Health Fitness

Natural Health – Shattered Energy Repair

Forgive me football fans… Last Sunday I went to the Eagles home opener here in Philly (I’m still singing “Fly Eagles Fly” in my head), and it literally blew my mind. I thought I knew what I was getting myself into because I watch the games on TV from time to time.

It always seems like everyone is having fun, cheering and all. I’m not really a soccer fan, but I went because I thought it would be a great experience and something very different for me. Little did I know that I would be watching the game with my fingers in my ears and my head between my knees (thank goodness for my yoga practice!).

The opening ceremonies touched my heart with the American flag being unfurled on the field during the National Anthem, that was really nice. But when the four fighter jets ceremonially flew overhead at lightning speeds, I had a “Hit the Deck!” reaction and in nanoseconds it created an energetic trench and dove (my training in Healing Sciences). Unfortunately it was not effective. The sound blast got me! I felt completely devastated (and then all I could think about was our guys and girls in the military experiencing this for real, and I feel tremendously compassionate and grateful to them).

At first I thought it was just me, but when the big, beefy soccer guys with green and bald heads sitting across from me started freaking out, I knew this was no small feat. If these guys were startled, dazed, and smashed (and had hard, dense energy fields), then my experience of my energy system (higher frequency) feeling smashed was not far-fetched.

And that was not the only devastating experience! There was a huge amount of fireworks at the end of the opening ceremony, and we were sitting right near where they were going off. Then every time there was a touchdown, and the Eagles scored big that day (woo-hoo Philly!), they would set off a fireworks display! Well, I don’t do fireworks. He never did. Fireworks are really painful for me.

After the opening and about 2 touchdowns (which was probably already about $100,000 – $200,000 worth of “entertainment” in fireworks and fighter jets) I had my little routine. Every time the fireworks went off, I would cover my ears until my index fingers were in the middle of my brain, scream at the top of my lungs (which mixed in with all the other screaming), and while everyone was jumping to cheer, I did the opposite. .

I slid back in my stadium chair until my head was on my seat and my legs and feet flailed along with everyone’s arms and hands; it was funny how no one noticed except my family members. My brother and sister-in-law who took me, didn’t know whether to laugh hysterically or apologize profusely. We all ended up laughing until we almost peed ourselves.

But when I got home I realized my energy field was shattered. I was exhausted, losing energy and feeling very “out of spell”. Why am I telling you this? Because there are many things that “break” our energy fields and very often people have no idea. They know they’re not feeling well, or they’re tired or dizzy or suddenly hypersensitive to things, but they don’t know why. In reality, most people don’t even know about their energy field, let alone think about how to care for it. Taking care of our energy field is one of the most important self-care approaches we can take. Let me explain what this “shattered energy” is all about, and this is a quick and advanced lesson in Energy Medicine:

We have structured levels as part of our energy field, like a template, and these can break or shake at certain events or encounters. The structured levels are structures on which the physical body subsists, so there is a direct connection to the body and the reasons why someone would feel so bad when the energy is shattered.

Here are some things that can wreck your energy:

–emotional disturbance
–being involved in or near an accident
–experiencing or witnessing severe pain
–loud arguments with people
–common loud noises, such as motorcycles and cars on the road that are unpleasantly loud

One of the best things you can do to repair a shattered energy field is to have an energy work session, such as Healing Touch, Reiki, Brennan work, or even acupuncture. Massage would even help. Not everyone is going to have that access right away, and the sooner you can get treatment after the devastating event, the better! But one thing you can do at home to help repair shattered energy is to use essential oils (therapeutic grade, of course, definitely not perfume grade). If you run an essential oil (such as White Angelica or Valor) in your field, it can help the structured levels of the field to repair themselves naturally.

Many “energy sensitives” like myself have to be very careful about where we go and what we expose ourselves to, and we need to know how to shield, protect, and repair the field (all can be done by running some eo through your field).

What did I do the night I got home from the Eagles game to repair my field?

–I did a body scrub (that’s for a future issue)
–took a lavender bath (that’s another good way to
obtain essential oils to repair our field)
–passed Valor through my energy field (see video below)
–lying on the bed, relaxed and meditated

. . .and I skipped the sports report on the news that night!