Health Fitness

Losing cellulite on the thighs is now easier

If you can stand 10 feet away from your mirror and still see thigh cellulite “dimples” in your skin, then you need to break that same complacency and look at the emerging high-tech cellulite reduction treatment options now available. Your body contouring solutions may finally be at hand.

Operating “Light Energy”. Computers, cell phones, and ipods are just a few of the ways science harnesses the energy of light for lifestyle solutions. Body image issues, such as the need to look your best, mean that cellulite therapy options must deliver measurable results in terms of reducing body fat and losing those embarrassing “dimples” in the skin.

* Radiofrequency To Combat Cellulite. Cellulite treatment consists of addressing the symptoms and the causes. Science remains unresolved as to the ultimate cause of cellulite on the thighs, however the “usual suspects” appear to be hormones, abnormalities of the lymphatic system, decreased blood supply, and waste removal in areas with ” dimples”. Approximately 9 out of 10 women need help for cellulite, either for minor or major conditions on the skin’s surface.

Radio frequency technology focuses carefully calibrated radio frequency energy under the skin (subdermal), leaving the skin on top free of burns and relatively cool to the touch. Meanwhile, far out of sight, thigh fat cells and thigh cellulite deposits take a controlled “hit” due to the buildup of radio frequency energy.

Results? The fibrous connective band that surrounds the fat cells of the thighs, directly causing the “dimpled” appearance, begins to denature or break down. Researchers believe that the resulting increases in blood flow plus lymphatic action cause previously showing cellulite cells on the thighs to shrink to the normal size of fat cells. Dimples are reduced, and your legs may even lose fat, appear smaller, plus you’ll have smooth, rejuvenated skin. Plan 6 or more thigh or buttock cellulite treatments to achieve and then maintain results.

* Laser cellulite removal. The laser is proving to be the ubiquitous rising star of cosmetic skin resurfacing. Laser light energy creates success in the treatment of cellulite apparently due to the breakdown of minute obstructions affecting the blood supply and lymphatic action associated with these hypertrophied fat cells unpopularly known as cellulite. Fifteen or more treatments are necessary. The good news with laser cellulite treatment is that no pretreatment regimen or anesthetics are required.

The myth of cellulite and liposuction. This is the “real deal” of liposuction, what it can and cannot do for your body contouring plans. The jury is definitely out on a strong verdict, highlighting the time-proven results that liposuction can safely reduce significant volumes of body fat. However, liposuction, LipoSelection ultrasound, Lipodissolve, and associated fat reduction treatments don’t hit first base with cellulite, so you can ignore them in terms of significant cellulite treatment options. Only when liposuction is combined with surgery, such as a thigh lift or tummy tuck, can sagging skin along with cellulite fat cells be physically removed.

Cellulite removal with mesotherapy – No science Some results. Is a non-surgical cellulite reduction treatment possible? Some people think so. Estheticians of Europe have for decades dabbled in various “mesotherapy” formulations, combining herbal agents, hormones, enzymes, non-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, micronutrients, and other needle-delivered cellulite reduction treatment programs.

* The lost science of mesotherapy. Does mesotherapy work? There is no verifiable “science” to explain the causes and effects, yet many women extol the virtues of mesotherapy cellulite treatment, even while enduring up to 50 or more needle injections in each treatment area repeatedly over several months. . Public health and safety concerns, plus the lack of recognized performance data, create an army of skeptics in the US, led primarily by the Academy of Plastic Surgeons. reasons given? Formulations and drug options vary among physicians, number and frequency of injections have not been documented, why it works has not been explained, safety and health risks have not been documented.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to treat the problem of inflammation of the hair follicle – Folliculitis

Folliculitis is simply inflammation of the hair-producing follicles. They are found within the pores of the skin. Symptoms include pain, itching, and redness. Rashes, pimples, or pustules may occur. If left untreated, boils, carbuncles, or furuncles can form.

Causes include fungal, bacterial, and viral infections. But the condition starts when the hair follicles get damaged in some way. The damage allows pathogens to cause infection. Things that can damage the follicles include:

• Shaving, especially when no lubricant is used.

