Lifestyle Fashion

How to remove eye makeup

It is never a good idea to leave your eye makeup on overnight. It can stain and make you look unsightly in the morning or get into your eyes and possibly cause an infection. The skin around the eye area is sensitive and all makeup should be removed with caution.

It doesn’t matter how tired you are after a fun night out; never sleep with your makeup on. Although your skin may not react immediately to this bad habit; however, in the long run, it will really affect the quality and texture of the skin around the eyes.

Do you use lotion, bar soap, or your regular facial cleanser to remove eye makeup and mascara? The delicate skin around the eyes is seven times thinner than the skin on the rest of the face. It should be gently cleaned with the use of a makeup remover designed to care for the eye area. Follow these simple steps to keep your eye area healthy and remove makeup effectively:

Both baby oil and olive oil have the ability to remove eye makeup. Soak a cotton ball in the oil and wipe the area to remove makeup. You may want to use a dry cotton ball afterwards to absorb excess oil.

Apply petroleum jelly to the area. Vaseline is best used to remove eyeshadow. Place a dab on your finger and wipe the eyelids. Remove with a cloth.

· Buy a liquid eye makeup remover. You can buy inexpensive makeup removers that are particularly effective at removing waterproof mascara. Use a cotton ball or cloth to apply the product to your face.

· Try baby shampoo. Tearless baby shampoo is an option used by many women with sensitive skin. Use a cotton ball to apply the shampoo to the eye area. Rinse with a damp cloth.

Rinse your face after removing eye makeup to remove any eye makeup residue. Splash your face well with water.

One of the last things women often do before bed is to remove makeup, and many use natural oils for this task. These oils include olive oil in your kitchen cupboard, jojoba oil that you might be using as a moisturizer, and even castor oil that has a variety of medicinal uses. Once you’ve decided whether you want to use just one or experiment with a few, all you need are cotton pads or cotton balls and some water to begin removing eye makeup.

So next time you worry about avoiding those unwanted dark circles and wrinkles, make sure to remove your eye makeup regularly to keep your skin clean and healthy! Remember, breathe and let your skin breathe!