Digital Marketing

3 ways to get more traffic for your online store

An introduction to marketing your online store

No matter how wonderful your products are, finding ways to encourage consumers to buy from your online store can be challenging.

With so much competition, especially if you’re competing against a large retailer, it means you always have to focus on ways to drive more traffic to your online store.

Here are 3 ways to grow your online store:

1. Create compelling content

Publishing content that is valuable to your consumers is an ideal way to drive people to your website. Potential customers are more willing to buy from a retailer that posts blogs, reviews, and genuine articles.

A study by Gartner, a leading research and advisory firm, found that 84% of millennials have used user-generated content to make a purchase decision.

Also, if you provide your readers with fresh content, they are more likely to come back to your website and buy from you more than once.

2. Focus on SEO

When creating organic content that your readers will enjoy, it is essential to keep SEO in mind if you want to grow your online store. Organic traffic means that visitors find your website in a way that doesn’t require you to pay for that traffic to find it.

For example, if you’ve written a book on relationship advice that you want to promote, you might create articles that contain keywords like “relationship advice” and “love advice.”

You also need to expand your SEO campaign to:

• Include keyword descriptions in product images

• Create a sitemap and submit it to search engines

• Write page titles and meta descriptions

However, you will first need to do your keyword research and work on targeting low-competition keywords that still receive enough traffic to make your efforts worthwhile. This is where an SEO expert can really come in handy.

3. Use Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising program that can really help you drive traffic and leads.

The cost per click varies, but even an entrepreneur with a limited budget can afford at least a small campaign.

For an impressions campaign, you only pay for an ad when someone clicks the ad, calls your business, or views your video, making it a cost-effective way to get more traffic.

There are a few ways to use Google AdWords:

• Appear in Google search results

• Promote banner ads in Gmail or websites

• Create a YouTube video ad that targets your audience based on specific criteria

You’ll need to be skilled enough to manage your campaigns, measure results, and make changes, or else it won’t help you grow your online store and could end up being very expensive. If you’re not sure, find a professional who can help you grow your online store through paid traffic.

Like most marketing strategies, driving traffic to your online store requires ongoing effort. Your competitors are likely focusing on the same techniques you are, so stay ahead by measuring your results and changing what doesn’t work.


How to tame a crazy woman

Are you having problems with your wife or girlfriend and feel that she is one discussion away from an aneurysm? Does he yell and yell at the slightest provocation? Do you feel like she will never be happy and that she gets so crazy that you think you could just up and walk away?

If you feel this way, you are not alone. We’ve all heard of crazy women and I’m sure the guys get together and they all talk about wild arguments with tiger wives and how crazy their women can get over the slightest incident.

But let me tell you, taming a crazy woman is actually so easy, you would be surprised. For Adriana Lima it’s as easy as making a man hard. The key to calming her down and making her love you again is to treat her the right way AND doing it QUICKLYbefore it starts to boil.

During an argument, men want to take some time to let the air clear or to think things over, but when a woman starts to get upset, you need to calm her anger quickly. Space and time to think make her spiral out of control and in Crazyville.

His madness is actually a plea for your love and help

The best way to disconnect her from her crazy place is talk to her hurtnot to his anger.

Every ‘crazy’ woman has a musky center. In fact, I’d wager that the crazier the woman (I’m using crazy loosely here, if she’s really crazy and suffering from mental illness then that’s a different article) the more maudlin the center. Loud, explosive, volatile, furious, and rant women are actually extremely sensitive and experience very intense pain.

A woman acts crazy because she feels that she is emotionally in survival mode. She feels, in that moment, something so strong inside that I would compare it to being pushed out of a car in the middle of the desert and having nowhere to go. She feels abandoned and all alone. In fact, I have spoken with clients who say that a man who emotionally abandons them hurts them worse than if he had punched her in the face.

You could have done something you felt was petty, dumped her for the weekend, or told her you didn’t think you were ready for a commitment, but to her, you could just as well have told her that she’s a nasty piece of trash. . Yes, it is that extreme of a feeling for her.

Does the fact that she acts crazy mean she has low self-esteem? Not necessarily. What I would equate with her having low self esteem is more how YOU behave in the relationship. If you are not an honorable, completely honest, generous, loyal, and tender man with her, then she has low self-esteem. Because? Because women with healthy levels of self-confidence only waste their time with good men. If you embody all of these great qualities and she is still constantly looking out for you like a raging hyena, she would say that she is mentally ill or that you are unclear about what she needs from you.

See, women need different things than men think they need. A man could be doing all the right steps with a woman (buying her things, listening to her, falling in love with her, pleasing her sexually, making her laugh, etc.), but if he isn’t emotionally available to her (opening up, talking about commitment, expressing a desire to take care of her for a long time, inviting her into his life by revealing his secrets, staying in the room during an argument, etc.), then she may feel that he is not safe.’