• Friction, usually from excessive rubbing or exfoliation.

• Clogged pores

How to prevent folliculitis

You can prevent folliculitis by avoiding damaging the follicles. When you shave, you should use a lubricant that does not contain comedogenic (pore-clogging) ingredients. Ingredients to avoid include mineral oil, petroleum jelly, paraffin wax, coconut oil, cocoa butter, mink oil, soybean oil, wheat germ oil, sodium chloride (salt), sodium laurel sulfate, and dyes. artificial.

Peeling should be avoided if you have a history of folliculitis. You should never rub your face, as it causes irritation and inflammation.

After shaving, you should use a solution that contains a natural antiseptic like witch hazel or an antibacterial like active manuka honey. This will help control bacteria and other pathogens, in case a follicle is accidentally damaged.

For men who shave their faces, I recommend Active Facial Fluid as an aftershave treatment, due to its natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

For women who shave their legs, underarms, or other body parts, I recommend following up with a good Body Lotion. The body lotion should have natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity.

• How to treat folliculitis

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed. In most cases, all that is needed is a topical antiseptic treatment. I recommend using the Deep Cleansing Mask as soon as you notice the symptoms.

Most antiseptic treatments contain alcohol. Many contain pore-clogging ingredients that can increase the risk of future episodes. Even the best antiseptic ointments contain only one active ingredient.

The list below shows you what our recommended deep cleansing mask contains, as well as the medicinal activity of each ingredient.

• Kaolin-antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory

• Shea butter-anti-inflammatory

• Active-antibacterial manuka honey

• Allantoin-anti-inflammatory

• Cynergy TK-anti-inflammatory

The deep cleansing mask can also be used occasionally (usually every two weeks) to help prevent pore clogging and the accompanying folliculitis. Kaolin is a clay extract that attracts dirt particles and other debris, gently drawing it out of pores.

• Other things to consider

Chronic or recurrent folliculitis has been associated with a variety of nutritional deficiencies. A good multi-nutritional supplement like Total Balance will correct any deficiencies in your diet.

Omega-3 Fish Oil helps reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body. It’s not a treatment, but it can help prevent future breakouts.

• A summary of benefits

If all you do is use the Deep Cleansing Mask, the benefits will include:

• Reduced bread

• Reduced redness

• Reduced itching

• Faster healing

Those benefits are due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-pathogenic activity of the ingredients in the mask. It will provide you with the folliculitis relief you need.

• What to do now

Here’s your next step to healthier, more radiant skin: sign up for our FREE SKIN CARE GUIDE and NEWSLETTER. Just CLICK the link that says FREE SKIN CARE GUIDE in the resource box below. Go there now. “You’ll like how you look.”

Real Estate

John T. Reed’s views on various real estate investing gurus

You wake up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep, so you start flipping through the channel. You will no doubt come across a station, where a well-dressed person in an exotic location tells how rich he became selling real estate. Then you hear testimony after testimony of people claiming how they too became rich by following the guru’s advice. Depending on how your day at work has been, you start to consider calling and giving it a try. I remember in the late 80’s almost signing up for Robert Allen’s no money down seminar. However, a friend who had attended in the past dissuaded me. He saved me a few bucks, because then, as now, real estate was in a recession.

John T. Reed reviews all the gurus past and present, including Robert Allen, Wade Cook, Robert Kiyosaki, Carleton Sheets, Donald Trump, and many more.

It pained me to read your review of Robert Kiyosaki. After reading the rather elaborate review of it, I am almost ashamed to say that I learned something from Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. I read it in the 98-99 time frame. So maybe I was very impressionable at the time. I agreed that most of Kiyosaki’s later books were simply rehashes of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and its follow-up “Cash Flow Quadrant.” I have the latest Kiyosaki book that he co-authored with Trump, but I haven’t turned the first few pages yet. Regardless of Reed’s opinion, I still enjoyed “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” However, if I ever met Reed, I would keep that information to myself.

