Health Fitness

Mono remedies you can find at home

You can find a lot of mono natural remedies right in your own kitchen and bathroom. These mono remedies are cheap, effective, and have none of the nasty side effects of conventional medicine.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular mono remedies:

throat pain

To ease the pain and discomfort of a sore throat, there are several mono-safe remedies you can try:

  • Gargle with a quarter teaspoon of sea salt mixed with a quarter cup of warm water. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to give it extra strength and numb the nerves of the inflamed tissue.
  • Drink a hot lemon tea. Add some grated ginger to give it more anti-inflammatory action.
  • Slowly dissolve a teaspoon of Manuka or medicinal honey in your mouth.
  • For a severe sore throat, place an ice cube in your mouth and let it dissolve. This is particularly good if you have difficulty swallowing, as it will keep you hydrated.

puffy tassels

  • Put a heat pack or hot water bottle over the area of ​​the swollen glands. This will bring some circulation and warmth to the area to help ease any discomfort.
  • Massage the swollen glands down with a little vegetable oil mixed with lavender or eucalyptus.


  • Sponge the body with warm water or take a warm bath. Do not use cold water as it can cool the body too quickly and cause chills.
  • Coriander seeds, crushed and filtered in boiling water for 20 minutes before drinking, can help reduce fever.


  • Adequate rest and uninterrupted sleep is one of the best mono remedies for tiredness. Try to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night plus an afternoon nap if you can get one.
  • Drinking plenty of water will hydrate your brain and can help with fatigue.
  • Burning some lavender or lemon oil in an oil burner or adding a few drops to your bath can ease tiredness.

respiratory symptoms

  • Eating plenty of foods that thin mucus, such as chicken broth, ginger, garlic, onions, and horseradish, can improve nasal congestion and loosen coughs.
  • Doing a steam inhalation with your head covered by a towel over a bowl of steaming water can help you breathe more freely.

body aches and pain

  • Epsom salt baths are good for relieving sore muscles as they are naturally high in magnesium, a muscle relaxant. Simply add a couple of cups to a warm bath before bed.
  • Massaging a little tiger balm can also bring warmth and healing to sore muscles.


Eating small, frequent meals of dry toast or crackers can ease nausea. Drinking ginger or peppermint tea can also be beneficial in settling the stomach.