WOMEN NEED TO FEEL SAFE. If you get nothing from this article, please know a lot about us. By security, I don’t mean financially or spiritually, I mean emotionally. We need to feel like you’re not going to abandon us when times get tough, or hide parts of yourself from us, or make your need for validation from all women more important than your need to be loved exclusively by us. If we feel that you are overly concerned with how other women see you or that you prioritize your ‘manly liberties’ over us, we will feel insecure around you.

How to tame a crazy woman

The GOOD NEWS is that you can turn off his ‘crazy’ in a jiffy. You can take it from 60 to 2 in a matter of seconds. As? You have to connect with his heart instead of trying to rationalize with the crazy freaky part of her throwing the remote at your head. I repeat: STOP RATIONALIZING WITH HER.

Now, by speaking from the heart, I don’t mean a sympathy speech (“Baby, you know I love you. Why are you acting like that? I don’t want to hurt you, baby”). Please do not do it. talk to him like you have some idea of ​​a stud who can wheedle girls. She will see through him. Even if she buys it, she will go crazy again in a few days. Because? Because you’re really not being honest, you’re just telling her what she wants to hear.

To speak to a woman’s heart, you have to come from a genuinely loving place. You have to be able to see the scared little girl with a pink tail and a full lip that’s under all that screaming. She is there, I promise you, and she is TERRIFIED and DESPERATE for your love.

Right now, imagine what your wife looked like as a child. How ADORABLE was she? Was she dumb, dumb, shy, loud? Was she short, plump, freckled or brave? Take a moment to see it in her head and fall in love with that adorable little princess (or tomboy) who could give the devil back his angel wings with a toothless grin.

Do you feel that part of you right now that cares for her? Do you feel that part of you that wants to take care of her, protect her, hug her and kiss her gently? That feeling has to be the springboard for your communication with her when she is on the brink of madness.

When she looks like she’s about to get angry: Look her in the eye, connect with her (even if you have to get in her face), and tell her that she’s your everything and you’re sorry. You don’t have to apologize for your actions if you feel like you weren’t wrong, but my God, apologize for the way you made her feel.

Do it calmly and touch her while sending her love with your eyes. She needs to know that you’re listening (not with your ears, but with ALL of your attention) and that you want to help her feel safe again. Her (she acts maniac because she feels insecure).

Don’t talk bad to him! Talk to her like you KNOW she’s better than the way she acts, but that you’re not superior to her just because she’s hyperemotional.

Then I want you to wait for her to connect with you and calm down. She may keep screaming and screaming for a few seconds, but you have to stay with her and not give up on that little girl in her. it is your duty, as her man, to take care of that little girl inside that angry woman and attend to her young and scared feelings.

You can still tell him to stop yelling, throwing things, blaming, etc. Be firm, be direct but be an adult with that girl. Once her ‘little boy’ starts yelling at you, calling her crazy, abandoning her or obstructing her, you have he lost his power. You have become as childish as her.

be an honorable man

Defusing a woman’s crazy anger isn’t going to work if you just talk the talk and don’t walk the walk. You can’t speak to a woman’s heart and then turn around the next day and treat her like an option, a doormat, a sex kitten, a baby mama, the biggest fan in your fan club, etc. You gotta treat her like…are you listening?…she holds your worth as a man in his heart

She has to be your priority, your confidante, YOUR safe place, your idol, your light at the end of the tunnel, your precious saving angel, your ego boost. And I know right now you want to tie her to a tree, soap her up with honey, and leave her like a starving bear, but if you can have the trust to stop listening to her dark side that is in survival mode and start loving the little girl inside of her will change everything in a matter of days.

The beautiful thing about women is that if you make them feel safe in the way I mentioned above, 9 out of 10 will step up and be a safe place for you. They will keep all your secrets, keep your dreams alive and fill your life with light.

‘Crazy’ women (overly emotional and explosive) are no exception. In fact, crazy girls have a gorgeous side. Crazy women have a side that LOVES a man. Because? Because they are more childish than other women (remember the girl) and they see you like a daughter does a fatherAdoring eyes and a radiant glow from her being!

When your lady freaks out, remember that she is not aiming at you or trying to hurt you. I know that she feels that way; I know you think she’s a sadist with a big pair of tits, but her anger isn’t for you. It’s about what you’ve unleashed inside her: feel that she is fighting for his life. I know it sounds weird and dramatic, but it’s true. If you speak to him from the heart and really try to LISTEN to his pain and tell him that you’re sorry and that you always want to take care of his feelings, he won’t know what to do. You will have saved her from you. This is how she will feel, like you came and rescued her from the you that you were a minute ago. You will be her hero, even if you were the instigator.

