Lifestyle Fashion

Golf: Instantly cure the optical illusion caused by your cut

Would you like to know the optical illusion caused by your golf slice and cure it instantly? Or, would you like to spend the rest of your life reading golf books, magazines and videos and using idiotic “Tin Cup” gadgets and never finding the cure for your dreaded golf cut until you go to heaven and your tombstone says, ” I could never drive to cure his golf chop.”

Doesn’t it seem strange to you that your self-esteem is tied to your last game of golf? If your lawn is overgrown with weeds and you mow it, the weeds will always come back. It is important to get to the root of the problem; otherwise, your portion will always come back. You have to get down on your knees with your $2 weeder and pull the weeds out by the roots. It is important to know the optical illusion that is causing your cut and it is important to know how to cure it with a simple movement. Then you can get your self-esteem back from the portion that ruins your life.

Have you had 500 golf lessons to cure your slice every time you think “Got it!” after taking a couple of good direct hits and ending the lesson on a high note only to have your slice come back like a bad cold the next time you hit the links? Do you feel embarrassed like a complete fool every time this pattern reoccurs?

There are countless fabulous golf instructors. Where are they? Are they hiding under the rocks like the financial advisor who took his retirement fund?

They say there are five fundamentals to golf. There is only one. Let’s say your golf pro looks at his setup and sees that his shoulders are aligned to the left. Then see that you pull the stick out and at the top your left wrist is cupped. Then you go down from the outside to the inside, cut the ball and cut repeatedly. Ask yourself this: “Is it in my golf pro’s best financial interest to cure all of this instantly, or would I make more money by letting myself suffer for the rest of my life in chronic agony?” Ask him?

OK The time has come to put you out of your misery once and for all, and for free, instantly. Focus now. Take your leadership position. Look down at your hands. Where does the cleft between the left thumb and forefinger point? You know it’s supposed to target your right shoulder and it is, right? Wrong. This is the optical illusion that is ruining his life, keeping him in range until nightfall, and ruining his marriage.

Arnold Palmer says in his book that you should spend the first year of your golf career working on your grip. It is important to place the grip from the tip of the middle finger of the index finger just above the little finger and then place the heel of the left hand on the grip, so that the club is lifted correctly in the backswing; but you knew

Now go back to your address position. Look at your hands. Look at where the indentation between the thumb and forefinger points. She’s pointing at your right shoulder, right? Wrong. This is the optical illusion that is messing up your shoulder alignment and golf swing and causing the cut. Here’s how to instantly and permanently cure it and stop cutting golf balls in the woods and proper sand traps. From your address position with a 7-iron, use your hands to lift your 7-iron until your hands are in front of your midriff and the shaft of your golf club is perfectly vertical to the ground, straight up and down, and your head of the golf club. it is pointing to the sky. Now remove your right hand from the club. Now, where does the cleft between the left thumb and index finger point? “OMG! It’s aiming for my chest! My grip is too weak! This opens up my shoulders at address, forcing me to pull the stick out and cut it! OMG! I’m healed!”

Now turn your left hand a little clockwise, to the right, until the indentation is pointing at your right shoulder, but no further than that or it will catch. Suddenly, his shoulders are parallel to the line, his club is taking the right path back, returning to the ball the right way, and his cut is gone. A lifetime of working on the alignment of his shoulders, his golf swing, and making all sorts of trade-offs, all because when he looks at his hands at address, an optical illusion makes him see that his cleft is pointing at his right shoulder when in fact it is. slit is pointing to your chest. Don’t be mad at your golf pro, he didn’t know either. From his position he is prone to the same optical illusion. Give the boy a break. For millions of years everyone thought the earth was flat. No one knew that the earth was the same shape as a golf ball. Has no sense.