
Let’s Dive Into the Past by Feasting on Elvis’s Diet

Elvis is a living legend. People say that when you are dead you are dead but in the case of Elvis it is the opposite. He is alive and continues to live among all of us. The number of fans of him continues to increase every year. His songs and dance style is something that really makes his fans go crazy for him. There are many different people commenting on the fact how his downfall began. Some say it was his drug and alcohol habit that caused him to decline at such a rapid rate, but looking a little further he found that he was eating really unhealthy.

It was shocking to learn that Elvis had a very bad eating routine. At that time there was no concept of a healthy diet and eating patterns as it is now. Let’s see what are the different meals that he used to have throughout the day. For breakfast he used to have six large eggs cooked in extra salted butter, a pound of bacon and a half pound of sausage, and 12 buttermilk biscuits. At dinner he used to have two Fool’s Gold sandwiches with a jar of peanut butter and a jar of strawberry jam, as well as a pound of crispy fried bacon on a loaf of bread as a double serving from the entire dinner menu.

At dinner Elvis had five double burgers and fried peanut butter and mashed banana sandwiches which he loved. He also used to have different snacks between meals. It is interesting to know that at breakfast he had about 5,000 calories of food and at dinner he had about 84,000 calories of food and at dinner about 5,000 more calories. All of these figures combine to about 94,000 total calories. The high calorie diet caused his death at such a young age along with alcohol and drugs. It should be learned from him that we must take care of what we eat, which can help prevent us from having serious diseases.