*If you are being physically abused, leave her or seek counseling.

Health Fitness

Bye Bye Belly Fat – Burn Belly Fat Fast With These Simple And Unusual Fat Loss Exercises!

Say goodbye to belly fat. I’m going to show you how to burn belly fat fast with some simple and unusual fat loss exercises. If you exercise a lot but don’t lose any fat, then READ THIS NOW!

Bye Bye Belly Fat – Burn Belly Fat Fast

1. Walking inclined with deep breathing

To force your body to burn stomach fat quickly, you should ideally walk at an incline with one deep breath every minute. Because? First of all, if you are overweight, it is unexpected to jump into a “HARDCORE” workout or exercise routine. The odds of you getting hurt within the first 6 weeks are 50-50.

Nobody tells you that, huh?

Walking is an easy thing you can do. But just walking doesn’t quickly burn belly fat. That’s where the incline and deep breathing come in.

Inclining a treadmill to just 10 degrees increases fat loss dramatically. Of course, it is more difficult than walking on a flat surface. So be prepared to sweat if you do this for 15-20 minutes. But another thing you can do that adds to the extra fat-burning power of incline walking is to take 1 or 2 deep breaths every minute you walk.

Because? Well, because the additional oxygen intake into your body is a catalyst for fat burning/oxidation. Just take a big inhale and let out a big exhale. Nothing else.

2. My secret exercise that triples your weight loss… spin around like kids

It’s funny that most of my clients don’t take me seriously when I tell them to do this. They think it’s a joke. Well, I can assure you that it is not. Spinning actually speeds up weight loss in a big way due to its unique abilities to stimulate and harmonize your hormones through your endocrine system.

It’s a bit complex and that’s why I have a report on it, but to get you started on this article, I’ll give you the basics. Rotate clockwise. Spin around until you get a LITTLE dizzy.

That’s all. Oh, and make sure you do AT LEAST 5 sets of twists a day to get the most benefits from this exercise… TO START. In fact, I do 10 sets of 20 twists every day.

So go ahead and try these out and prove to yourself that you can burn belly fat fast with these 2 unique fat loss exercises. Do you see me saying GOODBYE BELLY FAT?

Legal Law

Increased sexual energy through the Law of "Opposition" With Autofellatio and Autocunnilingus

Autofellatio and Autocunnilingus are forms of oral sex that allow a person to sexually stimulate their own genitals with their own mouth. Ancient history has left us many clues that such acts were part of cultures around the world. It also appears that such acts were more common than they are today. Especially with cultures and religions that were deeply based on sexuality.

One of the reasons for this is that such autosexual acts allow a person to engage in sexual pleasures that cross the normal boundaries of life. One of the developments that takes place when men (autofellatio) and women (autocunnilingus) travel to this forbidden land of their own sexual pleasure, is that they begin to explore their own sexuality in ways they have never been able to explore before. Crossing these borders allows one to harness and harness sexual energy, feelings, creativity, and evolutionary growth that would otherwise be very difficult and almost impossible to obtain.

One of the basic methods used in autosexual exploration is to understand the “opposite” law of nature. This is where everything has its counterbalance to maintain balance and equilibrium in life. For example: the sun and the moon, day and night, good and evil, masculine and feminine, sweet and bitter, black and white, yin and yang.

Our “sexuality”, as with all of nature, is based on this same “opposite” law. Whether it’s a man with a woman, a woman with a woman, or a man with a man. This is because, during the sexual role, the innate feminine and masculine evolve with the sexual act. These features are typically amplified. This can be a woman playing the feminine role and the man playing the masculine role. The roles can even be reversed, switched, and explored at any time during lovemaking.

With autosexual acts we can become both male and female, positive and negative, and yin and yang. Under conventional methods of masturbation, we tend to fantasize about our “opposite” balance sexual partner. This can be through pure mental thought or with the help of a sex tape, for example. Whatever its source, it maintains our sexual balance by satisfying our oppositional need through our oppositional lack.

However, with autofellatio and autocunnilingus, things go a step further. We can become one, creating the duality of one. That’s why this form of masturbation is so intense. We give and receive sexually from the opposite, and we perceive both simultaneously. To explain further, imagine what it would be like if you were a man and two of you had sex with two (of the same) women at the same time, but as one. “One” is the “solo” performer with TWO sexual point of view perceptions being performed, simultaneously. Then you might realize:

  • The Man (you) as Feminine and the partner (you) as Masculine
  • The Man (you) as Masculine and the partner (you) as Feminine
  • gold
  • The male as female and the female partner
  • Man as Masculine and the Masculine partner

Or mix and match the two, such as Male/Female and Couple/Female with Male/Male and Couple/Female. There are many different combinations.