Check out their Gurus reviews. You’ll never look at those infomercials in the same light again.

Real Estate Investing Gurus Review

Shopping Product Reviews

Numerology Secrets: Number 7

Numerology, also known as number mysticism, is one of many forms of divination, and one of our favorites.

Our approach is holistic, employing hundreds of factors that enable pattern recognition, because our findings show that it is the best way to ensure consistently high accuracy rates.

However, we have come across rare individuals who are capable of employing only a handful of indicators, such as birth day, birth month, and birth year (and combined to form the modern term “Life Path” number). . like touchstones to regularly perceive accurate vision. It is as if your Light guides on the other side are reviewing the integral patterns and telepathically transmitting the findings.

The birth day number is one of the most popular indicators of basic and modern numerology, but our findings show that, like all other commonly known factors, it is potentially and symbolically overridden by the collective body of energy of the hundreds of others. factors.

In other words, a person may have a number of seven days of birth, for example, but seven may be very underrepresented in the rest of their complete charts. In this case, he will not find the positive attributes of the number seven as the person’s strengths, particularly if the patterns show that he has a problem with the number seven.

In the case of a person who has an abundance of the number seven in their integral numerology patterns, they are likely to possess different qualities and experience specific circumstances, as described below.

1. “Lucky seven” is generally not applied to personality, since seven has more to do with humiliation, decreased physical vitality, misunderstanding, loneliness, and lack of recognition. We always find it interesting to watch famous people (have mercy on them) who, after achieving great fame, find themselves with a heavy collective timing related to the number seven; the result is a fall from grace, a drinking or drug problem, and/or a tendency to disappear from the spotlight. Note: our opinion is that numerology does not make things happen, but it does represent personal destiny.

2. Seven can be lucky for a person who is born in a long-term time of seven and then has the opposite time when entering adulthood; at first they will struggle, but then they will see their life plans take off and prosper. For example, a person has a hard time dating in their youth, but when they reach 20, life changes completely, they get married and have a wonderful family.

3. The number seven challenges because it is a very unworldly number. Again, numerology does not make life events and circumstances happen, it simply symbolizes the truth of the matter. It’s like the person who owns a heavy seven is half in the higher planes. He or she may be grounded and perfectly sane, but it’s as if their consciousness is magnetically drawn to the other side (where there is no self-delusion or illusion) most of the time, making small talk and relationships difficult. very difficult because they’re just naturally withdrawn.

Key negative attributes include social difficulties, nervousness, extensive self-examination, shyness, drinking too much (in part, to deal with feeling lonely, even if they are not alone), attracting troubled relationships, emotional repression, pessimism, paranoia, cynicism, depression, reticence , isolation, lack of humor and a complete (and often necessary) removal from normal life. They are often misinterpreted.

4. The icy exterior and faraway look in their eyes is because they really are far away, as if their consciousness is scanning Jupiter’s moons while they’re sitting next to you. Those with a heavy seven harnessing energy may become obsessed with inner world activities such as meditation, astrology, numerology, other forms of divination, discovering the truth of any given matter, connecting with Light guides on the other side. (potentially infinitely more interesting than discussing mundane events with humans), reading, and brain science activities.

5. Seven in its highest balanced form can imply refined elegance, brilliance and strong clairvoyance. It also frequently has to do with honors, scientific or spiritual achievement, knowledge, telepathy, prophetic dreams, a connection to the other side whether realized or not, detachment, spiritual initiation, curiosity, technical matters, the occult, forestry/nature, overseas. travel, writing, research, precision, invention, espionage, secret work, highly specialized work, and deep analysis with the ability to successfully dissect complex topics.

Those with a balanced number seven abundance appreciate intellectual courage and fully enjoy solitude, as being around people for too long can drain your energy. People wonder what they are doing, spending so much time alone. What they are doing is getting lost in their endless projects, losing track of time, exploring the inner universe, discovering unique solutions and originating new ways of thinking.

