
WoW Arena Guide – The Secrets of the Gladiators

Until recently I was a PvE addict, but since most of my guilds left the game, heavy instance raids didn’t seem like much fun anymore. PvE being boring, I decided to reorient my characters to PvP. I was familiar enough with battlegrounds, but I didn’t really know much about arena, so I asked one of my server’s gladiators, the guild leader of a powerful PvP guild, to share some of his secrets with me. . He joked that he didn’t have time for disciples and recommended a WoW arena guide to me.

After struggling for a while with the pitiful 1500 rating, I decided to take a look at the WoW arena guide that was recommended to me. Guess what? I discovered quite a few aspects of arena gameplay that I hadn’t even seen before and got full explanations on how to improve my overall gameplay as well as my role in most builds in any category.

These are some of the aspects described in the WoW arena guide, which were a total mystery to me before.

Know the playability of your team

When I started playing arena, I changed teams after 3-4 games because we lost a lot and I thought it was always their fault. After getting my copy of WoW Arena Guide, I realized that I was the one who caused any settings to be lost. I knew nothing about my role in any of the setups I was invited to and no matter how well I played solo, the team lost because I didn’t make any contribution to the team effort. So perhaps one of the most important things for a team’s arena game is to understand the general tactics of that particular team. Playing only 3-4 games in a team, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it’s basically nothing. To consolidate the game, a team must practice a lot to reach the top of the rankings.

Know your opponents

Knowing the gameplay of your team is not that difficult compared to this aspect. You can only get a good understanding of the other setups and other teams by playing a lot of matches with your team. So the practice you’re getting when playing with your team not only improves your knowledge of your team’s overall arena play strategy, but also cements your team’s evolution against all other possible setups. There is also a very important thing to understand here. No matter your team setup, there will always be an opposing setup that has a higher chance of winning against you, but if you perfect yourself, you will have a high chance of winning against any setup.

the macros

Macros allow a player to use abilities or sequences of abilities with the touch of a key. Macros are pretty hard to get used to, which is why some people don’t bother with them. Many players don’t understand the importance of the speed with which they use abilities in each combat situation. Of course, playing a lot of PvE, I was used to having a lot of keybindings for my abilities, but I didn’t really know much about macros. So the WoW arena guide taught me exactly what macros to use in the arena to maximize my performance.


As a PvE player, I was aware of many addons for World of Warcraft, but most of them were PvE oriented. I found that most PvE addons were useless in arena or battlegrounds. I had to download the most recent versions of the most important plugins for arena. As recommended by the first stable team I joined, I downloaded Proximo, Antagonist, CooldownTimers, and MetaHUD. These addons are a must have for any arena player. Of course, you can choose not to use plugins, but compared to those who use them, your game will not be as good.

The team and talent builds

For any arena setup, there are specific talent builds. Join a team that you will have to respect according to your team strategy. Typically, a damage dealer should spec to get maximum damage on a single target, forgoing AOE. Your sand kit should be applied directly to your specification. It’s good to know that if your character is a heavy armored character, you should focus on increasing your defenses even more, to resist as long as possible, while those with less defenses should push their damage to the limit. Since WotLK was released, resiliency doesn’t work properly for any class. For example, as a rogue, I play PvE gear with ultimate weapons so I can deal maximum damage in the shortest amount of time.

These are the most important principles that a player must know and respect when playing in the arena. They are, not in vain, part of the secrets of the bearers of the gladiator title. After applying all the skins in my copy of the WoW arena guide and after “educating” teammates by helping them take the path of the gladiator as well, the results came out. We made it past the 2100 rating, which granted us access to the arena team we’ve been saving our points for. The greatest satisfaction I had was mopping the floor several times with the guildmaster’s equipment that the guide recommended to me. He asked me to join his guild and the main team and I also told him that he had no time for disciples.