Digital Marketing

Attracting Home Buyers With Psychology: Does It Really Work?

The concept of professional home staging is not new. In fact, it became a popular marketing tool among West Coast real estate communities over 30 years ago. In light of the recent downturn in the housing market, homeowners are struggling to find creative ways to sell their home. Many real estate agents and homeowners are seeking the services of “home planners” to professionally prepare their homes for sale. What exactly is home staging? While there are many different “taglines” from various sources within the industry, it can be summarized as “using what the homeowner already has to prepare and ‘position’ the home to appeal to the masses. A marketing tool used to facilitate a quick and profitable sale.”

With dozens of new shows on HGTV, the homebuying population is becoming aware of this so-called “staging.” So the question remains: does it work? What does psychology have to do with this? The answer is yes, it works, and psychology is a key element in preparing a home for the market. Let’s first look at the definition of “psychology”. Webster’s dictionary definition is: “the science of the mind or mental states and processes.” How does this apply to buying or selling a home?

It’s quite simple actually! A professional home stager will typically have the seller of the home save photos and personal memorabilia, remove clutter such as knick-knacks, countertop appliances, and other items that reflect YOUR lifestyle and the way YOUR family lives in the home. The scenario will start with a clean slate, so to speak. Through the placement of updated furniture, lighting, accessories and artwork, and a psychological charm called ’emotional hotspots’, a mental process is brought into play. By creating “vignettes” or brief scenes of what life is could look like a person could use a space, a buyer, for example, “mentally move” into the house. It’s psychological persuasion. Here is a mental exercise to prove this point. Relax and close your eyes, imagine in your mind a long and stressful day at work. You come home, fill the master bathroom’s whirlpool tub with hot water and clouds of scented bubbles.

Head upstairs for a relaxing bath, sipping a glass of wine while watching the dancing reflections of the candlelit room… Well, you can get out of it now! The point is that by using psychology… the “science of the mind,” a home stager can attract a potential buyer and help them imagine living there. By “staging” the master bathroom with fluffy towels, beautiful candles around the tub, and a serving tray with a glass of wine, the buyer “emotionally connected” to this space. This is just one example, but there are many. emotional connection that can be strategically implemented throughout the house.

While there are still some “non-believers” in home staging, it has been proven to be TO very valuable marketing tool. It’s not just about painting the walls and storing extra “stuff.” In order to be successful, there is that critical element of the human psyche that needs to be addressed.


Who knew about the game Cranium Whoonu?

Cranium Whoonu Game is based on the concept of riddles. You are supposed to guess things about the other players you are playing with.

Of course, this is all based on a trust element so that a player doesn’t change the answer they’ve typed. This is why instead of just keeping answers in their heads, players have to write things down.

The name of this game “Whoonu” is simply a variation of the words “Who knew?” This is the general concept behind this game. The idea that even though you’ve known someone for a long time (like your best friend, brother, mother, etc.) you’ll be surprised to find out some information about their likes and dislikes.

You earn points based on how accurately you guessed an individual’s preferences. Sometimes this turns into a heated debate, as people are surprised by their friends’ preferences that they had no idea about.

A statement like “I had no idea you liked so-and-so…” is very common to hear while playing this game.

Cranium Whoonu Game takes about twenty minutes to complete a game round. In my opinion, this is quite a short game, especially compared to a longer game like Monopoly (which can last for hours). However, the game is not completely free for all guessing.

It provides a card-based structure and game board to give you a foundation on which to make your guesses about your opponents.

One problem I had while playing Cranium Whoonu Game is the fact that it’s basically impossible to play this board game with just two people by following the rules that come with the game. Obviously changing the rules (such as drawing four cards face down) is an option available to us if you wanted to play the game with two people, however why would you want to do that?

I think with two people this game can be entertaining, however the real fun starts when you have a crowd.

However, in a guessing game of this type, one thing I’ve noticed when playing Cranium Whoonu Game with my family and friends is that it doesn’t matter if you’ve known someone for ten minutes or if you’ve known someone your whole life.

By playing this game, you will always be able to discover something new about the person you are playing with. Isn’t that exciting? I think it’s very exciting to be able to discover new facts about people you think you know everything about.

