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The advantages of a squat toilet

Frequent travelers and those who are stationed abroad are very familiar with the concept of a squat toilet. Others, however, may find this to be a very unusual bathroom accessory.

Instead of sitting on the floor like a standard flush toilet, the squat toilet is basically a hole in the floor that you urinate and defecate into. The only exception you will find is a squat “pedestal” toilet. This style is roughly the same height as the toilets found in America.

Squat toilets are most commonly found in Asia and Europe and have a variety of names, such as Iranian, Turkish, Oriental, or naturally positioned toilets. However, they work in the same way as a traditional one.

The main difference between a squat and a flush toilet, in addition to the position of the attachment, is the lack of toilet paper. To compensate for this, a container or bucket of water is placed next to the unit and you wash instead of cleaning. This can be very difficult to get used to when coming from a country with flush toilets, but adjustments do need to be made in certain situations.

The reason the squat toilet is so popular is that many believe it is cleaner and safer than its seated counterpart. Some studies have shown that sitting on the toilet can cause hemorrhoids.

In addition, it is believed that straining while sitting during a bowel movement can lead to conditions such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and colon cancer, among others. The reason for this is that exertion puts a lot of pressure on the internal organs, which leads to damage to the nerves in these organs. Damaged organs are then more susceptible to disease.

Other concerns center on the amount of stool left during a bowel movement produced on a seated toilet. Some experts believe that the stool left in the body can stagnate and cause illness.

However, concerns about illness also arise from squatting toilet use. People often don’t wear the accessory properly or don’t care enough to hit the hole. This can cause the floor around the toilet to get dirty. When the next person goes to wear it, your skirt or pants may fall and fall into this mess, causing illness. Many people choose to completely remove their bottom clothing before wearing the accessory to eliminate this problem.

The decision to install a squat toilet is a personal one and only you can decide if it will work for you. For more information on these unknown eco-friendly toilets, see the author’s website, shown in the next paragraph.