Arts Entertainments

The power to be controversial to get more high-quality customers

I love reading about companies that go the extra mile for their customers.

Companies like Disney, Zappos, and Amazon.

And another that I would like to add to that prestigious list is Tesla.

Check out this tweet:

“Flat tire on Sunday. Called Tesla, get a loaner tire in 40 minutes. They came to my house today to replace the tire in 10 minutes. Scheduled to come back to fix a little problem next week. What other car company does this?” @elonmusk @ TeslaModel3 @Tesla #mobileservice “- @ cjk7216

When I saw this tweet, it reminded me of an interview with Jeff Bezos … I think it might have been around 1998 or 1999 … anyway, he said something like this:

JEFF BEZOS: “If there’s one thing at, it’s relentless attention to the customer experience. From one end to the other.”

JOURNALIST: “But you are not a pure Internet company.”

JEFF BEZOS: “I don’t care if we are a pure Internet company or not.

What matters to me is providing the best customer service. “

I’m not going to lie, I’m a huge Jeff Bezos fan.

His obsession with his clients and his almost incessantly long-term thinking is phenomenal.

Now, you may not have a business the size of Amazon or Tesla (yet). But if you are serious about growth, you can and should! – use the principles behind what both Amazon and Tesla do for their customers.

But how do you create a great customer experience?

Especially if you are an entrepreneur, for example?

One way is through your personality.

Of course, in my opinion VERY biased, but also VERY spot on, writing emails, blogs, or social media posts has the potential to make your personality shine.

And if you own your personality, good and bad, 1) you will automatically repel people who do not fit in well (you don’t want them anyway), and 2) you will attract people who LOVE what you have to offer. .

Case in point:

  • Kanye west

  • Tony robbins

  • Donald trump

  • BeyoncĂ©

  • Barack Obama

  • Howard’s Stern

  • The late, great, and esteemed Stan Lee (RIP)

  • Even people like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk

What all of these people have in common is “polarization.”

Either you love them … or … you despise them.

The point is, you have an opinion about them.

And that’s why they succeed, in THEIR own way.

Look, I’m not telling you to start tweeting, Donald Trump-style.

But what I’m saying is that you have to possess * your * unique personality.

The worst thing that can happen to you and your business is that no one gives a damn. If nobody cares, you can’t influence them. So in a way, sometimes it can be more profitable that I don’t like them.

It’s about attracting the right people, so you can serve them in a way that is natural to you … and … in a way that your customers love.

In the following email that you send to your email list, please try this:

Write your email as you normally would.

Then take a critical look at everything you’ve written.

Try to notice where you could add what I call “Value Inserts”.

Here are some examples of value inserts:

  • Humor

  • Stories

  • Photos

  • Quotes

  • Step by step instructions

  • Controversy (yes, this can be valuable too. However, don’t just be controversial for the sake of being controversial).

  • Links to other resources

There are many more, but these are just a few that I thought of at the top of my head.

Do this and your material (both free and paid) will immediately stand out.