Even while playing this game with my wife, I found out that she loves kung-fu movies (something I’ve never known or heard of before!) What better way to get your family and friends together than to sit down on a beautiful quiet evening to get to know each other in the funniest and most fun way possible?

The most important aspect of Cranium Whoonu Game is the sense of connection you develop with the other players.

Health Fitness

Podcast recording with transcription in mind

Podcasts are serial digital audio or video files available over the Internet, either for streaming or download. Podcasts can be essentially any form of recordings including; recorded lectures, news updates, museum/city tours, business meetings and sermons, as well as a host of other audio recordings. When recording any audio or video podcast, the transcription process must be taken into account. The success of the transcription process largely depends on the quality of the recorded podcasts.

The preparation phase must be meticulously structured. The production process varies for different recording environments, and hiccups should always be expected. Get the necessary recording equipment, well in advance, and make test recordings to learn how to handle the equipment correctly.

Prepare a script or list of interview questions to be used for the recording. Rehearse the script and take the time to determine how long it would take you to complete the recording process. Send the list of interview questions to the interviewee, before the day of the recording, so that they can also prepare for the interview. Indicate how long you intend to record the interview session so that the interviewee can structure their responses with time in mind.

Select an ideal recording location to minimize distortion and interruptions. The quality of the recording is affected by the environment in which the recording is made. Indoor locations can be better monitored during a recording. Make sure you do, kindly; Ask people around the recording area considerately to turn off any audio switches, such as cell phones, computers, and televisions.
On the actual recording day; guide the interviewee, or any party involved in the recording, through the entire process. Not everyone is familiar with the requirements of an audio/video recording and therefore it is important to let them know what is expected of them. Warm them up before starting the actual burning process.

If possible, record the podcast in bits. Pause when you switch to different topics or questions to give the interviewee time to collect their chain of thoughts. Mistakes shouldn’t be taken as a hiccup, just pause and rerun the section. Try and keep a conversational tone, which in turn will guide the interviewee to provide fluent and conversational responses, which is ideal for podcasts.

Monitor the recording process with headphones to make sure you’re capturing the audio you want. Get an audio engineer to record the session; if you can afford it.

Legal Law

Wealth Creation: The Education You’re Not Getting Is Costing You More Money

In your quest to create wealth, it is important to realize the importance of education.

There are 3 important types of education:

  1. The first type of education is a very important and basic education necessary for survival today called Scholastic Education. School education provided in elementary, middle, and high schools teaches students to read, write, do arithmetic, etc.
  2. The second type of education is a professional or specialized education. This education is necessary for career success to learn the skills taught at a university, business school, trade school, medical school, law school, etc. to become a doctor, engineer, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  3. But it’s the third type of education that most people aren’t getting that is costing them the most money and that’s financial education (money management skills, like how to balance a checkbook; understanding basic accounting principles, to distinguish, and be able to define, assets from liabilities, good debt from bad debt, linear income from passive income, etc.). Unfortunately, this education isn’t really taught in schools (they don’t even teach simple personal finance skills like how to balance a checkbook); most people learn their financial skills either by trial and error (an expensive and often painful way to learn) or from financial skills they learned from their parents, most of whom have bad money habits (because they never learned , so the cycle is perpetuated). In fact, to make matters worse, many college students learn their (bad) money habits from all the credit card offers and incentives they receive on campus, enticing them to sign up and use bad debt credit cards. I’m speaking from personal experience on this one!

(Side note: This is another difference that sets the rich apart from everyone else: They pass down these critical skills and lessons about money and finances to their children. Is it any wonder why the rich get richer?)

Too many people are never taught this when they leave school and have no idea what a financial statement is and usually only realize its importance when it is too late in life, when they want to stop working. but they can’t afford it, once they’ve lost their job, they’ve lost their retirement, etc. And unfortunately, they have to learn the hard way because their financial statements are in bad shape!

Lifestyle Fashion

How To: The Perfect Lipstick Application

Lipstick application is not as simple as swiping on your favorite shade! Here you will find detailed instructions and makeup ideas to guide you through the entire process.

