Home Kitchen

How to save some money on a new home construction project

Having your dream home built from scratch requires a ton of investment. You have to prepare a large amount of money, even just for the initial outlay.

However, construction companies say there are ways to save money on a new home construction project. These tips and strategies include the following:

• If granite countertops (an expensive building material) are part of your dream kitchen, if you want to save some money, put off installing this fixture. You can find less expensive countertops that are still attractive and that you can replace in the future, once you’re ready to pay for granite.

• Skip the splash guards first. While backsplashes will give your home an extra chic and charming touch, your kitchen and bathrooms can still look polished without these rather expensive features.

• Floor finishes are not only expensive but also time consuming. Keep in mind that you can temporarily postpone floor finishes in low-traffic areas until you’re ready to invest.

• Delay the construction of bonus rooms. Guest rooms, exercise spaces, and workshops are great areas or rooms to have in your new home. However, they are not essential to the daily life of your family. As such, if you want to save some money up front, opt to delay these rooms and finish them only when you have the budget.

• Save on your driveway. With new homes, a driveway can be an easy upgrade. Talk to your construction company and if they agree, and if the time of year is right, you can opt to leave a smooth dirt road until you can shell out money for paving.

• Jump on the cover. Although a deck can be both a functional and aesthetic outdoor feature, you’ll save a lot of money if you haven’t built one yet. And while you’re waiting for the deck to be built, be sure to always keep the patio door locked for the kids. Until this feature is complete, you can make use of the lower level patio.

• Finally, don’t invest in landscaping just yet. In the initial stage of construction, it is not yet necessary to invest in professional landscaping services. This is because landscaping is more of a finishing touch to your home and is something you can invest in over time. However, if you are interested in starting a beautiful lawn, during the construction project you can choose vegetation that will grow and spread over time to create a complete lawn.