Seven is a very spiritual number, which means that it is far from having to do with material and mundane matters. Similar numbers in that sense include eleven and nine to some extent. Twenty-two is also very other-dimensional, but at the same time firmly grounded, making it an unusual spiritual number. These numbers (and 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99) have a different wavelength than most other numbers.

Although the number seven has inherent challenges and struggles, its potential includes a wealth of innate triumphs for those who are willing to go within to find unique solutions.

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Golden Rules – Part A of K

I have been rereading a book, something that has to do with some commandments. I like the sheath of the jacket, it suits the Autumn that I feel is coming and that I am even beginning to like it again.

Oh the pleasure of reading it one more time, knowing how my heart feels, it’s so relatable.

As usual, when I open a book for the first time, it’s most likely a reference book, I’ll go where it leads. However, a nonfiction will get the first page. The words I needed a few days ago had to do precisely with that; words.

The power of words.

That day and ever since, I’ve been catching up on the book, doing ah ha’s and Wishing.


The power of names and words

“Words create images in our mind. A name can create a mental image and a feeling. However, we are often unaware of how strongly names and words affect our daily reality, let alone our spirituality.”

In my case when it comes to names; MJ put together some beautiful letters to create my name. I had such a fabulous and mystical time putting forever tags on my Children. I can be thankful for that, oh yes I can, I can!!

Five times I planted my strong self in the rocking chair, well, more than five times, boy, do it right, woman! What I meant is that during pregnancies, take a new Soul, five times. During each of those special moments, I planted my huge, overwhelmingly waddling frame in the rocking chair to meditate, pray, talk, whatever we choose to call it. (I call it praying now, those days, oh no, I was meditating, haha), rubbing my belly hard as a turtle shell, because those babies were fully attentive, along with me in naming! Always alone, adrift, rocking up and back, slow and steady in that wooden chair that would wait in silence. No matter how long it took (sometimes it took more than one rocking session), when it came time to name my little riders, I instinctively wanted their input. In my dark mind, the letters were sliding across the canvas, like a power point presentation. Which at the time, um, I didn’t even know what that was!

Each one of them helped in the decision is what I know.

When I was a little girl with my dream fantasies, I had chosen my first two names… I was going to do my thing and have two babies, to include a boy and a girl. Good. I can laugh now at my thoughts so… ugh… just a little different now.

Shawn Michael and Shana Marie.

But wait now… My first junior… Wow, even with my little mind taken over, he let me know what was going on. subtly As we rocked, over and over again, I rocked my belly and, every once in a while, prayed that I wouldn’t have a redheaded baby. Now wait, don’t jump on me yet. My mother’s people are full of redheads, my sister, (Hello!) She has a beautiful auburn color coming out of her head! My son’s father had a dirty blonde/brown thing with his hair color. Mine was a major mix of red, brown, blonde, possibly even orange (as a hairstylist told me about my natural color, back then) (Hello, I’m turning 50 soon here, it’s color day), whatever … I would say, “Please, my God, don’t let me have a redheaded baby.” Not because of the red hair color or anything…it was because I wanted to save my son from the misery of being teased and bullied because he was different. Like my sister.

So my baby and I prayed and it was declared that Shawn Michael would stay called. After all, wasn’t there a reason why he already had that name? Or maybe he fits the Irish blood I think we have running through us? On the other hand, was it because I said that silly sentence and the Universe heard me say “Please let me have a redheaded baby”? Hhhmm, I wonder.

When she appeared, pretty orange from head to toe, that glorious red-gold hair shone on me. He shined me. It turns out that this 31-year-old tall drink of water fits perfectly with the name chosen.

My second Son tells me every time we talk about naming the whole name and the fact that he won and got to be called his first name. It was going to be Shane (variation of Shana, did you notice?) Then we hit the rocking chair after Shane was used by another family with a son who was close to our family at the time. It didn’t take long for it to come to me… it turns out that this strong, intense and beautiful blue-eyed Soul has a nickname that sounds great and suits him very well. His birth name is strong when you add all three together. Very pretty.

