Legal Law

The Friedman Law Firm Personal Injury Attorney Website Has Been Launched

With a new year upon us, what better way to celebrate than with the grand opening of a new online website by an Ohio personal injury lawyer? The Friedman Law Firm launched its new home page highlighting helpful tips for hiring a lawyer at

More than three million people are injured each year in auto accidents, causing billions of dollars in damage, and millions more are involved in other types of accidents. This year alone, OSHA has warned workplaces where injury and illness rates are high to use all resources to address these hazards and reduce occupational injuries and illnesses. Personal injuries happen and sometimes go undetected for several months or years and the cause may have been a car accident without much damage to the cars. Take, for example, whiplash, an injury to the soft tissues of the neck, usually due to sudden extension and flexion, which commonly occurs as a result of a car accident. Other injuries may include injuries to the spine and neck joints, discs and ligaments, cervical muscles, and nerve roots.

If you have a personal injury or other legal problem, you should not attempt to handle the matter without an attorney. The lawyer offers strategic advice and applies expert skills to legal problems, including negotiation between the parties involved. Even if he believes he has plenty of time to consider his alternatives, personal injury and medical malpractice claims have time limits on your right to file a claim or file a lawsuit. Workers’ compensation claims also have time limits on the right to present certain awards.

Finding a good attorney for your particular problem may require some work on your part. Don’t expect to find a good lawyer just by looking in the phone book. There is not enough information given in a one page ad. Start by getting personal referrals from family, friends, and business associates. Your legal case requires an attorney with experience and skills in the special circumstances surrounding accidents similar to yours. Search the web and read the information provided by the lawyer listed on the pages of the website. On the next page are several helpful tips on how to do an attorney search

Ohioans who need legal advice on a recent personal injury or workers’ compensation claim can turn to the Friedman Law Firm led by Ohio attorney Zeev Friedman. The Friedman Law Firm has over 28 years of experience providing quality legal advice in all matters involving personal injury. The comprehensive nature of the law firm site is dedicated to sharing their expertise and helping people. The attorney’s site has pointers on what to do when someone is in an accident and what to expect when dealing with an insurance company. This knowledge, experience and expertise is given in an open and honest forum. The Ohio Lawyer site is a source for finding helpful advice from a lawyer. The goal of the site design is to provide visitors with a pleasant experience where they can easily navigate the site and find the information they are looking for about their injury.

Friedman has been practicing personal injury law since 1978, including auto accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and work-related injuries. Attorney Friedman has lectured on topics related to his fields of practice and is a member of several professional organizations including: the American Trial Lawyers Association and the Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers, to name a few. The new lawyer website is intended to help people make decisions about choosing a personal injury lawyer for their case. More information about attorney help and advisory tips are available online at