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How to have a positive reaction to change in the workplace

Change is all around us. It is happening to both you and me as I write this article. In the words of Charles Darwin, it is not the fittest who survive, but the creatures that adapt best to change. When a change occurs in our lives, it can be an overwhelming experience. The truth that many people are afraid to face is that change can be scary. Imagine that you just graduated and entered a new career. Suddenly you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment: new faces, new concepts and new ways of doing things. It can be overwhelming.

You need not fear this. What you can do is accept the change wholeheartedly. Everything is in your subconscious mind. You may realize it, but your mind loves change. Change may seem scary, but it is also exciting. Instead of trying to resist it, try to see the change as an opportunity to rediscover something new.

Chinese philosopher and author of the Art of War Sun Tzu said: Opportunities multiply as they are seized. This is exactly what happens when you embrace change. Here are some tips you can apply to respond to change in a positive way.

1. When you start to see changes in your workplace, gather as much information as you can about the change.

2. Introspect how these changes will affect you in the workplace. You may have to work with a new boss or your company has been taken over by a new management and a major reorganization is in the works.

3. See how you can adapt to the changing environment. Instead of just accepting the change, think about how you can contribute to the change. Perhaps your management team wants some ideas on how you can implement the changes objectively. Give them some suggestions on how this can be done. They will appreciate it more as it appears that you accept the changes and give the impression of how you can adapt to them.

4. Take Action: Imagine how the change will affect you and act accordingly. It may seem a bit tedious at first, but when you keep trying, you will definitely get better.

On a final note, the only other certainty in our life is the uncertainty that life provides. Remember that the changes you face are the emotion that gives you the edge to survive. When you