
Contemporary Globe Outdoor Lights for Modern Spaces

Contemporary Globe Outdoor Lights for Modern Spaces

If you want to elevate the ambiance of your home with contemporary lighting, consider a globe pendant lamp. These spherical fixtures come in many shapes and styles, but they all share their calming serenity as well as ample lighting output.

These gorgeous fixtures can be showcased in any room where they will draw attention, from the kitchen to the foyer. These lights are also available in a variety of finishes and shades to complement the design style you’re aiming for.

Modern Wall Sconces

Modern wall sconces add lighting to your home without taking up floor space or cluttering your globe outdoor lights. These fixtures are great for illuminating dark corners or areas of interest, like an art piece or book.

They also add a touch of elegance to your modern or mid-century exteriors. Look for spherical or orb designs in a variety of silhouettes and finishes to complement your architecture.

These versatile fixtures are perfect for adding a warm glow to your home’s entryway, a garden path or an outdoor stairwell, and they come in many styles to match any architecture and color palette.

They also add illumination in your kitchen, bathroom, hallways and bedroom. They can be used as ambiance or task lighting, and some have a bulb that extends to direct the light to specific areas.

Mid-Century Modern Outdoor Lighting

A great way to add a touch of vintage flair to any exterior space is with mid-century modern outdoor lighting. These fixtures combine elements of traditional and contemporary design into a clean, uncluttered look that will make your home more attractive while also enhancing its safety.

Outdoor lighting is essential to patios, porches, pathways, gardens, and pools. It allows you to enjoy these areas at various times of the day and makes them more inviting to guests.

The ideal lighting for these spaces depends on the specific visibility needs of the area. For example, a pool needs brighter, more directed lighting to increase visibility, while patios benefit from softer lighting at ground-level bordering walkways or decks.

To determine the best amount of light for your specific needs, measure the distance from the nearest door to the area that needs light, and divide that number by 3. This will give you the amount of light needed for safe nighttime navigation around your home or garden.

Outdoor Globe Sconces

Modern lighting accents, such as outdoor globe sconces, can be a great way to add a unique and stylish design to your home. These wall lights provide soft illumination for a welcoming effect and are ideal for walkways, patios, and other exterior areas.

There are a lot of options to choose from, from traditional incandescent bulbs and LED lights to solar wall sconces that can be powered by the sun. These lights are more energy efficient and lower your carbon footprint while providing beautiful light for your outdoor space.

Outdoor Globe Pendants

Globe pendant lights are a favorite of modern spaces for their beautiful aesthetics and ample lighting output. They are available in a wide variety of sizes, finishes and styles and can be easily incorporated into your home’s existing decor.

Modern globe pendant fixtures enclose a light bulb within an elegant sphere, often-but not always-made of glass. The globe can also be etched for a soft diffused glow.

Outdoor globe pendants can be a perfect fit for your patio or covered porch. They are available in a variety of sizes, shapes and finishes and can be mounted using catenary or canopy suspensions.

The best way to find the right globe pendant fixture for your space is to consider your own style preferences. You can choose from simple and understated to dramatic and glamorous, but if your tastes are contemporary, you’ll want a minimal design that’s as clean and stylish as possible.