
Choose from pop-up vans and caravans for sale

If you are looking for a different kind of vacation that you can take anywhere, you may want to look at campers for sale. These travel trailers have a small lounge area and other features that can be attached to a truck bed or towed behind your vehicle. Your budget, your family size, and desired characteristics can determine which type is best.

Truck body type

If you have a truck, you may be interested in truck bed RVs for sale. As the name suggests, this type sits on the bed of your truck, so you can take it anywhere your vehicle can go. They are not difficult to load or unload as a motor raises the frame with simple controls. You’ll back the truck underneath it, lower it, clamp it down as instructed, and you’re ready to go. If you ever want to travel far from your campground, it is easy to unhook so you can use your truck for other purposes.

You can add almost any function to make your trip more enjoyable and convenient. Many people have television, generator, satellite dish, and more. If you have other things to haul, like another vehicle, a boat, or a storage unit with extra supplies, your hitch will not be affected. You don’t lose any of your truck’s abilities when using this type, except for truck bed space. Because it is attached to your vehicle, you will not need a separate license plate. You may need to check with your insurance agent to see if additional coverage is needed on your auto policy, but you shouldn’t need a separate policy.

A big consideration with this guy is making sure your vehicle is built to handle it. Look at the information in your truck manual or inside the door, and make sure the weight of the vehicle plus the caravan does not exceed its limits.

Pop-up window type

Pop-up caravan is a lightweight structure that unfolds and emerges into a small living room. Most vehicles have no problem transporting it and it folds out easily when it reaches its destination. The walls are much like a tent, so you can enjoy the smells and sounds outside more, but you are not actually on the ground.

Similar to the truck box type, you can also enjoy functions such as microwave, television, and more. This type, however, is not suitable for extreme temperatures. A heater or air conditioner can be installed to help on very hot or cold days.

When it comes to towing a pop-up, many vehicles will do. Full- or mid-size cars, trucks, SUVs, and family vans can generally accommodate weight. As with the truck body type, check your manual for maximum shipping weights.

With either type, it’s a good idea to store it with the things you’ll need so it’s ready when you are. Some basic supplies would be kitchen utensils, bedding, toiletries, and non-perishable food. Then all you have to do is decide where to go!

If you like the outdoors but want a little more protection from the elements than a tent, take a look at motorhomes for sale in your area. A trained staff member will be able to listen to your camping plans and recommend an option that is best for you, while still staying within your budget.