In all of these cases, the “opposite” rule still holds. The exception would be Man/Male and Couple/Male with Man/Male and Couple/Male. (“Female” can be substituted for “Masculine”.) However, this would seem like an impossible task to realistically create, since there is still a “giving” and a “receiving” during the autosexual act. This is an interesting concept for further exploration, in my opinion.

Acts of autofellatio exploit the natural law of opposition, as we become the opposite of our opposites. You are no longer part of the “natural” world in which you are used to living, seeking the opposite to balance yourself. There is no need, since we have this balance (with these forms of autosexual acts).

As sex is already a highly energized and intense emotional experience, one can easily understand that through self-oral sexuality, this energy could easily be doubled. From my experience, this is what initially happens to the person who begins to explore this form of sexuality. With experience and learning how to harness this energy correctly, the energy created is much more than doubled; and it is much more intense and powerful.

Lifestyle Fashion

Tips for when you are separated but want to reconcile with your spouse

I often have people tell me that they live in a state of great anxiety when they separate from their spouse. They are often in a lot of pain and assume the worst as they feel their life is in crisis. I fully understand this. The period of time that my husband and I were separated was one of the most painful and terrifying of my life. However, now that I look back, I realize that I could have done a few things that would have made it much easier. It probably could have saved me a lot of pain, too. So, in the following article, I’ll offer some tips on how to best handle a trial separation so that it goes as smoothly as possible and so that you have the best chance of improving or saving your marriage rather than ending it.

Don’t assume your marriage is over: I can’t tell you how common it is for people to assume that the beginning of a separation means the end of their marriage. Of course, they hope this is not true. But in their hearts, they fear that it is.

While this is understandable, it is very important that you do not allow any doubts to cloud your judgment and affect your actions. Yes, I know this is scary. But very often, if you fear a thing so much that you place every thought or action in alignment with it, you almost make the thing you fear most more likely.

Not all couples who separate end up divorcing. Many don’t. Some not only save their marriages, but also make them even better. And, even better news than this is that your actions, behaviors, and strategies can have an impact on what happens now. It’s not like you don’t have any control over the outcome. You do. So be careful not to give up before you’ve had a chance to fight. I know firsthand that this is a scary time, but do your best to think positively, knowing that this will give you the best chance of success and make this easier to bear.

Try to agree on the details before someone moves in: I know that it can be painful and uncomfortable to talk beforehand about how often you will meet or communicate. But this is almost always going to be the best call. One of the biggest conflict issues once the separation begins is not meeting expectations. Often one person will assume one thing while the other will assume another. When expectations or hopes are not met, people feel hurt or assume the worst. All of this can be avoided if you describe what will happen before someone moves out and before misunderstandings start. Try to agree as much as you can so you both know what to expect.

Describe what you will do to improve the situation. Commit to being proactive instead of reactive: Many people just blindly hope that time and distance will work for them. In other words, they prepare and hope for the best. I am not going to tell you that this is an impossible strategy. Often a breakup shows both people taking each other for granted and often missing each other so much that they are motivated to get along much better.

But, the problem with this is that even though the motivation level goes up, sometimes nothing has been done to solve the problems that lead to the separation to begin with. So while that issue may not come up again in the reconciliation phase, wait until your relationship is under stress again. This brings doubts and insecurity that can lead to more problems.

In short, if you can commit to solving your problems (and this can happen after the separation is over if this is easier for you), then you will have much more confidence in your marriage. And as a result, you’ll have a much lower chance of this happening again.

Don’t do things that you will later regret. Remember that he is still married: Sometimes when there are a lot of doubts about what will happen to the future of your marriage, it can start to feel like what you do today won’t matter anyway. One of the biggest things that prevents a reconciliation is when one or both spouses behave during the separation that ends up jeopardizing their marriage. People will often act in ways that they never would have considered when they weren’t apart. And in a sense this is understandable because you are vulnerable and you are under a lot of stress. So it can feel pretty good to blow off steam. Or it might be tempting to go out for a drink with that cute coworker because it would boost your self-esteem at a time when it’s desperately needed.

However, I strongly believe that you should resist these temptations. You’re still married and I can’t tell you how often I see marriages end because one or both spouses started dating other people during the separation. Don’t do anything that could jeopardize your marriage, and know that your spouse may discover things that you were sure would remain a secret.

Know that strengthening yourself and conducting yourself with dignity will only help your marriage in the long run: People often resist being self-employed when they are apart. Understandably, your entire focus is on your spouse, your marriage, and what’s wrong. But frankly, there’s probably never a better time to work on yourself. First of all, you probably have more free time right now. Second, it will often make you feel productive and provide some relief. Third, it is likely to make her appear more attractive to her husband. I know it’s easy to just sit at home and get discouraged by her situation, but doing so doesn’t bring your husband closer to you. But, if she sees that you make the best of things because you love and respect yourself enough to do so, then she will do the same. Valuing yourself enough to do this makes you appear more valuable to others. And increasing your perceived value can be vital right now.


