Shopping Product Reviews

Home Windmills Go Hollywood

Homemade windmills are gaining popularity and now Hollywood is jumping on the bandwagon. Windmills are no longer just for farmers and interest in them is at an all time high.

Jay Leno recently installed a state-of-the-art windmill in her home garage as part of an ongoing effort to make her garage more self-sufficient and go green with energy.

The windmill at Leno’s house is capable of producing 10 kilowatts at a wind speed of 28 miles per hour and has a wind speed cutoff of 6 miles per hour. Leno also said he plans to augment the windmill with rooftop solar panels to further help produce his own power.

Actor Ed Begley, Jr. is also part of the windmill movement. Actually, he was part of the green energy movement long before going green was cool. Begley is part owner of a wind turbine project in Palm Springs and first got involved in it back in 1985. Begley likens the turbine to an “old Studebaker,” which he says is still working. The power produced by the wind farm is sold to a utility in Southern California.

At his home in Studio City, California, Begley also uses not only wind power but also solar power. Two slates of 117 solar panels and a so-called urban windmill typically generate enough power for her 1,700-square-foot, two-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom home. “No coal, no nuclear,” Begley, 57, says proudly. “I sometimes go weeks without going to the grill.” No stranger to the green movement, Begley bought an electric car in 1970 and uses rain barrels to collect water for his garden. He also uses solar energy to cook in his outdoor oven.

If you’re considering installing a windmill in your home to help lower your electricity bills, you may be disappointed when you find out how much manufacturers cost for their “windmill kits.” Of course, if you are a Hollywood celebrity, the price is not an issue. But for the rest of us, price is an important consideration.

With the large initial investment required to purchase a home windmill, many people cannot justify the expense, considering that it will take too long to recoup the money initially spent to recoup in terms of savings.

Thousands of people around the world have discovered that there is an alternative to the expensive windmills sold by manufacturers. Most people are pleasantly surprised when they find out that they can build a homemade windmill for a surprisingly low price. Contrary to what some believe, building an affordable wind power system is much easier than you might imagine.

Using common tools found in every home, a home windmill can easily be built and installed by anyone with average mechanical skills. As is the case with any project, the better informed you are, the better the chances of success. With the right guidance and knowledge, building an efficient home windmill system is now within everyone’s reach.