Lifestyle Fashion

What Husbands Can’t Resist – Advice for Wives

When it comes to what husbands can’t resist, virtually all wives want to know. When you’ve been married for a while, the excitement of the newness of the relationship can be replaced by familiarity that results in boredom and complacency. If you feel like your husband doesn’t love or appreciate you as much as he did at the beginning of the relationship, don’t lose hope. There are many things a woman can do to rekindle her husband’s interest in her.

One answer to the question of what husbands can’t resist is surprise. Men love it when their wives do things that bring them down. It can be anything from getting a new haircut to finding a new job. If a woman wants to keep her husband involved in the relationship, she has to keep things fresh and new. If her husband doesn’t know what to expect from you around the next corner, she’ll stick around to find out. Men are much less likely to stray if they are married to a woman who is not afraid to make changes and take risks.

Another thing to consider when you think about what husbands can’t resist is trust. Many women feel comfortable after their marriage and may gain a few pounds or now only work part time instead of pursuing the full time career they once did. If a woman can remain secure and happy with herself now, she will keep her husband’s attention. If you constantly complain about your appearance or what you do for a living, she will soon stop paying attention to you. Show your husband that you embrace and love the woman you are today as much as the woman you were when you first met and he will do exactly the same.