What is the difference between accounting qualifications?

There is often a lot of confusion about what all the accounting qualifications and abbreviations mean, from CA to ACCA, it’s no wonder people get confused. One of the main factors influencing these abbreviations may be the origin of the person or institution that owns them. For example, ICAS (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) was the first institute to adopt the phrase chartered accountant with the designative abbreviation CA. One of the other big accountancy institutes in the UK is ACCA, which stands for Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. The phrase registered account and the abbreviation CA are favorably based on the UK. However, in the United States, the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) qualification and abbreviation is the most prominent. There are also additional terms like CMA, which stands for Certified Management Accountant, which is a more universal term.

The key differentiating factor between these two types of qualifications is the criteria they cover, particularly for institutes and their entrance exam. For example, the ACCA divides its exams and qualifications into two key areas, fundamentals and professional. When broken down, it covers applicants’ skills and knowledge base and essential career elements and options. In contrast, the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) divides their qualifications into 4 key areas. These cover audit and attestation, business environment and concepts, accounting and financial reporting, and regulation. From this it can be seen that the CPA rating is much broader in contrast to the CA rating which is more specific. Most of these institutes have been around since the 1800s and their influences have helped shape today’s industry through the introduction of new qualifications and diplomas. It has been the influence of the institutes that has also supported the drive towards demand for a more multidisciplinary accounting skills base. This has been achieved through its collaboration with other financial institutes such as Scottish Investment Operations and the Chartered Institute of Bankers Scotland to develop qualifications such as the Diploma in Investment Accounting. However, choosing which qualification is best for you is often very unique to you as an individual and your intended career path, as well as your destiny. For example, you would look at getting a CPA qualification if you were intending to move to the US, even if you currently live and work in the UK where CA is the predominant qualification, but ultimately sadly there isn’t one. correct or incorrect answer.

There is often a lot of confusion about what all the accounting qualifications and abbreviations mean, from CA to ACCA, it’s no wonder people get confused. One of the main factors influencing these abbreviations may be the origin of the person or institution that owns them. For example, ICAS (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) was the first institute to adopt the phrase chartered accountant with the designative abbreviation CA. One of the other big accountancy institutes in the UK is ACCA, which stands for Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. The phrase registered account and the abbreviation CA are favorably based on the UK. However, in the United States, the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) qualification and abbreviation is the most prominent. There are also additional terms like CMA, which stands for Certified Management Accountant, which is a more universal term.

The key differentiating factor between these two types of qualifications is the criteria they cover, particularly for institutes and their entrance exam. For example, the ACCA divides its exams and qualifications into two key areas, fundamentals and professional. When broken down, it covers applicants’ skills and knowledge base and essential career elements and options. In contrast, the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) divides their qualifications into 4 key areas. These cover audit and attestation, business environment and concepts, accounting and financial reporting, and regulation. From this it can be seen that the CPA rating is much broader in contrast to the CA rating which is more specific. Most of these institutes have been around since the 1800s and their influences have helped shape today’s industry through the introduction of new qualifications and diplomas. It has been the influence of the institutes that has also supported the drive towards demand for a more multidisciplinary accounting skills base. This has been achieved through its collaboration with other financial institutes such as Scottish Investment Operations and the Chartered Institute of Bankers Scotland to develop qualifications such as the Diploma in Investment Accounting. However, choosing which qualification is best for you is often very unique to you as an individual and your intended career path, as well as your destiny. For example, you would look at getting a CPA qualification if you were intending to move to the US, even if you currently live and work in the UK where CA is the predominant qualification, but ultimately sadly there isn’t one. correct or incorrect answer.

There is often a lot of confusion about what all the accounting qualifications and abbreviations mean, from CA to ACCA, it’s no wonder people get confused. One of the main factors influencing these abbreviations may be the origin of the person or institution that owns them. For example, ICAS (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) was the first institute to adopt the phrase chartered accountant with the designative abbreviation CA. One of the other big accountancy institutes in the UK is ACCA, which stands for Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. The phrase registered account and the abbreviation CA are favorably based on the UK. However, in the United States, the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) qualification and abbreviation is the most prominent. There are also additional terms like CMA, which stands for Certified Management Accountant, which is a more universal term.

