effective in treating angular cheilitis.

The standard orthodox cure for angular cheilitis is to apply a topical steroid cream or antifungal cream and it should kill the bacteria within a few days. But as I mentioned before, there are home cures for cheilitis that are very effective in eliminating this condition.

Attention to diet:

There can be some dietary causes of this condition. If the cause behind the cheilitis is a yeast infection called Candida Albicans, then following a strict diet that skips anything made with yeast will eliminate the condition. Drinking plenty of water can keep your skin hydrated, which helps the healing process. A deficiency of vitamin B has also been found to be the cause in some cases of angular cheilitis. Therefore, it would be a good idea to start taking the supplement, as part of a treatment, even if you are not sure if you are deficient in vitamin B.

Diet changes are a natural way to cure angular cheilitis. Another easy way is to simply let the area dry naturally, denying that moisture starves bacteria and fungi. Homemade topical remedies can be prepared either by making a healing self with petroleum jelly and tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial oil and will effectively kill all bacteria and fungi. Another way is by applying baking soda (baking soda) to the affected area. This has excellent results as a natural cure for angular cheilitis. Rubbing olive oil on the lips also hydrates and kills any bacteria that may be lurking around the mouth area. Sometimes dentures that don’t fit properly can be the cause of excess saliva around the sides of your mouth, so be sure to disinfect your dentures by putting them in a solution of water and household bleach.

The cures for angular cheilitis are many, both natural and medicinal, and the way each person responds to treatment is different. Choose the way that best suits your needs. However, before you head to the drugstore, open your kitchen cabinets to see what you have on hand to naturally cure angular cheilitis. And watch those unpleasant, painful sores disappear.