
Food for ferrets: make the right choice and enjoy many healthy and fun years together

So you’ve brought home a couple of ferrets, wonderful new pets for your family to enjoy and love. You’ve brought a cage and toys, as well as cozy bedding. But what do you feed them? Fortunately, ferret food does not have to be expensive.

Ferrets love meat and when they live in the wild they eat mice, rabbits, frogs and insects. But unless your home is infested with rodents or bugs, you probably want to feed them something a little simpler…and not so messy.

Many people who adopt ferrets choose to feed their new pets ferret food, available at most pet stores. These friendly little animals can also eat cat food, although they must receive the one made for kittens. They need more protein than cats, especially when they are less than five years old. Look for a chicken-based cat food, which you should be able to find in any supermarket or big box store.

Avoid any type of ferret food that contains a lot of fish. Although ferrets love fish, it will make their litter boxes smell bad. So look for chicken or beef as the main ingredient in their regular meal, and your ferrets – and you – will be happy.

But variety is important when it comes to ferret food. After all, eating the same thing day after day can be boring. And if you don’t provide some variety in your ferrets’ food, it will be difficult for you to give them supplements or medication if they ever need it. Ferrets are usually very young when they determine what is food and what is not. You can’t expect a ferret that has been raised on one type of kibble after a meal to suddenly accept something new.

So give them some real meat once in a while. Chicken, beef, or pork are good options for stallion feed. You can feed it raw or cooked. Just be aware that a ferret that has never eaten raw food before could experience an upset stomach. Therefore, it is a good idea to start eating raw meat early, allowing them to get used to it.

You can also give him shrimp or fish, but only in small amounts. Again, this is mainly because it can give your litter boxes a strong, unpleasant odor that no one in the household, including ferrets, will appreciate.

Stallion chow can also include the occasional treat… very occasionally. They like fruits and vegetables, but these contain a lot of fiber and sugar, so ferrets can only eat very small amounts. Give them small, tiny, really, cucumbers or apples. You can even give them some mashed bananas.

Avoid giving dairy products to your pets as they become lactose intolerant after weaning. Also avoid any foods that contain large amounts of vitamin A, such as carrots. This can be poisonous to ferrets. Never give chocolate, coffee, garlic or onions to ferrets. Ferret food should also not be highly seasoned or salty. Too much sugar is also bad for them.

In general, ferret food should consist of high-quality kibble, some raw meat, and an occasional bite or two of fruits and vegetables. Your vet can advise you more specifically, especially if problems occur. But if you feed your new pet correctly, it will be with you for many years.