First, before application: You’ll definitely want to exfoliate your lips, especially if you plan on wearing a matte lipstick. One way to exfoliate your lips is to scrub them with a toothbrush or damp towel for several seconds. An alternative is to buy or make a sugar scrub. To make a sugar scrub, simply use one part sugar and one part oil (jojoba oil, olive oil, coconut oil, or even honey are all options) and apply to lips. After using the sugar scrub or other exfoliating method, apply a lip balm. Let it rest for at least a few minutes.

Before applying your lipstick, remove any excess lip balm. Your lips should now feel soft and hydrated. If you want to avoid staining your lips or want to bring out the true shade of the lipstick, you can apply foundation to your lips. If you choose to do this, smile as you apply the foundation to your lips; you will make sure to cover all the cracks and leave a clean slate for the lip color.

You can then use lip liner if you like. It is recommended because it makes lipstick last longer and stays put. For a bold lipstick color, choose a lip liner that is slightly darker than the lipstick shade. For a more neutral look, pair your lip liner with your lip color. When applying lip liner, you must first outline your lips before filling them in. You can also “outline” or “outline” your lips to change their shape if you want.

Lastly, the lipstick application. Start in the middle of your lips and work outward. You can use the included applicator or a lip brush if you feel like you need more precision. Another method is to apply lipstick to the lower lip, press the lips together to transfer the product, then fill in the cupid’s bow for a flawless application.

If you are using a cream lipstick, you will want to add a second coat. If you’re wearing a matte lipstick, use your best judgement: some matte lipsticks will become cakey if you add a second coat.

Finally, for added staying power, lightly blot your lipstick with blotting paper. Leaving the blotting paper on your lips, dab some compact powder on top of it to really set the color on your lips.

Real Estate

The benefits of investing in commercial real estate

A frequently asked question among investors is “What are the benefits of investing in commercial real estate compared to other investment options?”

There are various platforms for investing your money today. Obviously, the stock market is still an option; however, many investors are moving away from that spot due to market volatility and low rate of return. Some investors are finding decent returns on lending their money because buyers are turning to private sources of money because standard business loan sources are so limited in today’s economy. However, the platform that offers one of the greatest opportunities and highest rates of return in today’s volatile economy is investing in commercial real estate.

Many of the same people who previously invested in residential real estate are turning to buying commercial property because they see that current market conditions create an opportune time to make this upward transition. So what are the factors that make business investments stand out? Investments in commercial property result in higher returns for several reasons:

The benefits of commercial real estate

Investing in commercial property allows you to make money in a number of different ways. These are just some examples:

1. First, you can buy the property, build equity, and then, based on your exit strategy, take your profit by selling the property.

2. If you are looking for monthly income, you have the option to lease or rent the property for monthly cash flow.

3. If you are running your own business off the property, you will save yourself the expense of paying rent to a landlord while building your equity in the property.

4. If the commercial property you purchased for your own business contains more space than you need for your operations, you can earn a monthly income by renting or leasing the parts of the building that are not for your personal use.

A safe investment

Investing in commercial property is a safe investment for several reasons:

– The payment of the rent of the tenants covers the biggest expense of the property, the mortgage.

– Most commercial leases increase with increases in the CPI (Consumer Price Index), so any increase you have in your expenses is covered by the increase in rent to tenants.

– Most or all of the operating expenses are paid by the lessee through NN or NNN leases.

– Tenant improvements are largely paid for by the tenant.

Seizing the Opportunity

There is a wide range of commercial real estate available. Keep an open minded approach to the different options and consider all the investment opportunities that seem worthwhile. Go the extra mile to find the most suitable property for you, and it will definitely turn out to be a worthwhile investment.

Regardless of your current plans and strategies, it is highly recommended to consider investing in commercial real estate as one of your investment options.

Shopping Product Reviews

Will printed books be considered antiques in the future?

ribbons. VHS. 8 tracks. All these technologies had a good run, but now they are things of the past. Will printed books meet a similar fate? In recent years, the e-book market has grown exponentially, especially since the release of electronic reading devices such as Amazon’s Kindle and Sony’s eReader. Despite all the hype surrounding e-books, the printed book remains. It is a technology that has survived millennia. However, change is slowly coming to the publishing industry and even to the core definition of what a book is. As more companies enter the e-reader market and e-books are more accepted by the reading public, this shift is likely to accelerate until reading on a digital device becomes the de facto standard.