The key differentiating factor between these two types of qualifications is the criteria they cover, particularly for institutes and their entrance exam. For example, the ACCA divides its exams and qualifications into two key areas, fundamentals and professional. When broken down, it covers applicants’ skills and knowledge base and essential career elements and options. In contrast, the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) divides their qualifications into 4 key areas. These cover audit and attestation, business environment and concepts, accounting and financial reporting, and regulation. From this it can be seen that the CPA rating is much broader in contrast to the CA rating which is more specific. Most of these institutes have been around since the 1800s and their influences have helped shape today’s industry through the introduction of new qualifications and diplomas. It has been the influence of the institutes that has also supported the drive towards demand for a more multidisciplinary accounting skills base. This has been achieved through its collaboration with other financial institutes such as Scottish Investment Operations and the Chartered Institute of Bankers Scotland to develop qualifications such as the Diploma in Investment Accounting. However, choosing which qualification is best for you is often very unique to you as an individual and your intended career path, as well as your destiny. For example, you would look at getting a CPA qualification if you were intending to move to the US, even if you currently live and work in the UK where CA is the predominant qualification, but ultimately sadly there isn’t one. correct or incorrect answer.

Real Estate

Importance of knowing the different types of fire extinguishers

If firefighting tools were to join a popularity contest, one of the top contenders would have to be the fire extinguisher. This is because this type of fire fighting tool can be found in almost every home and virtually every business area in this country.

Just as there are different types of fire, there are also different types of fire extinguishers. Knowing the difference between these types is crucial to being successful and effective in putting out a fire. More importantly, using the wrong type can pose a threat to your security.

The different types of fire extinguishers are as follows:

1. Water extinguisher

This type of fire extinguishing device is water-based and is used to extinguish Class A fires. Class A fires are those that start from burning organic solids such as wood, paper, clothing, and soft furnishings. Never use this type for other types of fire. For one, it can only result in the fire getting bigger or worse, if you use this on an electrical fire you risk electrocuting yourself.

2. Foam extinguisher

This is intended for class B fires or fires that originated from superheated flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, or pain. It would be ideal to buy this type if your business makes use of this type of liquid or if you have a part of your home where you store these materials.

3. Dry powder fire extinguisher

This type is ideal for Class C fires or those started with superheated flammable gases such as methane, propane, or butane.

4. Powder extinguisher

Also known as an ABC extinguisher, it is safe to use for class A, B and C fires, making it the versatile choice among the range of fire fighting tools.

5. Specialized powder fire extinguisher

It is designed to fight class D fires or burning metals such as aluminum, magnesium or titanium.

6. CO2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguisher

This is the only safe to use on electrical fires. Electrical fires can be the result of many different things, such as appliance or device malfunction, faulty wiring, loose connection, blown fuses, overloaded outlets, etc.

Knowing the different types of fire extinguishers is important due to several factors:


Safety is the most important reason, as you don’t want to endanger yourself, your family, or those around you by using the wrong type of extinguisher.

2. Degree of effectiveness

By using the correct type, you have a better chance of successfully suppressing a fire. As mentioned above, using the wrong one can cause a fire to grow bigger instead of smaller.

3. Correct purchase option

If you are familiar with the different types of fire extinguishers, you will know which one is appropriate and suitable to purchase for your home or business. You will be able to protect your business or home more efficiently and you will save money.

Fire safety is a very broad subject. To be safe against fire, you need to know a lot about it. One of the most important things to know is the different types of fire extinguishers, as these firefighting tools can help you put out a fire and save lives.

Shopping Product Reviews

Current Affairs: The Next American Economy by William Holstein Technology Clusters and Ecosystems

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an unemployment rate of 9.2 percent in June 2011. That number remains frustratingly constant each month as millions of Americans struggle to find work.

It is clear that many of the jobs lost in recent decades and during the Great Recession of 2008 have been extinguished. It is said that the definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing, but expecting different results.

Government stimulus packages and extended unemployment benefits are band-aids for what William Holstein, author of the new book, “The Next American Economy: A Blueprint for a Real Recovery,” identifies as structural challenges in the US economy. Holstein has traveled the United States writing on globalization and the economy for major trade publications.

How will our country reinvent its workforce for the 21st century, and in what industries? Holstein believes that our economic renaissance lies in technology clusters and ecosystems.

Below is a cross-sectional synopsis of the United States and how it is being revitalized with tech clusters and ecosystems. Lessons for all Americans that Holstein addresses regarding the country’s current economic challenges are also discussed.

technology clusters

Clusters promote knowledge sharing and product innovation. They also defend technical and business processes by providing dense networks of formal and informal relationships between organizations. Clusters tend to happen by accident and are difficult to create.

The Orlando technology group relies on computer modeling and simulation; and has its roots in part in the decision by US military and defense contractors in the 1950s to locate operations in the Orlando area. Disney’s influence on computer games and entertainment is also influential. Every cluster needs an idea factory, and Orlando has approximately 140 research and development companies located near the universities. The “cross pollination” of ideas is easily promoted. Simulation and modeling are used in multiple industries. Medical care is included as it uses virtual reality to help rehabilitate stroke victims.