Three other Children were born to me, about 10 years later. Rocking chair, big mom and quiet times gave rise to three other amazing names… every name I’ve casually noticed, is very old…

I wanted to talk more about Words and the power they have…


“As the aphorism rightly goes, ‘The pen is mightier than the sword.’ Our ancestors were aware of the truth of the power of the word. In magic and in life, they chose their words carefully. Languages ​​developed. stories around key issues in a representative culture and the feelings of those people toward those issues.In addition, stories from around the world illustrate a strong belief in the power of words.Consider:

***In the Bible, God speaks so that all things exist.

***The Egyptian god Ptah utters words of manifestation to bring forth the Universe (and the Egyptians called their written language the speech of the Gods).

***In the Greco-Egyptian magical papri, the names of non-Greek and non-Egyptian deities are invoked, as well as long series of vowel sounds. Historians believe that these may have served a similar purpose to the Indian mantra, namely to transport the chanter into an extraordinary state of being, or to impart power and energy to the magical spell or ritual.

***Samurai warriors used a kiai (power shout) to focus and direct their intent before battle.

***The bard or troubadour of the Middle Ages used the emotional power of words (in songs and poetry) to influence people, either to help with a political or social cause, or to increase the amount of money received by a performance.

In my world, words, whether spoken, read, or heard, have always had and always will have a profound effect on me. We spit things out so quickly, often in anger, or hear words on a turned off TV in a corner, for reasons unknown but can send our moods on a wild roller coaster. The music we listen to too, the list goes on and on. If we think for a small moment that our words are not powerful. Look at the bullying that runs rampant in our country… too many times a young woman hears how ugly she is or the little boy is made fun of for his red hair… or, or, or… then an 18 year old takes his own life after hearing words that made his heart feel ashamed. A stupid rumor causes a gentleman to lose his job, which in turn leads to a divorce and his family torn apart. Be that as it may, our arrogant attitude towards what we allow ourselves to be influenced in regards to the media, and all the other crap, is causing us great damage. Consequently. And it seems that we don’t realize it.

More recently, my ears have been assaulted and I am not exaggerating when I choose that word. My trine is deeply hurt by the misguided anger and fears of others. And we all have to figure it out. Unfortunately, most of us choose not to grow up and discover our own yellow brick paths of happiness. I use the yellow brick road to jump in my mind, singing, ***lalalalala*** silly songs of joy…it’s a sunny day that comes to mind right now) I’m still jumping at least. I am thankful for this. Really.

If we can do one thing this day, if I can do one thing this day, I choose to speak words, think words, choose the diet of my mind wisely, and be the better for it.

Tours Travel

Barbados tapas restaurant is the best

If the Three Tenors had collaborated on a restaurant instead of “Nessun Dorma”, they could have founded the new and popular Tapas in Barbados.

Instead, three Italians well known in the Barbados restaurant scene collaborated to prepare a delicious meal together. Located on the new boardwalk on the south shore, Tapas occupies the two-level space that Aqua once held. It is one of the most impressive beachfront locations on the island.

Tapas offers a stylish space, quite classy and, on this island known for its expensive food, reasonable prices. Four of us will order every tapas dish we fancy (and then rack up our favorites when the waiter brings them) and still have spent less than $100 US for the table. Paired with a nice bottle of white wine, dinner is a true Barbadian bargain. (And trust me, paradise doesn’t come cheap.)

Barbados tapas restaurant owners

The trio of Italians behind Tapas is made up of Alfredo Giovine, from the wonderful Mama Mia; Franco Parisi, former executive chef at Lone Star; and, from Dolce Gelato, Franco Diamanti, who makes the best ice cream in the Caribbean, at least that’s what my finely tuned sweet tooth tells me.

I ran into Alfredo one night and asked him why, without any publicity, Tapas has done so well since opening in mid-August. As the music of Norah Jones mingled with the soft music of the waves in the background, Alfredo told me that he thinks Barbadians and tourists alike were hungry for something new and affordable and that word of mouth keeps the place packed almost every night. nights.