Change the eBook from PDF to interactive text

Most eBooks published today still come from traditional publishers and are simply a print book converted to a digital format and available online. While the Kindle and most other e-readers offer several features that a print book doesn’t, such as a built-in dictionary and note-taking capabilities, there isn’t a significant difference in the overall reading experience. To truly harness the potential of the digital medium, eReader technology will have to advance and publishers will have to produce content that takes advantage of the interactive nature of the web. Various sectors of the publishing industry, textbook publishers for example, have already begun to adapt to this changing landscape and now offer customizable and hyperlinked text. Right now, however, some books still work better in print. Children’s cookbooks and picture books are highly dependent on color and pattern and do not yet transfer well to digital devices, although this is likely to change in the future. However, for the next few years, print books will continue to be the top sellers, with e-books more of an additional revenue for publishers. This will change as e-books realize their interactivity potential and e-readers develop beyond providing a simple imitation of print reading.

Device Convergence

Both Amazon and Sony entered the e-reader market early on. The devices they developed use E Ink technology, which has eliminated many readers’ objections to switching to reading on a screen. E Ink makes reading from a screen similar to reading from a page. Although these two devices were released less than five years ago, there have already been many changes in e-reader technology and many other companies have joined the competition and created their own e-readers. Apple launches its iPad in mid-2010, which is not just an e-reader, but a tablet with a hard drive and large memory. Barnes & Noble released the Nook in late 2009. Their device combines LCD and e-ink displays in an attempt to capture the benefits of both display types. Alex from Spring Design, which hasn’t hit the market yet, has a similar design. One screen will be optimal for browsing and the other for reading longer text documents. There is less and less distinction between various devices, as the line blurs between a PC or an MP3 player or an eReader or a mobile phone. In the future, one device may cover all of a user’s needs, but for now, e-readers seem to be evolving in stages, adding new features with each new device released.

Free and Less Expensive Books

The e-book market, while growing at an astonishing rate, still accounts for a small percentage of total book sales. This will most likely change as the cost of e-readers falls and more people discover that reading digital books can be a pleasurable experience. The fact that e-books are almost half the cost of hardcovers is also a major motivator for pushing readers to switch to digital. Many e-books are not only low-priced but also free. Sites like Project Gutenberg and Google Books offer thousands of free public domain titles to download. Recently, Macmillan, a large commercial publisher, fought with Amazon over the right to set the price of the books instead of accepting that the books cost $9.99 or less. Amazon eventually relented, but the reading public expects e-books to be priced well below the cost of a print book. Apple is changing the pricing structure by allowing publishers more autonomy to set the price of their books available through the Apple Store. Instead of setting a fixed price, the cost will be determined in relation to the hardcover edition. It will be interesting to see how this e-book price war plays out, but the future looks set to offer cheaper books and more affordable e-readers.


The book market has changed very quickly in a very short time for both publishers and authors. It’s easier than ever to publish a job, since in the digital space there are no printing or storage costs to cover. However, with this ease of publication, there is already a glut of titles on the market. This makes it extremely difficult for an author to cut through the noise. Traditional publishers still provide a sense of authority to authors and a sense of security to readers because they function as gatekeepers, ensuring, in most cases, that only the most valuable content makes it to the printed page. In the digital world, publishers are trying to catch up and stay relevant by publishing e-books and pursuing projects as innovative as publishing a novel in installments on mobile phones. While third-party content distributors Google, Apple and Amazon have all developed e-readers, no publisher has yet to develop a proprietary device. This could prove problematic for publishers in the future, as these companies may decide at some point to get into the publishing business.


2010 NHL Eastern Conference playoff preview

With the second season of the National Hockey League just around the corner, I felt it appropriate to give the best fans in the world a preview and my personal view of each series in the Eastern Conference quarterfinals. As an added bonus, I’ll make a prediction of who I think will be the winner of each series.

#1 Washington Capitals vs. #8 Montreal Canadians

This matchup pits the best team in the NHL against a team that barely made the playoffs and struggled of late.

Washington is the cream of the crop. They have one of the most potent offenses in the NHL and they are deep on the blue line as well. They’ve gotten a lot deeper as a team this season and that’s coupled with the experience they gained in the playoffs last season. The only question mark when it comes to the Capitales is José Teodoro’s goal.