Pittsburgh is reinventing itself from a city of steel (steel mills don’t exist today) to a dominance of advanced robotics. Making advanced robotics systems is complex and challenging. They beat performing repetitive tasks in a car factory, which is simple closed-loop automation. The nascent industry lacks a Google or Apple presence in the city. But, the area’s universities, engineers and government are among their collaborative group, committed to seeing the industry prosper and create new jobs.

San Diego is home to more than 600 life sciences companies and 700 wireless communication companies. In the 1970s, science and medicine rarely collaborated. Today, the combination of biotechnological expertise and massive computing power helps San Diego master medical research and development, including genomics. The opportunity is excellent for “creative collisions” between university students and professors, business leaders and the government of the area. San Diego has a high percentage of entrepreneurial risk takers and venture capital funding, which is continually sought to fuel new technological advances.


Technological ecosystems are factories of ideas that embody different scientific and academic disciplines located in close proximity. They include the presence of large, established companies that often invest in startups, license their technology, and/or serve on their board of directors. CEOs mentor less experienced leaders of small businesses. Government agencies are partners, but businesses are not solely dependent on them. Angel investors and private sector investors are also key players. There are no guarantees in any ecosystem.

North Carolina has divested itself of its furniture, textile, and tobacco industries. Today it is a state whose small and medium-sized companies are committed to exporting, the key to generating economic growth, wealth and employment. Companies that export tend to pay higher wages and stay in business longer. Holstein says that exporting is a huge untapped economic potential. The US export promotion and financing system is fragmented and ineffective. North Carolina wins as agencies at the local, state and federal levels are collaborating to promote export. They provide information to CEOs of small businesses about trade shows in foreign capitals. They also liaise with distributors and potential customers, and help companies translate their sales materials into local languages, among other things.

Atlanta, like many US cities that depend on manufacturing for their economic viability, has relied heavily on offshoring and outsourcing in recent decades to reduce costs. Today, the city is an example of companies that are returning their operations to US soil, a trend known as “backshoring.” This is especially true for high-tech, telecommunications, and healthcare organizations. Traveling around the world for production modification and design changes is expensive and time consuming. Shipping costs, complicated logistics, political unrest, and the threat of intellectual property theft are also motivators. Atlanta’s ecosystem of regional government, universities, and supplier and logistics experts are among those committed to revitalizing the area’s job market.

Cleveland is at the forefront of the 1,200 community colleges in the United States for job retraining. Cleveland’s strength is reskilling dislocated workers in their forties and fifties, a demographic hard hit by global employment trends. Current and future workers need a greater set of knowledge-based skills to be competitive; and Cleveland delivers. The city’s community colleges treat education less like a business and more like education, allowing the unemployed to quickly transition into viable new careers. Cleveland’s educational ecosystem includes local business leaders and government officials. Community colleges can often be more flexible than the four-year academy. Funding flows from federal, state, and local governments, as well as from private foundations.

Lessons for all Americans

Holstein concludes that the United States is the center of a global economy and competitive pressure is permanent. He believes that we are a culture of creativity, innovation and freedom. Our comparative advantage is our ability to outperform existing technologies by being disruptive. To maximize that advantage, future generations will need to master math and science-based skills. It is the only way to prosper in a knowledge-based economy. “This is a defining moment for America, similar to the Great Depression, when we had to invoke a new vision for our future,” he says. “I really believe that we can regain the optimism that many seem to have lost.”

To stay on top of America’s upcoming economy, visit


Women’s Month – Reclaiming beauty, redefining success

Women’s Month – Reclaiming beauty, redefining success

It felt like cold water slapping my face. The first time I saw it, it made me feel uncomfortable. The second time, I cried. Now I am full of positive energy about healthy girl power and I want to share that with you.

“It” is a 60-second video on Go to “Evolution Movie” and click watch movie (note: I’m not talking about the auto-playing pro-age video).

You will see that this film represents a form of violence against girls (and women) that we need to be more aware of.

Research* reveals the good, the bad, and the…

o Dr. Susie Orbach has found that spending just three minutes looking at fashion magazines lowers the self-esteem of 80% of women.

o Distorted expectations and pressures of physical beauty affect self-esteem. This leads to introversion, withdrawal from normal life, and squandering of potential.

o 6 out of 10 girls think that “they would be happy if they were thinner”

Like many of you, I remember being a child, cruelly teased for my appearance almost every day at school. Now I can appreciate that this encouraged me to develop my intelligence and other talents. Today my heart goes out to any girl who feels discouraged by the pressure of the media that feels more intense than in my younger days. (When I was twenty, a friend encouraged me to get a nose job, which helped remove a roadblock to my confidence.)