I’m pretty sure Franco, Franco and Alfredo were all born with the restaurant gene. The food is effortlessly good, which is rare for a restaurant that has just opened. The place also feels good; if you are a local it is a place “where everyone knows your name” and if you are a guest of our island you will quickly feel at home.

With his thick Italian accent, Alfredo told me: “The restaurant is my home. I feel that people come to my house. At 17 years old, I work receiving tourists at the port (in his hometown in southern Italy). I finish taking everyone home for a meal with my mother and father”.

tapas food

If you are into Tapas de tapas, you will start the evening with tapas and you will finish with tapas, without stopping until you are satisfied.

But you can also order from the full dinner menu for a more traditional dining experience. Entrees range from a light and hearty beef carpaccio on arugula salad ($11.50) to the adventurous panko-crusted panko-fried goat cheese (with pumpkin, delicious!) ($11) to a hearty Parmigiana. (layers of baked eggplant, tomato and Parmesan cheese) ($9.50US).

I haven’t had the New Zealand Rack of Lamp (with warm pepper and olive salad and spicy potato wedges), but friends who raved about it ($28 US). I’ve ordered the fish of the day, local fish like king fish, flying fish, snapper, mahi mahi (which we call dolphin here), pulled from the sea just a couple of hours before being blackened or grilled, like want. , and paired with mango sauce. Now, is that a tropical paradise meal to remember?

I don’t know about you, but it’s enough to make me burst into song.

If you go

Tapas: Hastings Main Road, Highway 7, Christ Church, Barbados. Phone: 246-228-0704. Call ahead to reserve a table by the sea. Otherwise, walk-ins are more than welcome. All major credit cards are accepted.


Nameonics 101 – The Science of Memorable Brands

When creating a name for a new product, service, or company, the number one rule is to make the new brand memorable.

The reason is obvious: if your customer can’t remember the name of your product, the chances that they’ll search for it, let alone recommend it to someone else, are slim to none. Forgettable names are worthless. Memorable names are priceless.

The bad news is that most companies ignore this rule and end up with product names as memorable as yesterday’s lunch. The good news is that you don’t have to settle for a forgettable name. Creating memorable names is easier than you think.

All you have to do is take the following crash course in Nameonics: The Science of Memorable Brands.

Nameonics (yes, I’m a word geek, and yes, I made that name up to make this article more memorable) combines “name” with “mnemonics”. As you may remember from English class, mnemonics are linguistic devices that are like memory aids that make information easier to remember.

Here are six basic Nameonics you can use to make the marks you create more memorable:


Like catchy jingles, rhyming names often stick in a person’s head whether they want it to or not. The rhyme works on multi-part names like Crunch ‘n Munch and on shorter names like YouTube. Other examples of rhyming include Mellow Yellow, Lean Cuisine, and Reese’s Pieces.


The human brain is programmed to respond to and store visual images. That’s why names that evoke a vivid image like BlackBerry, Jaguar, or Hush Puppies are so easy to remember. So when you name your new product, be sure to think of pictures as well as words.


Alliteration is one of the most common mnemonic devices. To create an alliteration, start each word of the name with the same letter or sound. Bed, Bath & Beyond is alliteration. Other examples include Coca-Cola, Spic and Span, and Krispy Kreme.


A neologism is a newly invented word like Google or Wii. Neologisms can be created by spelling out an existing word. Google is a new spelling of the mathematical term “googol”. You can also make a neologism by combining two words. Snapple is a portmanteau of “snap” and “apple.”


Buzz, bang, and thump are all onomatopoeia: words that sound like what they represent. Examples of brand onomatopoeia include Whoosh Mobile, Meow Mix, and KaBoom Energy Drink. Try adding some oomph to your names with onomatopoeia.


Do you need your new product to generate a Bunch-O-Business? So a haplology may be just the ticket. To create a haplology, simply take a three-word phrase and abbreviate the one in the middle. Examples include Toys “R” Us, Bug-B-Gone, and Land O’Lakes.