The Canadiens have some strengths in their power play, are ultimately healthier than they were during their struggles, and have some offensive threats.

Prediction: In the end, the Capitals are a much better team. They don’t need to win games 1-0 so goalkeeping shouldn’t be a problem early on because they can score with the best. The only chance the Canadians have is if their power play continues to shine and they dominate a poor Washington penalty, and if goalie Jaroslav Halak stands on his head. Capitals in five games.

#2 New Jersey Devils vs. #7 Philadelphia Flyers

However, the flyers were able to sneak into the playoffs on the last day of the season in a penalty shootout. They can possibly build on that momentum and carry it into their first round matchup against the Devils. If anyone wasn’t happy about the Flyers’ win over the Rangers on the final day, it was the Devils, who have been beaten five out of six times this season by the Flyers.

Prediction: The Flyers will scare the Devils in this first round and create a great series against the old Patrick Division Rivals. While the Flyers struggled later in the season, they showed they can beat the best teams, including New Jersey at times. In the end, it’s tough going up against one of the best NHL goaltenders of all time in Martin Brodeur and an offense featuring the likes of Ilya Kovalchuck and Zack Parise. Heck in 7 games.

#3 Buffalo Sabers vs. #6 Boston Bruins

This matchup features another team, the Boston Bruins, who barely made it to the playoffs. The Bruins also proved tough by winning the season series against the Northeast Division Champion Sabres, even defeating them last Thursday.

I think this series will be a goalie story, with the Sabers led by American goaltender Ryan Miller, many of whom believe he is the reason the Sabers are where they are (as is Team USA). ), and the situation in Boston with Tuuka Rask most likely to be the starter over veteran Tim Thomas. If Tuuka struggles in his first NHL playoffs, it will be interesting to see how short of a leash he is on.

Prediction: The Bruins have been battle-tested all season and will continue to battle it out in a hard-hitting series between rivals. In the end, goalie Ryan Miller will still stand on his head and shut out the Bruins. Sabers in seven games.

#4 Pittsburgh Penguins vs. #5 Ottawa Senators

Once again, the Penguins will be the fourth seed heading into the Eastern Conference quarterfinals. This turned out well for them last year, defeating the Detroit Red Wings in seven games to win the Stanley Cup.

The Penguins need to prove the critics wrong this season, as they have shown signs of inconsistency and an inability to get up for big games. They’ve also dealt quite the injury bug this season, with Evgeni Malkin and Sergei Gonchar on the shelf for some time. Their struggles of late also cost them their division title, which was very close at hand as New Jersey didn’t want to take the crown towards the end either.

Speaking of streaks, the Ottawa Senators have done the same thing, too. At one point during the season he had established an eleven game winning streak and six games. If this team has playoff streaks, it should be a force.

Prediction: In the end, the penguins will find their way. The depth up front combined with the experience the Senators possess pushes them forward. Penguins in six games.


Our Beautiful Planet, Earth, Heart of Life for Humanity, Worthy of Our Love and Care

Since the beginning of time, we have been given a temporary place to stay;

With clean air, show your care, do you dare to take a public position and show your love for the planet?

Although the expiration date and time is unknown, we individually can choose to excel and prosper in the moment when we are alive with enthusiasm and productivity!

Every life seen as a bold, shining and radiant star: you are the star of your own Broadway show: you hear their own sweet souls calling…

Do you wonder what direction life will take? Is it in your internal thoughts where the answer will be revealed resolutely, emphatically and remarkably?

His progress sealed with innovative ingenuity, everything his limitless mind can imagine, designed and plumbed in his unique and innate way. When you design with judicious and unequivocal compassion, you display stunning resolve and phenomenal passion.

Our planet was also passionately designed in boundless awe and remarkable allure. An example, any of the Seven Wonders of the world, the Pyramids of Egypt to name a few.

The mountains, the hills, the daffodils; the ocean breezes, the Antarctic frosts, all wonderfully and gloriously designed: Our beautiful planet: Earth… Worthy of our time, care, focus and admiration. Try to take a vacation? What planet provides you the sky? Until we move to Mars, realize that the earth is ALL ours to serve and protect.

