Legal Law

How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help: 8 Pros and Cons for Car Accident Victims

Statistics show that most Americans will be in at least one car accident in their lifetime, and car accidents are also the leading cause of death for people age 34 and younger. These occurrences can be attributed to many things: drunk driving, cell phone use behind the wheel, not wearing a seat belt. Whatever the reasons, the fact is that you yourself can be involved in a car accident when you least expect it.

With this in mind, here are 8 important do’s and don’ts for car accident victims. These tips can help you if you are involved in a car accident and are considering hiring a car accident attorney.

4 Backs for Car Accident Victims

1. Seek medical treatment after the accident if you are injured. Adrenaline or shock can make you feel like you’re okay, but you still need a doctor to confirm you’re okay. If you don’t feel well, describe your injuries to your doctor. Do not exaggerate. Just be sure to fully relate what has happened and where you need help.

2. If your doctor asks you to come back for another checkup, do so. Again, you may feel like you’re fine now, but. It is best to follow the doctor’s instructions.

3. Have all your medical bills billed to your health insurance company. The at-fault insurance company will eventually pay the bills, but that doesn’t happen until the case is settled. In the meantime, your health insurance company will take care of your medical bills.

Four. Take pictures showing any property damage to your vehicle from the accident. It is good practice to have visual evidence of damage for documentation purposes.

4 Things Car Accident Victims Should Not Do

1. Do not give a recorded statement of what happened to anyone without first consulting with a car accident attorney. This is just to make sure you don’t say anything that could negatively affect your case if you decide to file a claim.

2DDo not sign releases for the release of your medical records. Again, without proper legal advice from an experienced car accident attorney, signing anything is never a good idea. Before you give someone permission to do something, make sure you fully understand your rights.

3. As tempting as it may be, don’t post anything about the accident or your injuries on any social media sites. Do not, under any circumstances, tweet or post on Facebook about how you were in a car accident, unless you get prior approval from a car accident attorney. Try not to share any accident information with anyone.

Four. Do not write about the accident, your injuries, or medical treatment in your diary or diary. Again, do not believe any written or recorded account of your experience without consulting a car accident attorney. This is not because you are thinking of filing a lawsuit, but just to make sure you don’t do anything that could sabotage your claim should you decide to file one.

Unfortunately, car accidents are a fact of life for Americans. No one wants to be involved in one, but the fact is that the more you know, the better decisions you can make. Consulting with a car accident attorney is just one way to make sure you have all the information you need.