Digital Marketing

Online Prospecting Techniques For Unlimited Network Marketing Downlines

In general, there are two ways to get leads on the Internet: the free ways and the paid ways. Both ways are equally effective, it generally depends on how quickly you want to see results and your budget to determine which approach you are more comfortable with.

Free prospecting techniques typically consist of forum postings, organic search results, article directory submission, blogging, viral marketing, free press releases, and more.

Paid techniques, on the other hand, typically consist of pay-per-click (PPC), CPA advertising, paid banner advertising, sponsored reviews, paid press releases, co-registration lists, outsourcing, and more.

Most people tend to start with free online prospecting or traffic generation techniques because they are trying it out and don’t have the stomach for the monetary risk. For starters, you can sign up for a free blog and generate traffic there using the free techniques. However, you should at least invest in your own domain name for branding purposes. Using a blog is also a great way to get exposure in search engines just for posting about your network marketing product or to show yourself as an industry expert, especially for longer keywords with less competition. You can even get additional traffic by submitting your blog articles to article directories, participating in forums, and also commenting on other people’s blogs.

When you have made some money using the free techniques, you can start investing in paid traffic. One of the biggest advantages of paid online prospecting techniques is that you can get as much traffic as you want. With Google AdWords, for example, you can get traffic in as little as 15 minutes to half an hour. You can also invest in banner ads on other people’s blogs or websites. You can even sponsor bloggers to write a product review for you.

When you have traffic going to your blog, you want to make sure you capture their names and email addresses in exchange for a free ebook or special report that is highly related to your network marketing product. You can then send them a series of follow-up emails to pre-sell your business opportunity, and when the time is right, they will in turn become your long-term partners.