
Shichida Method – How to use flash cards and what is the purpose?

As a mother, I have had a difficult time choosing between the different types of cards. How are parents supposed to know what to buy and what benefits it offers? Here’s some information I’d like to share to make your choice easier. The “Shichida Method” believes that flashcards provide knowledge to children and also help with the following:

Activating the right hemisphere

Children learn with the left side of the brain. However, when information is given at high speed, the memory of the right brain is activated. Therefore, it is important to flash the card at high speed to activate your child’s right brain and help him gain instant memory.

Connecting the left and right brain

During flashcard sessions, show the picture and read the words at the same time. The right hemisphere processes the image while the left hemisphere processes the words you say. This would help your child learn new words using the left side of the brain.

Now that you know more about how using flashcards can help your child’s brain, I’ll share with you the techniques I use when teaching my child with flashcards.

Methods for making use of flash cards

Do 2 or 3 sessions a day. Take a break if your child cannot sit up during a session. Do not repeat the same card game in one session. Flash less than one second per card or as fast as possible. Flash as many cards as possible per session. Start with 100 and slowly increase to 1000. Types of flash cards you can use Flash memory cards with pictures Multipoints Math (addition / multiplication, etc.) Shapes and objects … and others …

The benefits

This flash card method can help your child recognize and remember what you showed him. They can remember what you have shown them even after a long period of time.

I advise you to start using flash cards with your child as early as possible to make use of his rapid learning abilities, which is during the early childhood years.
