
Your expiration date

I woke up one morning earlier this year and when I finally managed to tie my shoelaces, I gasped. You see, the holidays had taken their toll and they found a home around my waist. Now, to reach my shoelaces, I have to circle my stomach to get there.

I decided this was not on and went to the gym full of enthusiasm. It was pretty crowded, because at the beginning of the new year, everyone is full of new New Years resolutions and they are working hard on them.

I felt pretty good after practice and then picked up a couple of extra weights. Strangely, I was tired early that night and went to bed early.

But the next morning I felt like someone was holding me to bed. I couldn’t lift a part of my body. After a while, I pulled one leg out and dropped it over the edge of the bed. A while later the other. Then I had to turn around and Renata wanted to know if I was kneeling to pray.

Instead of commenting, I joined. It was very bad getting up in sections. I groaned when he said that we weren’t getting any younger and that we couldn’t go on like this in the gym.

I didn’t say anything, because I realized that he was right. I was getting older. And that was not such a pleasant thought. Suddenly you realize that everything around you is aging. Our house, the clothes we wear, the computer I’m using. Everything gets old. Even the earth is getting old. There will come a time when everything will be exhausted. Even your body has an expiration date.

11-12 The earth and the sky will wear out, but you won’t; they are threadbare like an old coat; You will fold them up like a worn shawl and put them on the shelf. But you will stay the same, year after year; You’ll never fade, you’ll never wear out

Dr. Henry Morris ( talks about our clock running out:

This remarkable passage … anticipates the famous second law of thermodynamics, or law of entropy, which indicates that everything in the physical universe is aging and wearing thin. God created everything at the beginning, winding it up like a great clock, so to speak. However, due to sin and the curse, it has been decaying and “perishing” ever since.

We have a better label before, but not Jesus. The Creator God, Jesus, is not exhausted. Does not get old. It does not qualify for an expiration date. How comforting is this! When we reach our due date, Jesus will be waiting. Nothing can happen to him. It will always be there.

Continue to live in peace. We get old and getting up becomes more difficult. We have a sticker with our expiration date. But, fortunately, our Creator is exactly the same as he was at the beginning. His love for us will never fade and the day we reach our due date on earth, he will be waiting with open arms.

Holy Scripture

Hebrews 1: 10-12


Are you worried about getting old sometimes?

How do you deal with aging?

How does Jesus move you, who is still the same?


Mister! Very grateful that you are still the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you for waiting for us with open arms. Yeah sometimes getting old bothers me, but I’ll get over it. Amen.