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What to ask a woman on a date: 3 easy questions to make her instantly like you!

It’s your first date. You look good? Does your breath smell good? Will she like you? What will you talk about? If these or other questions cross your mind on a first date, don’t be alarmed; everything is perfectly normal. However, while things may be “normal,” they can still make it much more difficult to present yourself clearly and avoid tripping over your own feet in an attempt to win the girl over.

Don’t worry though, it’s very possible to reduce your anxiety and therefore increase your chances of a comeback date. After all, first impressions ARE the most important, and with the help of this article and a willingness to change, you can present him with the best possible version of yourself. keep reading…

Top Things To Ask A Girl On Your Date: Make Her Fall For Your Words In No Time

What most men miss when they’re on a date is conversation. What should you talk about? And how should the issue be approached? Here are a couple of non-offensive questions to ask on a date that might help you understand her character a little better.

Question 1: Which FRIENDS character do you like the most? This question isn’t so much about the TV show FRIENDS as it is about breaking the ice and learning a bit about it. You can substitute any show, but FRIENDS or Gossip Girl are usually safe bets as most women tend to watch these shows. If you actually get to talk about a show she loves, it’ll be better for you, but just striking up a conversation is good enough at this point.

If he mentions a show you didn’t talk about, suggest he introduce it to you; this would be a great opportunity for a second date.

Question 2: What do you want from life? This question is best reserved for second dates when you get to know her a little better, as this question can be a bit invasive. However, his response will help you get a sense of his character and will let you know if you will be compatible in the long run. Asking a question that forces her to assess herself and her situation is known as ‘getting value’ and is commonly used among the pickup community as a method of forming lasting bonds with a woman.

Question 3: Did you like your childhood? Be careful how you phrase this question though, as it can be offensive if you’re not careful. Known as ‘memory regression’, this technique has the girl look back on her life and relive the highlights with you. This makes her emotionally addicted to you and is a great way to transition into a hypnotic technique that involves sending a girl on an emotional thrill ride that makes her fall head over heels for you.

Now that you’re armed with the questions you need to be successful, all that’s left is to go out and try your hand at dating. Remember, every experience is something you can learn from and use to refine your technique, so get out there and have some fun!