Health Fitness

Trust Your OB/GYN: Women’s Partner in Maintaining Total Health and Wellness

Every year, people make New Year’s resolutions about eating a healthier diet, exercising regularly, and being more productive at work. Good and good. But for many women, they forget one important thing on their list: a regular OB/GYN visit. Women may find the idea of ​​someone else checking their most intimate parts uncomfortable, but regular checkups with your OB/GYN are an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle.

Some women think that they should only see a medical professional if they are pregnant or when they notice something irregular. The cliché may be tired and worn, but in fact, prevention is much, much better than cure. For example, a manual breast exam by an OB/GYN is more effective than a self-check. Then there are some STDs that are asymptomatic or show no signs of infection. It can be awkward or embarrassing for a doctor to check her private parts or tell someone other than her partner the details of her sex life, but that’s an essential part of your OB’s job. / gynecologist. Women should be reassured that doctors are professionals and are in no way there to judge them.

The first obstacle to getting the most out of an OB/GYN visit is embarrassment. This can lead a patient to omit specific details that are uncomfortable for them to tell someone else. That’s why finding the right OB/GYN is crucial. Women can ask their friends and family for recommendations. They can also ask their health care provider for help with expert OB/GYNs near their area.

Checkups should be done regularly. For healthy women, this may mean going to the OB/GYN at least once a year. Women who have pre-existing problems such as irregular menstruation and fibroids and those who are on the pill should see their doctor at shorter intervals. Before scheduling a visit, it’s crucial to write down specific information such as the medication you’ve been taking and the date of your last menstrual period. If you are going to have a Pap smear, do not schedule it before or after your period and avoid having sex the night before, as this can affect the accuracy of the test.

If you are sexually active, it is critical that your OB/GYN is aware of your toiletry habits, especially if you have engaged in unsafe practices with a new partner. STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea show no symptoms and can only be discovered if you get tested. These diseases are easily treated, but it is essential that they are diagnosed and treated early.

Many OB/GYNs recommend getting the most “embarrassing” stuff out of your way first during your visit. Sometimes nerves get in the way or people just forget important questions to clear up with their OB/GYN; That’s why it’s important to make a list of questions and ask them right away.

Women have specific health problems that are peculiar to them. As part of a strong health and wellness plan, a regular visit to an OB/GYN is important.