If you move the letters to spell earth in a different order, remember that when you spell the word earth, you can also spell the word heart. Our land is at the heart of everyone’s ability to genuinely survive and continue to live the way we have lived for centuries, of course, with a shocking twist, we can now live in the knowledge that the land is preparing to experience new growth. and renewal. confidence in the fact that the collective consciousness is recognizing the importance of planetary health and the setbacks that accompany modern lifestyles.

As we move closer and closer to wind, solar, and non-traditional energy sources, we become lighter and more enlightened through the patience we gain as we wait for the process to change our planet and make it much safer than we thought. has been. been in recent generations. Our planet is affected by the sun, the moon, the stars and of course by what happens on earth. Our planet is our heart and deserves our time, care, focus, and intention; be intent on doing at least one thing a day to help heal or restore our planet and environment in order to be compensated or at least lead to a healthier life for yourself.


The hidden cost of disengaged employees is just the tip of the iceberg.

Finding good employees who know how to do their job, work hard, use their initiative, and are prepared to go the extra mile to get the job done is rare. Even if you have employees like this, chances are good that you have at least a few who aren’t. According to the latest research, each of those employees is costing you at least 34% of their salary in lost productivity.

You can choose to tolerate that situation or you can choose to make some changes because there is a different way. A form taken by a set of businesses that consistently outperform all others. Compared to the stock market as a whole, these businesses have performed more than 400 times better.

The problem is that most companies offer their employees little more than a salary. Even those that are more enlightened and offer other benefits: health insurance, pension, stock options, etc. – for the most part they are still participating in a transaction of time for money.

Human beings need more than that. They need to be involved in something bigger than themselves: there must be a greater purpose in going to work every day; a purpose that goes beyond enriching shareholders with their sweat. They need to know how they are contributing to that purpose and see what difference they are making. They need to connect with their colleagues around a common goal, working together rather than in different directions. They also need to be able to see how they are developing professionally, personally, and in the community. Amongst all of this, at a very basic level, they want security. It’s not the kind of pseudo-security that comes from being told your job is safe as long as you keep doing it, but the kind that comes from participating in decision-making. And not only be informed of the decisions, but actively participate in decision making.

Few companies operate with that kind of transparency and involvement.

Employee engagement initiatives go some way to addressing this, but they don’t even go far enough. Engagement is just a starting point for the stellar performing companies featured at the beginning of this article. It is necessary, but not sufficient for maximum performance. These companies have also adopted the following practices:

  • open book management where employees not only have full access to company finances, but are also actively involved in budgeting and forecasting – they understand how their role impacts the bottom line and balance sheet. Conversely, most of your employees probably don’t know what a balance sheet looks like. It’s not their fault: most school curricula don’t teach it, so most people walk into work without understanding how business works.
  • Which brings us to the second thing these businesses do: teach all their people how the business works, how it makes money, and how it generates cash. If you tell people how to do something, they might do it. If you help them understand how it impacts the business and therefore their job security, they are more likely to do the best they can and do the right thing to do it.
  • These companies also go a step further because you still won’t get 100% engagement if they are working hard just to make others rich. So they give their employees a share in the business. However, it is more than a stock plan: it involves making the employees as a whole the main shareholder. Many companies, especially publicly traded ones, give shares to employees. However, his shareholding is so small compared to total capital and his ability to influence the share price is so limited that he is generally not a great motivator. The stock price is likely to be affected by global events beyond their control far more than by the work they do today. It may keep them from leaving for a while, particularly if the stock price is down, but it rarely motivates higher levels of performance. However, in a business that is wholly owned by employees, the main impacts on stock price are strategy and execution, two things that the entire workforce can influence and impact.

As a result, at these companies, employees not only do what their job description tells them to do, but also do whatever it takes to increase profits and strengthen the bottom line. They have a common goal, so they all come together as a team (those who don’t aren’t tolerated by the rest for long, so they either go in or out). They are involved in deciding the strategy and objectives and then in the daily execution of the same. They can see how the business is run. In difficult times they get involved in creating the plans to cross over to the other side. They can see the real situation instead of filling in the gaps with assumptions. While there may not be total job security, at least they can see what’s going on and have a say in what’s going on.

The company itself becomes the product in the minds of all employees. There is only one sure way to instill an attitude of ownership in all employees and that is to make them owners. Anything else will fall significantly short.