This is not rocket science

Nameonics is a science that does not require an advanced degree to practice. Anyone can use Nameonic rhymes, imagery, and other simple techniques to make their brand stand out from the competition and stay in the customer’s memory. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose except a boring, hard-to-remember name.



There are two sets of accounting rules accepted for international use: US standards called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and international standards known as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The first is developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), whose power is derived from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The second is developed by the International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB), an independent accounting standard-setting body based in London. Although GAAP and IFRS share some similarities in the presentation of their financial statements, they do not agree on all issues. There are differences in reporting and classifying items on income statements and balance sheets between these two sets of rules.

Unlike the more detailed GAAP rule-based standard, the IFRS principle-based standard tends to be simpler in its accounting and disclosure requirements. The Income Statement is a required statement under IFRS as it is under GAAP and is known as the “Statement of Comprehensive Income”. The IFRS statement of comprehensive income is similar to that used by GAAP; however, there are few differences when comparing these two results statements.

The GAAP income statement presentation follows a single-step or multi-step format. However, IFRS does not mention a single-step or multi-step approach. Under IFRS, entities must classify expenses by their nature (such as the cost of material used, direct labor incurred, advertising expenses, depreciation expense, and employee benefits) or by their function (such as cost of goods sold, selling expenses, and administrative expenses). Although GAAP does not have such a requirement, the SEC requires a functional filing. Although GAAP defines income from operations, IFRS does not recognize this key measure. Additionally, extraordinary items are prohibited by IFRS; whereas, under GAAP, entities are required to report extraordinary items if they are unusual in nature and infrequently occurring. The portion of the profit or loss attributable to the non-controlling interest (or minority interest) is disclosed separately in the IFRS statement of comprehensive income. In addition, while IFRS identifies certain minimum elements that must be presented in the statement of comprehensive income, GAAP does not have minimum reporting requirements. However, the SEC imposes more stringent filing requirements.

Balance sheet presentation is a requirement under both GAAP and IFRS. The most visible difference is how IFRS refers to this statement as a “Statement of Financial Position” instead of a Balance Sheet. Accounts in the statement of financial position are classified under IFRS, which means that similar items are grouped together to arrive at meaningful subtotals. In addition, the IASB indicates that the parts and subsections of the financial statements are more informative than the whole; as a result, the IASB does not encourage the reporting of summary accounts by themselves (eg total assets, total liabilities, etc.). Unlike GAAP, IFRS current assets are generally listed in the reverse order of liquidity. For example, under IFRS, cash is listed last. In addition, most IFRS companies present current and non-current liabilities as separate classifications in their statements of financial position, except in industries where the liquidity presentation provides more useful information. It is crucial to point out some important differences in the reporting elements on the balance sheet between GAAP and IFRS.

In the current assets section, inventory is valued differently under IFRS. The use of last-in-first-out (LIFO) is prohibited under IFRS. Also, unlike under GAAP, if inventory is reduced according to the lower of cost or market valuation, it may be reversed in a subsequent period up to the amount of the previous reduction under IFRS. In addition, IFRS allow the revaluation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and report them as other comprehensive income.

IFRS uses different terminology in the equity section of your statement of financial position. For example, the share capital is the nominal value of the issued shares. Includes common shares (referred to as common shares) and preferred shares (referred to as preferred shares). The share premium under the equity section of IFRS is the excess of amounts paid over face value.

A major problem caused by the disparity related to the presentation of GAAP and IFRS financial statements is the lack of consistency. This problem creates difficulty in comparing financial statements through GAAP and IFRS. As a result, it is rational for US companies that have foreign subsidiaries to convert to IFRS to make it easier for interested parties to make comparisons and allow them to access global capital markets. However, switching to IFRS may not be beneficial to small US companies; the conversion will result in incremental costs that could outweigh the benefits.

Home Kitchen

Great ideas for kitchen renovations

Looking for some fresh kitchen renovation ideas? You may have put a lot of thought into this project. Maybe the kitchen paint or wallpaper needs polishing; or the flooring and cabinets need to be redone. You may also learn about several options that are available to you when it comes to kitchen renovations: you can choose to keep things cheap and simple, or you can go for large scale projects. While every kitchen is different, this article can certainly help you start thinking in the right direction.

