
Valentine’s Day Traditions and Activities: 15 Fun, Meaningful, and Romantic Ideas

Isn’t it interesting how the meaning, importance, and celebration of the holidays change for each of us over time? For example, Valentine’s Day starts out as a fun day where kids make cards and give their classmates heart-shaped candy. It then transforms into a day where teenagers fall in love and buy roses for someone special. And eventually, it turns into a day where couples become disinterested and say and do things for their partner. Without a doubt, Valentine’s Day is one of the best holidays because it helps us all think and do things for those we love and appreciate. If only our words and actions demonstrated on this day could be translated into every day! But, even for one day, this holiday gives us the opportunity to more fully possess and demonstrate the attribute and characteristic that defines the purpose of our existence, the solution to every problem and the basis of personal happiness – love! And never forget that love is much more than a thought, a feeling or a word; love is an action initiated by perhaps the other great attribute that we all must develop: generosity!

Listed below are 15 fun, meaningful, and even romantic ideas that are the perfect Valentine’s Day traditions and activities for any family, couple, or individual.

1) ‘Myocardial infarction’: First, choose a friend, neighbor, teacher, relative, or person in need. Or make this for mom/dad (or in each of the kids’ rooms). Cut out many heart-shaped cards and write the things you like about that person on each card. Then, place those cards all over the yard (or room) of the person you’re ‘heart attacking’ (with some candy, of course).

2) Phone calls, emails and ‘I love you’ letters: Pick up the phone, email or write a letter to family, friends or someone ‘special’ and tell them how much you love and appreciate them.

3) First date: recreate your first date; Or if possible, visit the place you went on your first date.

4)Food should be RED with a lot of sugar: Eat cookies for breakfast, bake a cake for lunch, have the kids choose what they want for dinner, etc. But, everything has to be RED!

5) Dinner and romantic evening by candlelight: Enough to say, right!

6) Valentine’s gifts: Identify a family or children in need and give them Valentine’s Day. Go to the local orphanage, visit sick children in the hospital, go to the homeless shelter, etc. – and give these people food, clothes, toys, books, cookies and especially some ‘Valentines’.

7) I love you game: Around the dinner table, each person will take a turn and say at least one thing they love about each family member.

8) Love notes: Write little notes of the reasons why you love someone and leave them randomly around the house. It can be for mom, dad, children, etc. You could leave these notes in many places, but here are some ideas: under the pillow, in dad’s briefcase, under the lid of the washing machine, in the microwave, in the shower, in the children’s backpacks, etc. .

9) give valentine to everyone: Identify a special teacher, a struggling co-worker, a new neighbor, an elderly person, a family in need, a not-so-popular classmate, a helpful banker, a friendly hairdresser, the friendly postman, etc. – Make them Valentine’s Day and tell them how much you appreciate them.

10) weekend getaway: Make it a tradition to get a babysitter and spend the weekend with just mom and dad, no kids.

eleven) heart cookie flyer: As a family, make lots of heart-shaped cookies and give them to family, friends, neighbors, or people who don’t have a ‘Valentine’. Specifically give them to widows, recently divorced women, someone who has just broken up a relationship, etc.

12) love letters scrapbook: Parents will write a little note to each child why they love them, and the children will do the same. Then give your letters to each person, read them, and then save them in a scrapbook year by year.

13) Tablecloth ‘I love you’: Get a white tablecloth and bring it out every year for Valentine’s. Everyone will write on the tablecloth each year little things they love about their parents and siblings.

14) valentines picnic: For dinner, have a picnic on the living room floor. Remember: each item must be RED, and the more sugar the better!

fifteen) family day: Just spend time with family and loved ones. Share a meal together, play games as a family, and just spend time together.