Lifestyle Fashion

How to treat the problem of inflammation of the hair follicle – Folliculitis

Folliculitis is simply inflammation of the hair-producing follicles. They are found within the pores of the skin. Symptoms include pain, itching, and redness. Rashes, pimples, or pustules may occur. If left untreated, boils, carbuncles, or furuncles can form.

Causes include fungal, bacterial, and viral infections. But the condition starts when the hair follicles get damaged in some way. The damage allows pathogens to cause infection. Things that can damage the follicles include:

• Shaving, especially when no lubricant is used.

• Friction, usually from excessive rubbing or exfoliation.

• Clogged pores

How to prevent folliculitis

You can prevent folliculitis by avoiding damaging the follicles. When you shave, you should use a lubricant that does not contain comedogenic (pore-clogging) ingredients. Ingredients to avoid include mineral oil, petroleum jelly, paraffin wax, coconut oil, cocoa butter, mink oil, soybean oil, wheat germ oil, sodium chloride (salt), sodium laurel sulfate, and dyes. artificial.

Peeling should be avoided if you have a history of folliculitis. You should never rub your face, as it causes irritation and inflammation.

After shaving, you should use a solution that contains a natural antiseptic like witch hazel or an antibacterial like active manuka honey. This will help control bacteria and other pathogens, in case a follicle is accidentally damaged.

For men who shave their faces, I recommend Active Facial Fluid as an aftershave treatment, due to its natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

For women who shave their legs, underarms, or other body parts, I recommend following up with a good Body Lotion. The body lotion should have natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity.

• How to treat folliculitis

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed. In most cases, all that is needed is a topical antiseptic treatment. I recommend using the Deep Cleansing Mask as soon as you notice the symptoms.

Most antiseptic treatments contain alcohol. Many contain pore-clogging ingredients that can increase the risk of future episodes. Even the best antiseptic ointments contain only one active ingredient.

The list below shows you what our recommended deep cleansing mask contains, as well as the medicinal activity of each ingredient.

• Kaolin-antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory

• Shea butter-anti-inflammatory

• Active-antibacterial manuka honey

• Allantoin-anti-inflammatory

• Cynergy TK-anti-inflammatory

The deep cleansing mask can also be used occasionally (usually every two weeks) to help prevent pore clogging and the accompanying folliculitis. Kaolin is a clay extract that attracts dirt particles and other debris, gently drawing it out of pores.

• Other things to consider

Chronic or recurrent folliculitis has been associated with a variety of nutritional deficiencies. A good multi-nutritional supplement like Total Balance will correct any deficiencies in your diet.

Omega-3 Fish Oil helps reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body. It’s not a treatment, but it can help prevent future breakouts.

• A summary of benefits

If all you do is use the Deep Cleansing Mask, the benefits will include:

• Reduced bread

• Reduced redness

• Reduced itching

• Faster healing

Those benefits are due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-pathogenic activity of the ingredients in the mask. It will provide you with the folliculitis relief you need.

• What to do now

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