For a start; think about the budget you are willing to set aside. Then make sure you stick to it. Many homeowners would argue that they don’t even know how much to set aside for such projects. The simple answer to this problem is to consider the state of your kitchen: if it’s in decent enough shape, then you don’t need to do a full-scale remodel. On the other hand, if it is totally outdated, then you should consider giving it a complete makeover.

Next, think about the main “sore spots” in your kitchen; these are the areas that you completely dislike and wish were different. It could be the small counter where things always fall over; or that you have to wash the dishes by hand, which completely exhausts you. You may need to maximize the available space and get a work area that allows you optimal counter space. You can choose to install a dishwasher that will considerably reduce your workload.

How about adding a beautiful mirror backsplash to the kitchen? Mirrors have a great ability to create the illusion of space. You can even install stacked cabinets to use height instead of width to leave more space underneath. You can also reduce clutter and get an organized look by using baskets and trays. Wicker trays and slippers look good, are inexpensive, and also help you store and transport things. Another simple kitchen renovation idea is to use spice racks. These help you organize bottles and jars neatly and also free up space within cabinets.

If there are no space restrictions, you can choose to place a dining table along with armless chairs in the kitchen. This will help people to sit comfortably without taking up too much space. On the slightly expensive end, you can install new energy-efficient refrigerators (which are sure to save you money in the long run) or a new sink/oven range that can help completely change the look of your kitchen.

These are some ideas for redecorating the kitchen. You can even stretch your budget and use it in several areas instead of only working on one or two aspects of kitchen renovations.


Everything you need to know about Panasonic’s new Lumix lenses

The introduction of the interchangeable zoom lens known as the Lumix G VARIO HD 14-140mm and the F4. 0-5.8ASPH/MEGA 0.1.5 are certainly exceptional tools on the market when you realize that the company is taking giant steps to ensure that this product remains the best when it comes to lens production.

With the introduction of this set of lenses, photography and movie shooting will become an easy and enjoyable experience because the contrast system now works faster and more accurately. At the same time, it will give you a wide and long zoom range of up to 14-140mm, which will be ideal for shooting landscapes to portraits or telephotos using the standard micro four thirds system.

Furthermore, the new lumix lens They are known to have four spherical lenses that come with two ED lenses that help reduce the size of production efficiently. An important feature worth mentioning is the optical image stabilizer known as Mega 0.1.5 which efficiently reduces blur effects caused by shaky snapshots taken on the move or by non-professional hands.

In addition, the DMC-GHI Lumix G micro camera system is notable for its ability to work efficiently with the advanced contrast AF system that has a facial recognition function for the best quality when taking memorable photos. The camera also features multi-coated lens elements, allowing the lens to hide ghosts and other foreign objects during production.

For professionals who may be interested in shooting at larger aperture settings, the Panasonic Lumix lens has a provision for seven blades that allows the aperture to develop a rounded shape which in turn can be used to reproduce smooth effects from out of focus areas.

The new image stabilizer introduced to the market by Panasonic as one of its flagship products, is made up of a micro four thirds super zoom lens. This step is a continuation of their efforts to enhance technological advancement in the industry.

The newly released Lumix lens was designed to work in conjunction with the DMC-GHI mainframe to be useful for video and photography functions. In the course of shooting multimedia photography, the Lumix G VARIO HD 14-140mm and the FA 0-5.8ASPH megapixel are invaluable equipment with the new silent focus system, which ensures continuous AF without impeding aperture control. the Staples.

This new range of digital cameras from Panasonic has also ensured that you can now achieve a 28-280mm equivalent focal length range on both the Lumix G VARIO HD 14-140mm and the smaller FA 0-5.8ASPH megapixel. in percentage and even lighter than previous equivalents produced by the company. From the above it is evident that the panasonic lumix digital camera it is a state-of-the-art digital equipment comparable to very few on the market, a device worth having to capture your memorable events.