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Spring Health Tips

Prepare for allergy season

If you don’t want to be stuck using antihistamines all spring, consider some natural therapies. For example, certain allergies are related to certain foods; by eliminating those foods, even hay fever can be eliminated. Cleanses, especially candida, liver or colon cleanses, can also be very effective in relieving allergies, as can homeopathics.

Consider becoming an early riser

Studies have shown that people who wake up earlier are healthier than night owls who miss out on morning light altogether. Especially after our long winter without light, it will be good for you to take advantage of the morning light and the vitamin D it provides. Vitamin D (when combined with a healthy diet) has been found to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer by two-thirds.

Get dirty

This has a few different connotations – feel free to explore whatever meaning you give to “dirty” (spring fever anyone?). However, I mean dirty in the most literal sense. Who here does not remember playing in puddles as a child? Heck, who doesn’t remember EATING mud when he was a kid? Exposure to a little dirt is not only good for your inner child (and your outer children), but exposure to bacteria is important for building a healthy immune system. So get out there and play in the mud!

eat seasonally

It’s the season to eat spring vegetables! When choosing vegetables, opt for a mix of flavors: mild, sour, hot, and spicy. A good example is a mix of dandelion greens, arugula, endive, frisée, radicchio, and endive. Spring greens are great for healthy bones and the digestive system, as they increase digestive juices and enzymes in the liver, pancreas, and stomach. Eat them before dinner to improve your overall health.

stop and smell the tulips

Even if you don’t know how to meditate, one of the most valuable principles is to live in the present. I realize you have a lot to do, we all do, but stop once in a while and just enjoy all the beauty in your life. Just do what you’re doing, just know where you are. Stop doing so many tasks at once and just be. Additionally, research shows that being outdoors can have benefits for both physical and mental health. So breathe everything in and stop worrying about everything, at least for a while.

Spring is full of transition and promise. enjoy it. If you need help with allergies, cleanings, or setting some goals to take advantage of the newness of spring, consult a holistic health professional.