Good news*:

o 87% of women agree that “a woman can look beautiful at any age” and 81% agree that “every woman has something beautiful about her.”

o 75% of women agree that beauty does not come from their appearance, but from their spirit and love of life.

Author and feminist Naomi Wolf says that in 1991 most American women still felt bad about not looking like the skinny blonde Barbie with big breasts. She writes that women now “DO look beautiful when they are loved or engaged in meaningful activities, engaging in spiritual experiences, helping others, or doing creative work.” Wolf astutely points out that when women are no longer concerned with “external shortcomings, they can move forward energetically with their internal development and creativity.” I would add, so they can wake up inspired and make a difference in the world while feeling more in love with their lives.

This leads us not only to challenge what defines beauty, but what is true success?

Studies show that 80% of professionals say balance and satisfaction are top priorities. However, in real life, they still don’t experience enough balance or meaning. Professionals come to me in search of their higher purpose for much more than just higher salaries.

A healthy revolution is brewing: becoming whole and experiencing a harmony between who you are deep down inside and how you function in the outside world. “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” has a renewed echo in our hearts for the 21st century. The first feminist initiatives were about “Life”: I exist. I have something to say in the world. I count and get a vote. “Freedom” overlaps nicely with the drive for freedom to seek financial independence and equal opportunity to compete for the corner office. Now, we have a great opportunity to renew “The Pursuit of Happiness”. Pray that we’ll be wise about what “happiness” entails and realize that whoever dies with the most toys is probably spending too much time on eBay.

More women are ready to redefine success to include wellness, spirituality, and meaningful work rather than sacrifice these elements as they attempt to climb the ladder and compete in ways that are often out of sync with their true nature. Who wants to keep pushing to break a glass ceiling if it creates more stress and a broken spirit? We are on the threshold of redefining success and regaining joy.

One of my clients, a 40-year-old television producer, puts it this way: “Now I define my own success. I used to put a lot of energy into pushing for the next promotion, competing, and getting caught up in what everyone else thought was the success. I have now stopped chasing in favor of seeking. I realize that, yes, you can have a fulfilling job, be a mother, and not kill yourself, as long as you define success yourself.” Instead of pushing for network executive titles, she is now more intrigued with making a difference in the lives of others, especially girls’ education.

If you are reading this, you are a person of power. You have choices to make and a voice to use toward a world that works for all of us. What would you like to experience for your own unique joyful success story?

Tours Travel

How To Sprout Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds – Awesome Tips That Will Get Your Seeds To Sprout!

So do you want to know how to grow Hawaiian Baby Woodrose? Well, I can tell you that it is not the easiest task because there are factors that make the first stages of germination a bit difficult. If you have ever held one of the seeds, then you know that they are as hard as a rock! This hard shell means that moisture does not easily penetrate the seed. They also have a tendency to rot if great care is not taken during the germination process.

You’re probably wondering by now “How the hell am I going to make these damn things grow?”. Well, there are several things you can do to help make the seed more willing to sprout. The first thing to do is to “cut” the seed. To do this you need a sharp pair of scissors. What you need to look for is the “germ eye” (it’s the little circle that looks like an eye). It is located at the opposite end of the pointed part of the seed. It should be pretty easy to locate. This is what you want to AVOID damaging. The pointy end is what you’re looking at “nick”. Simply cut out the eye of the germ and remove the pointy end. This allows moisture to get into the seed and start the whole process. Now is the easy part. Just soak the seed in water for a full day and it should be nice and swollen. The seed now has enough water inside it to sprout into a beautiful vine.

The next part is extremely crucial and a bit of a secret to those who know how to greatly improve the chances of germination. After soaking the seeds, moisten a paper towel with hydrogen peroxide. You don’t want it to be too wet to the point of dripping. Just a little wet. A good example would be slightly less wet than a Clorox wet wipe. This should prevent the dreaded seed rot you were talking about. Place the seed(s) on the paper towel, then place inside an UNSEALED ziploc bag to allow for airflow. Check the seeds from time to time and within a couple of days you should see little sprouts coming out of the germ eye. When they reach about 1/3-inch in length, it’s time to place them in the ground.

If you’ve made it this far, the hard part is over! Hawaiian Baby Woodrose like soil that is rich and full of nutrients. Good airflow is a must. Keep the soil moist but don’t overwater (good drainage should help maintain a good moisture/dry balance). Place the sprouted seeds about 1/2-1/3 inch deep in the soil and let them grow. Plenty of sunlight is good for these types of seeds. You can tell if they are getting too much because they will wither away. If you start to see signs of wilting, bring them inside. These plants can grow indoors but will not flower. They are fairly slow growing, so expect to be in it for the long haul if you want a fully mature plant. I also recommend a 20-20-20 fertilizer.