
Event Decoration Committee – What are my duties?

Event decoration for adults is a little different than a typical child’s birthday party. Sure, you can pick a theme and then search the internet to see what’s available, but 9 times out of 10, your search results will be geared toward children’s parties.

Some decorations can be adapted to wear with anyone, but I don’t recommend decorating an adult gala event with toilet paper and some balloons. It will give your guests the impression that you didn’t care enough to plan and execute a decorating scheme. And, with a fundraising event, this can be detrimental. You are asking guests to spend a lot of money to attend this event (babysitters, ticket prices, buying auction items, event attractions, etc…). They want to be entertaining, fun, and feel important.

The other end of the spectrum is hiring an event planning service or having unlimited funds at your disposal. None of these options may suit your budget. If not, then it’s time to visit the “middle” option.

Most events have a general committee made up of the event chair and the sub-committee chairs. Decorating is usually a subcommittee that deals with planning the decor for an event. This can include any number of areas within the event (room, table, buffet, auction tables, entrances, etc.) and I recommend that you cover all of these areas and any others where some form of decoration is needed.

This will make it easier to keep track of the decorating budget and who is responsible for what. I also recommend that the Decorating Chair work closely with other committees that will also be using the chosen “Theme.” It is necessary to have cohesion, a sense of continuity when dealing with a subject.

For example, let’s say you decided as a committee that your theme will be “Ancient Egypt” and your color scheme will be gold, purple, and teal. Big!

Now, at a full meeting of all committees, she learns that the “Print/Marketing” committee has decided to use a red font and leis on the invitation. Hey? Uh-oh: great “one hand doesn’t know what the other hand is doing” scenario.

This can and should be nipped in the bud. A theme/mood and colors should be decided at the outset so that all committees work towards the same end.

Duties could include the following (and anything else unique to your event).

• Get volunteers for your committee. (Remember to use anyone with a background, knowledge, or contacts who might be helpful to the decorating committee.

• The decoration should create an atmosphere for the event. Make a detailed plan of all decorating needs/wants.

• Your decorating plan should be in accordance with the rules of the venue and within the boundaries of the theme (if you have one).

• Work with other committees where decorating will overlap (ie food, entertainment, auction tables, invitations, etc.)

• Purchase of decoration, assembly and disassembly of the decoration.

• Reimbursement/purchase orders for decorations – report to Finance/Budget committee.

• Keep the President General informed of all your plans (previous communication can avoid problems later).

Following a POA (plan of action) can make your job as a decorating chair or committee member much easier. Research and advance planning are key to a successful event. Have fun! Let your creativity flow and your event will be unforgettable!