
Life is made up of kindness and smiles

“Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations, given, are usually those that conquer and preserve the heart and ensure consolation.” Sir Humphry Davy

It doesn’t take much effort to be kind.

Imagine the following scenario: It’s 6:30 a.m. in early February in Northeast Ohio. It’s pitch black, 18°F outside, and winter winds are blowing at about 20 miles per hour. You are in front of a large health center, along with a group of adults, and everyone is waiting impatiently for a crossing guard to let you cross the street so you can go to work. Finally, the traffic light changes and everyone walks past the guard, frowning or ignoring him altogether.

If this was for you, what would you do when you passed the guard? Would you frown, or pause to consider that in less than two minutes you’ll be inside a nice, warm building while he’s still working outside in the bitter cold? Would you smile at him? Would you take a second and recognize him for what he’s doing? Think about it.

Several years ago, I was in that group of cold adults. I want to get into that building, believe me, and I was on my way. Instead of joining the crowd of frowning faces, I took a different tact. As I passed by, I put my hand on the crossing guard’s shoulder, smiled and said, “Dude, I’m so glad I’m not you today.” The expression on his face was priceless; he reads. Just for a moment, someone saw him in his discomfort and recognized him. Sometimes that’s all it takes.

In the scheme of things, this incident was an extremely small part of my day. However, when I recall the expression on that gentleman’s face, it brings back delightful memories and still makes me feel happy years later.

Think about the number of people you come into contact with on a daily basis. If you consciously took the time to see each and every one of those people, how many people would that be? 10? 25? 100? The thing is, you only need one. Connecting with one person at a time gives you a golden opportunity to make a difference.

A smile, a kind word, an act of kindness – that’s all it takes to make this world a little better place. Is there someone you see all the time but don’t take the time to acknowledge? How about changing that? Today, be sure to bring a smile to someone’s face. There are high chances that this act will also bring you happiness. And who knows, the memory of a brief encounter may still light you up years from now.

have fun,


The crossing guard, the cleaning person, the morning barista at your favorite coffee shop – who can you cheer up today?