Digital Marketing

3 ways to get more traffic for your online store

An introduction to marketing your online store

No matter how wonderful your products are, finding ways to encourage consumers to buy from your online store can be challenging.

With so much competition, especially if you’re competing against a large retailer, it means you always have to focus on ways to drive more traffic to your online store.

Here are 3 ways to grow your online store:

1. Create compelling content

Publishing content that is valuable to your consumers is an ideal way to drive people to your website. Potential customers are more willing to buy from a retailer that posts blogs, reviews, and genuine articles.

A study by Gartner, a leading research and advisory firm, found that 84% of millennials have used user-generated content to make a purchase decision.

Also, if you provide your readers with fresh content, they are more likely to come back to your website and buy from you more than once.

2. Focus on SEO

When creating organic content that your readers will enjoy, it is essential to keep SEO in mind if you want to grow your online store. Organic traffic means that visitors find your website in a way that doesn’t require you to pay for that traffic to find it.

For example, if you’ve written a book on relationship advice that you want to promote, you might create articles that contain keywords like “relationship advice” and “love advice.”

You also need to expand your SEO campaign to:

• Include keyword descriptions in product images

• Create a sitemap and submit it to search engines

• Write page titles and meta descriptions

However, you will first need to do your keyword research and work on targeting low-competition keywords that still receive enough traffic to make your efforts worthwhile. This is where an SEO expert can really come in handy.

3. Use Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising program that can really help you drive traffic and leads.

The cost per click varies, but even an entrepreneur with a limited budget can afford at least a small campaign.

For an impressions campaign, you only pay for an ad when someone clicks the ad, calls your business, or views your video, making it a cost-effective way to get more traffic.

There are a few ways to use Google AdWords:

• Appear in Google search results

• Promote banner ads in Gmail or websites

• Create a YouTube video ad that targets your audience based on specific criteria

You’ll need to be skilled enough to manage your campaigns, measure results, and make changes, or else it won’t help you grow your online store and could end up being very expensive. If you’re not sure, find a professional who can help you grow your online store through paid traffic.

Like most marketing strategies, driving traffic to your online store requires ongoing effort. Your competitors are likely focusing on the same techniques you are, so stay ahead by measuring your results and changing what doesn’t work.