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Watch metaphysical movies to increase awareness

Let’s be honest, it can be quite a challenge to find good TV programming these days. Fortunately, you have a choice, and if you’re concerned about raising awareness, watching metaphysical movies is a good way to keep yourself entertained and spiritually grounded at the same time.

Raising Consciousness
If you have been meditating and have been on a spiritual path for a long time, then it is no secret to you that one of the underlying goals of your spiritual quest is to raise your level of consciousness. While meditation is the number one way to achieve this, there are other, more subtle ways as well, one of which I’d like to touch on a bit.

Metaphysical movies or not?
So what exactly is a metaphysical movie? Well, a good metaphysical movie is defined as any movie that shares certain positive commonalities with metaphysics. This can be at a deep level, at a subtle level, or at a very obvious level.

A subtle example might be a movie that on the surface seems to have nothing to do with metaphysics, but when you dig deeper, you may find that the movie’s moral is very spiritual in nature.

You tend to see this a lot with the “feel good” type of movies. A movie like “Always” is a good example of this.

There may also be movies that have more subtle metaphysical meanings or contain metaphors of a spiritual or metaphysical nature.

On the other hand, there are those movies that are more obviously classified as metaphysical movies. For example, movies like “What the Bleep” or “Conversations With God” name just a couple of those types of movies. Films and documentaries of this nature risk immersing themselves fully in metaphysics, with the understanding that the risk of releasing this type of film can be highly controversial.

Movies like the two examples listed above tend to have a more select audience, but can sometimes end up being huge hits, like “The Secret.”

Do a Google search for metaphysical movies or spiritual movies, there are many more than you think. Many of these movies are available on Netflix or Spiritual Cinema. This type of entertainment is a great way to relax and stay spiritually centered at the same time.