Real Estate

Who do you say you are?

I once worked for a man who viewed me as his personal property. I don’t mean there is something unpleasant about our relationship (which was strictly professional), just that he saw me as my position when he hired me: his assistant. No more no less.

It does not matter that he would work for the company a total of more than five years. In her mind, all I was to be was an assistant. Not that there is anything wrong with that except it wasn’t all I I wanted to be.

You see, I saw myself as something else. I wanted more than answering phones and setting hours. I needed more.

When a personal crisis interrupted my otherwise monotonous life, I decided it was time to go. No it wasn’t easy, but my point is that I I had to make the necessary changes to fulfill my life; He was not dependent on anyone else. In fact, looking back, I realize it wasn’t fair of me to expect my former employer to ‘make things happen’ for me. He paid me to be an assistant … and I gladly cashed those checks every week … as an assistant.

But when it came time to do it, I stopped … big time. And I didn’t look back.

So … let me ask you: what do you want? What do YOU ​​feel you deserve? What are YOUR needs? And if those needs, goals, desires are not fulfilling a deeper meaning for you, what do YOU ​​plan to do about it?

If you’re willing to work hard, put in a little extra time … then “jump right in, guys … water’s fine.”

Trust me, it’s worth the dive.