Digital Marketing

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Digital Marketing for WordPress Websites

If your search term is not a good fit for your business, too competitive, or just a keyword that is not generating enough traffic, then you may be wasting your time. If you’re hospitalized and you don’t do the market research, you may be banging your head against the wall.

Digital Marketing for WordPress

Online market research is very easy, accessible and honest. It’s relentless and available at your fingertips.

What are keywords?

Generally speaking, keywords are the words or phrases that people use to ask a question.

Free tools for market research

Most of the time, this step is skipped because let’s face it, this step is not sexy.

1. Google Keyword Tool

Google has tools that are free and that you can use to do market research. This tool allows you to access the database of data that Google creates through AdWords. Google AdWords is a product that Google uses to sell advertising space to people who want to advertise for a specific keyword.

The top 3 metrics we’re looking for to find a keyword worth targeting are:

  • volume (how many local monthly searches for this keyword)
  • competition (# of websites advertising this keyword)
  • commercial value

2. Google trends

It shows us the number of people who use a search by keyword during a certain time. This is important because you don’t want to waste time working on SEO for a keyword that is trending down and fewer people are searching for the keyword.

3. Google statistics

It gives us a deeper look at the search behavior of a keyword. It gives you more information about a keyword, such as where, and allows you to make a more informed decision.

Three important concepts to choose the right keyword

1. Volume – the number of people searching for a keyword

2. Competence – What is our competition doing in the market? What clues are they giving Google. We need to look at the quality and competition in the market for a keyword. If there is a lot of strong competition for a keyword, you may want to go ahead and choose a different keyword. If a keyword is being advertised by many people, it could mean that there is business value around the keyword.

3. market samurai – Eavesdrop on customers and analyze your competition to decide if a keyword is worth searching for.

WordPress and SEO

So we’ve put together a list of what we consider to be the best WordPress SEO marketing tools. WordPress is by far the best CMS and blogging tool for SEO and business professionals. One of the reasons is the large number of free plugins available. So, take your time to complete your market research and focus on the right keywords to increase traffic with digital marketing for WordPress.

Free WordPress SEO Tools

  • Social Locker (free version)
  • WP Social SEO Pro (Free Version)
  • Member S2 (free version)
  • WPRobot (free version)
  • Thirsty Affiliates (Free)