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The second coming of Jesus Christ will not occur until the last trumpet

According to the New Testament, the second coming of Jesus Christ will not occur until the “last trumpet.” Many agree on this point, but when is the last trumpet? Most teach that we won’t know until the moment it happens. Is there another possibility? Are there some Biblical references that give a more specific picture? Look with me at what the New Testament says. I will use the King James version of the Bible as it is the most available to most people. I will quote a few verses that specifically speak of the second coming of Christ and the sounding of a trumpet, as well as a reference to the last trumpet.

A. Matthew 24:31 says that those who are alive at the time of Jesus’ return will see him coming in the clouds of heaven. At that time, he says, there will be a great trumpet blast and then the angels will gather his people together.

B. I Thessalonians 4:14-17 speaks of the coming of the Lord (Jesus) at the same time that a trumpet of God is sounded, followed by the resurrection of believers from the dead and the taking away of the bodies (or rapture as it is called). calls him often) of living Christians to meet the Lord.

C. I Corinthians 15:52 speaks of the “last” trumpet associated with the resurrection of dead Christians and the transformation of living believers.

D. In Revelation 8 there are seven trumpets that will sound in order, with particular events, near the end of time. In this chapter, the first four angels blow their respective trumpets. In chapter 9, the fifth and sixth angels blow their trumpets. The seventh angel does not blow that seventh trumpet until chapter 11 verse 15. You can very logically conclude that the seventh angel is blowing the “last” trumpet. Not only is this the “last” of the seven trumpets blown in this series of seven angels blowing the trumpets, but it is the “last” trumpet blown in the entire Bible chronology.

My reason for pointing this out is that many teach that the “rapture” of the church occurs earlier in Revelation. Their reasoning includes things like the word church not being mentioned after chapter 4. They also mention that believers are promised they won’t have to go through the horrible tribulation. Looking at the above passages, that kind of logic is too weak to use. As you read Revelation, you will notice that two types of terrible tribulations are described. The first is the wrath of the devil poured out on Israel and the church (chapter 12 and Matthew 24:21-31). The other is the wrath of God poured out on the world (bowls of wrath in Revelation). Will this second be the one we promise to miss and not the first?

Study it and see what you think. Take these passages and line them up side by side to see how they harmonize together. Look at other passages on the second coming and see how they fit with this last trumpet observation.