
Is Bitcoin safe?

Bitcoin is reportedly entering forbidden territory as it creates a series of controversies between “high” society and savvy digital investors. These digital marketers are trying to earn their share of the billion-dollar-a-day digital pie, while corporate society seeks to slow the spiraling rise in value of what appears to be a “monetary threat.” Some of those who strive to exploit the poor and vulnerable do not have this as they attempt to inoculate the masses in an attempt to stamp out this growing “digital monster”.

These seemingly corporate crooks continue to stifle how the less fortunate spend their money while trying to build financial cartels across the globe, but thanks to digital technology, Bitcoin has revolutionized money control in the 21st century!

The cons

Despite the growth of digital currencies like Bitcoins, it would behoove me not to reveal the cons of these virtual currencies. Due to the fact that your fingerprints are encrypted, they cannot be traced online. Although one gets the pleasure of privacy and security when trading, it provides another gateway to hide and make illicit transactions.

When this happens, drug dealers, terrorists, and other suspected culprits will continue to conduct their illicit trade undetected using Bitcoins.

The professionals

However, in the midst of monetary chaos, Bitcoins offer anyone tremendous investment opportunities and growth potential. No one controls virtual currency as it is accessible to the public in cyberspace and the value continues to rise while society stumbles over the rubble of inflation.

A common man in the streets can buy, save, trade, invest and increase his chances of financial success without the interference of government restrictions, controls and fiduciary regulations; hence spiraling inflations become a thing of the past.

Many truly believe that the number 1 problem in our society is establishing financial monopolies. When a corporation chooses to control currency, gold, and fuel, it uses its power to dictate how the money should be spent.

Regulations set by multiple large and wealthy corporations are only geared towards adding more wealth and power to their portfolio rather than benefiting borrowers seeking financial help. Also, those at the top try to drain the swamp so others can depend on them while they can become richer, but they can’t control the digital currency!

The brighter side of the coin

The time has come to open your eyes to the world and that is what Bitcoin is all about. Those trying to control the world are threatened by this Frankenstein, but I doubt they can stop it or call the shots. Currently, 1 Bitcoin is worth $844099.07 Jamaican dollars or $6895.80 US dollars. The cost of 1 Bitcoin in 2009 was 0.05 USD!