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Unfinished Kitchen Cabinets: Top Kitchen Remodel Tips

Are you looking for an inexpensive way to remodel your kitchen? You will be delighted to know that you can design the kitchen of your dreams on the cheap using unfinished kitchen cabinets. Unstained, unstained, and ready-to-sand cabinets are relatively easy to find on the market. With the variety of affordable options available at Home Depot or Lowes and other home improvement stores, your kitchen will have a new look and appeal without costing a fortune. Remember, you can also tackle this project on your own to reduce labor costs.

To make a purchase

  1. Take precise measurements of your kitchen cabinets at home. It would be to your advantage if you take notes and draw a detailed diagram illustrating the placement of appliances, windows, and plumbing in your kitchen.
  2. Create a wish list of the look you want to achieve. Reviewing designs from popular manufacturers like Merillat kitchen cabinets will give you helpful ideas on how you can style or color your cabinets. The good thing is that you can always modify the list. Also consider your storage requirements.
  3. When designing unfinished kitchen cabinets, think about your taste and style before looking for inspiration. Make sure your cabinets complement both your personality and your home’s décor. Study the different types of cabinets as well as their quality and durability.
  4. Consult home improvement magazines and publications that include color photos of cabinet designs before making your decision.

Shopping at the best prices and quality

  1. Browse through the yellow pages and look for local retailers that carry and sell unfinished cabinets.
  2. Go online and get detailed notes on every product that looks appealing to you and meets your requirements. Always compare durability, quality, and cost to get the best deals. Learn about warranties and ratings before you make a purchase.

shopping tips

  • Bring your sketches with you when you are shopping.
  • Always assess how cabinet doors will open. Remember that the corridors and kitchen doors must not be obstructed in any way.
  • Evaluate the hardware that comes with the unfinished cabinets.
  • To make sure you can open the drawer smoothly and fully, look for drawer sliders. Note that standard hardware allows you to see only about 75% of the drawer’s contents.
  • Rustic kitchen cabinets create a great vibe for classic homes.
  • Always take photos when you go shopping. This will help you remember what you like and visualize what the new cabinets will look like when you install them in your home. This will help you a lot when you shop online.
  • To estimate the total cost of unfinished kitchen cabinets, don’t forget to include shipping and applicable sales tax on the items.