Home Kitchen

New Cabinet Knobs – The Profitable Renovation

As your cabinets age, they will inevitably succumb at one time or another to wear and tear, from years of use, day in and day out, to such an extent that even cabinet knobs will begin to look dull and outdated.

Regardless of where cabinets are placed, their knobs are put under a lot of stress on a day-to-day basis and aren’t necessarily very clean. Think about it: most of the time, when you open a cabinet door in your kitchen, do you have dirty hands? They are most likely soiled with grease and other food residues that can be found in the kitchen. Or even in the bathroom, for example, many people open their cabinet door right after shaving without even washing their hands, and traces of shaving cream can remain on the knob. There is no way around this other than wearing rubber gloves or washing your hands every ten minutes, so in order to maintain proper hygiene conditions, it is recommended to replace doorknobs every three to four years.

Looking at it from an aesthetic perspective, replacing old, drab cabinet knobs with newer, sleeker ones will already make your cabinets look years younger. It is imperative that the cabinet knobs you have chosen go well with your current style flow. Luckily, there are endless designs and materials to choose from, making it easy to find something to suit your style.

When looking to update your home with knobs, there are generally two ways to go about it. The easiest way would be to take out the knobs that are already in place, go to a home improvement store and look for something similar in size and style. It will make things easier as you will be able to fit your new handles where your old ones were without any hassle.

The second way is to find the exact style and dimensions desired knobs, and then the tools needed to expand or fill the holes to install the new handles. If after this you want to go a step further, you can go as far as refinish your cabinets and make them look like new.