Health Fitness

Kinky Rapid Fat Loss: The Best Workout Strategies For Rapid Weight Loss

If you’ve ever asked a doctor about the best way to lose weight fast, then you know that the first thing they try to do is encourage you to do some low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise to burn off that belly fat. This type of exercise is often called cardio.

They recommend doing 30 to 60 relentless minutes of cardio about 3-5 times a week. They claim that this keeps your heart rate at a moderate level.

However, before you get involved with such a routine, consider some of the latest scientific research that gives credence to the fact that such cardio may not work as well for someone trying to lose weight quickly after all.

According to his research, our bodies are designed to perform physical activity in short bursts of effort followed by recovery. Therefore, the physical variety should be the key element for your weight loss training. For example, if you examine various sports, you will see that most athletes train with this “stop and go motion” (as it is sometimes called).

Additionally, scientists have known for decades that excessive resistance exercises lasting between 30 minutes and an hour only train the heart to a specific level. You just don’t fully engage your heart if you don’t vary your physical workouts.

To most fully benefit your rapid weight loss goals, what you need are the types of exercises that train your heart to increase rapidly and then decrease rapidly.

Well, I wish you the best of luck with all of your weight loss goals.