
Why People Repeatedly Buy Too Many Useless Internet Marketing Programs

If you are trying to start an internet business, I am sure you have come across a good number of internet marketing programs. You’ve probably read the free ones, the paid ones, and even the ones that cost over $ 500. So tell me, what have you learned from all this reading? What small amount of production have you achieved with all the “internet marketing” reading you have done?

Listen, I’m going to tell you the problem that most people run into when they start buying these internet marketing programs. The problem is that they do not do any implementation. There are so many commercial Internet marketing programs that most people believe that there is some “hidden secret” revealed in one of them that will make them rich.

Even if you browse YouTube, you will see the words “secrets” as if there is no tomorrow. But after all your reading and watching, what “secret” have you learned? Why haven’t you made millions yet? If you have the so-called “secret”, why are you reading my words right now? This is something you have to step back and ask yourself before ending up in the financial hole.

Just because an internet marketing program with CDs and DVDs and bonus packages and websites is included does not mean that it is the Holy Grail of marketing. Stop fooling yourself and think for a second. If you’re in your eighth grade and STILL don’t know how to generate leads on your autoresponder email account … there’s a problem, and it’s a problem that needs to be fixed quickly.

Most of the people who sell you these programs know exactly what they are doing. They know that you will most likely not act, so they create a great program with 300-page books, bonus reports, several CDs and DVDs, access to the membership site, and a ton of other things, all designed to make you inert. They give you these things because they know that there is a lot of information that you will have to review, and at the end of it all … you will not know where to start.

So in short, they trick you into thinking that their basic online marketing program is the Holy Grail of all courses, they trick you into paying $ 500 for it, and then they offer you another product for $ 1000 this time, which you will. more than likely buy too because it contains the “latest” HIDDEN SECRET. Don’t be fooled and don’t be a fool. These marketers know what they are doing, but do you?

So ask yourself, why are you repeatedly buying these useless internet marketing programs? It doesn’t make any sense, does it? What kind of monetary proof can you take out and look at that justifies you spending this kind of money on books, CDs, e-books, and DVDs? This is a serious question, because if you don’t have a good answer, you will most likely continue this pattern of constantly spending money on courses.

Do any of these internet marketing programs include personalized help or assistance from the product creator? Is this person at least worried that you actually make money from your own Internet business? Have you tried contacting them and have they contacted you? If the answer to all these questions is “No”, then obviously you should see that they don’t care about you at all. They only care about their bottom line.

If you want to stop the product buying process and continue to buy products that get you nowhere, you need to make a change. Internet marketing may be simple, but it is up to you to put in the implementation and work necessary to make your dreams come true. Stop buying these internet marketing programs and find someone who really cares about your success and who really cares about your business.

Also, put in the work necessary to make your business profitable. Stop buying programs and develop a marketing plan that is solid and makes sense. If you’ve already bought countless internet marketing software and STILL don’t know where to start, then there’s a problem.

If you still don’t know how to do search engine marketing, video marketing, article syndication, or even how to write a simple blog post … then there is a problem. You don’t need a 300 page book or 8 DVDs to learn how to write a simple blog post. And you certainly don’t need that much material to learn how to move and start acting.

Stop wasting time shopping and learning and start putting what you’ve learned into practice. This is the best thing you can do for yourself, rather than buying more internet marketing software that will make your eyes ache from all the reading you will have to do.

Internet marketing can be easy or difficult, it all depends on you. Do you want to continue deflating your dreams of your friends and family? Do you want to keep hearing people say “They’re scamming you”? Want to keep getting up early in the morning for a job that might matter less to you? If you don’t, stop buying these useless internet marketing programs and do something useful today to make your business goals a reality.

It is up to you, and only you can make it happen. A product creator won’t take you by the hand or lead you to success. They are too busy fulfilling the orders of other people like you … people who think they will finally get rich in the lottery in the next 30 days using someone’s internet marketing program.