
Is not sufficient

Do you present a confident face to the world, while deep down in your heart you feel that you are not good enough? Maybe that means you’re not good enough at your job, maybe it means you’re not good enough as a mother or wife, maybe it just means you’re not good enough as a person. Regardless of what relates to your feelings of inadequacy, know that EFT can help you change how you feel about yourself so that the confident face you present to the world becomes your true face.

Often, there are childhood issues related to not feeling like you’re good enough. If you grew up in a dysfunctional or abusive family, or if you had parents who were more critical than praiseworthy, it’s hard to feel like you’re a good person. If the people who love you the most tell you, in word or deed, that you don’t measure up, you take it seriously. You internalize that message and it becomes a part of who you are and how you relate to others.

If you’re in a work or family situation and you’re criticized, or even questioned about something you said or did, you still have that hypercritical parent whispering in your ear, “They’re saying that because you didn’t do anything.” Pretty good job!” It’s easy to get defensive or even confrontational if you feel like he’s being attacked personally and that whisper in his ear tells you that’s exactly what’s happening.

Working with EFT can help you change the way you react in situations like this. EFT can restore your confidence and allow you to feel good about yourself and what you are doing. EFT can turn that feeling of not being good enough into “I’m sure it’s good enough!” and, in the process, you can make your life easier and more enjoyable.

You will also discover that as your behaviors change, those around you change the way they interact with you. By changing their dance steps in this relationship dance, you force them to change yours. As your confidence grows, others around you will feel that change and react positively. If the energy emanating from you carries the message: “I am a confident and competent person and I do a good job”, others will know and believe it.

All these wonderful results for the small amount of time you spend learning EFT and using it on a daily basis. EFT can literally change your life. find out. Learn it. use it. You’ll be so glad you did.

Tapping script for not feeling well enough

karate chop:

  • Even though I don’t feel like I’m good enough, I’m open to loving and accepting myself.
  • Even though I feel like nothing I do is good enough, and that’s pretty depressing, I’m working on loving and accepting myself.
  • Even though I feel like I’m not good enough, I hope this tapping will help me feel better, and I really want to love and accept myself.
  • Eyebrow: I never feel like I’m good enough
  • Inner Eye: No matter what I do or say
  • Under Eye: Sometimes I feel like I can’t do anything right
  • Under the nose: And that’s if the people around me really knew me
  • Chin: They wouldn’t want anything to do with me.
  • Collarbone: Because I’m not good enough
  • Underarm: I feel like I can never measure up
  • Top of head: And I really hate feeling that way.
  • Eyebrow: I hope I can tap away this feeling.
  • Inside eye: And start to see some good things about myself
  • Under Eye: Ready to start releasing some of those feelings of being worthy
  • Under the nose: letting go of my “not feeling good enough” feeling little by little
  • Chin: choose to start looking for the good things in me
  • Collarbone: As I slowly and surely let go of all those negative feelings
  • Underarm: I’m ready to feel good about myself.
  • Eyebrow: Continuing to release the feeling of “not good enough”
  • nside eye: Letting go of the bad image I have of myself
  • Under Eye: Beginning to embrace a feeling of self-confidence
  • Under the nose: When I realize I AM good enough
  • Chin: Releasing the last of the feeling of not being good enough
  • Collarbone: let it drain right out of my body
  • Under Arm: Replacing My Doubts With A Feeling Of Calm Confidence
  • Top of head: And feel good about who I am.